Nine-Eyed Spider

A guild of assassins in Gilaphos.


The members of the guild take orders directly from Vesper, who contacts fhem mostly via coded messages. Conversations are scarce and to the point.


In contrast to its public image, the Nine-Eyed spider follows rules.   The core value of the guild is to kill only those who deserve it. A lowly thief, honest noble or innocent person must not be accepted as a target.   Acting against that core principle will result in immediate expulsion, or even becoming a target yourself.   Anonymity is another core value. Every member assumes a nickname and only the guild's leader, Vesper, knows of the member's true identity. This anonymity ensures the future of the guild even if a member slips up and gets caught.   In addition to a nickname, every member gets a symbol associated with them. This symbol is used as a signature to communicate with other guild members, usually to mark claimed targets.

Public Agenda

The Nine-Eyed spider operates in the dark and aims to deal with corruption in Gilaphos.


The guild has hideouts in all major towns that members can use. Other than that, members are expected to pay for their own tools and clean up after themselves.   Guild contacts that can be approached by the public to put out hitjobs usually change their hideout quite frequently, so they're expected to find new hideouts themselves.
Guild, Assassins
Alternative Names
Assassin's Guild
Notable Members

Articles under Nine-Eyed Spider