Niomi Mietner Character in Aither | World Anvil
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Niomi Mietner

Queen Niomi Mietner

If I am to accept such a deal from a criminal in a time of need, can I really be the beacon of hope my country needs? Can I really be their queen?" - Niomi.
  Niomi Mietner is the current ruler of the country of Alderhardt, succeeding her late father after his assassination at the hands of the druid, Ashara Zylris. She is one of the youngest rulers that the country has had coronated, with her also being the first Queen to rule Alderhardt. Many worry that she is too green for the role, and that the reputation Alderhardt has will suffer, due to Niomi not being the warrior kings that her predecessors were. Despite this, Niomi has proved many wrong with her first act, once again sending soldier to the deserts of Oshal, undoing her father's greatest mistake.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Sole child of Royalty

There was always a great deal of pressure on Niomi, given that she was the sole child of the current king, who had no siblings of his own. Her father always tried to keep her safe, preventing her from leaving the city of Kitzstadt. Because of this, she would not grow up to a warrior like her father. Instead, she became much more of a diplomat and public speaker, meaning that she dealt with a lot of the internal affairs as an adult, due to her father spending most of his time fighting abroad in the deserts of Oshal. Being left in the city all her life led her to developing a  sense of wanderlust, which she never though she would be able to fulfil, despite her royal status.   

Ascending to the Throne

After the assassination of her father during Kitzstadt's Founding Festival in 481ADE, Niomi, despite being just a princess, essentially had to take over as the country's ruler. After the entire ordeal, Niomi was crowned as queen, with many believing, after the strange events that occurred, she could be a decent ruler, although many still doubt the young woman. She did win back the people's overall faith in the crown by declaring that they would once again invade the deserts of Oshal, causing many to believe that Niomi's reign has gotten of to the right start.


Niomi Mietner

Daughter (Vital)

Towards Florian Meitner



Florian Meitner

Father (Vital)

Towards Niomi Mietner



Current Location
Date of Birth
26th of Alcelle
Year of Birth
457 ADE 25 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization

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