Siona Anari Character in Aither | World Anvil
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Siona Anari

One of the rarer elven Knights of Alderhardt, Siona is a lieutenant of the elite force, being the main commanding officer in the city of Strale, acting a lot like a glorified guard captain. Her name is more so associated with her cousin, Faenor Anari-Fellon, given her fame with The Gauntlet of Kitzstadt. Despite this, Siona is a reasonably known knight in her own right, known for doing fairly well in tournaments and being responsible for keeping the streets of Strale safe, being a far more impressive feat given the city's older reputation for corruption.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Raised in Alderhardt

With her parents being fairly affluent for elven born Alderhardt citizens, they moved from the elven city of Valenrouse to the trade capital of Strale, choosing to do so after the capture of Siona's aunt and uncle by the yuan-ti of Oshal. She would be raised in the town, being brought up as one that valued honor and justice, eventually becoming a soldier, then a knight to fight for these values. Although she was too young to have ever met her aunt and uncle, the fact that they were robbed from her by the yuan-ti was enough to give her the drive she need to want to bring the fight to the yuan-ti.  

Meeting Lost Kin

Years would pass, and Siona would hear that she had a cousin, liberated by the yuan-ti after a successful battle at one of their slave camps. She was the first to welcome her cousin, Faenor, back to civilisation, adjusting her to a society that she had only previously heard of. They grew reasonably close in the short time they knew each other, but it would not last, as Faenor would leave to join the Ridrose Institute of Magic soon after her liberation, and her life would go down a road of adventure ever since that day. The two met again when Faenor left for the Feywild, falling out of contact after that. They did meet once since then, with Siona being invited to Faenor's wedding, but communication has been sparse.
Date of Birth
43rd of Zorfis
Year of Birth
362 ADE 120 Years old
Long, Silver
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

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