Argynvostholt Building / Landmark in Age Of The Imperium | World Anvil
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High above the river valley juts a quiet promontory upon which looms a sepulchral mansion, its turrets capped with fairytale cones, its towers lined with sculpted battlements. A third of the structure has collapsed, as has part of the roof, but the rest appears intact. A dark, octagonal tower rises above the surrounding architecture. The structure stands silent, seeming like the fossilized remains of some long-dead thing smote upon the mountainside.
  A winding branch of the Old Svalich Road meanders up the forested slope of a mountain spur to the old mansion of Argynvostholt, which is perched on high ground overlooking the Svalich Woods and the Luna River valley.  


Legends say the mansion was built over the remains of a fallen dragon and was once home to an order of powerful knights who guarded the Dibril Valley against evil. These knights betrayed the Countess Ravna van Roeyen, and so she destroyed them. Argynvostholt has become a haunted ruin, a former bastion of nobility and light turned into a place of desolation and unrest.  
Mansion / Villa
Parent Location


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