CAMP Board of Governors
BOARD OF SCHOOL GOVERNORS Octavia Basil - keeps a close eye on things for her father, but doesnt want to see the school shut down
Oliver Eltoris - Wants the school to keep going
Hileria Starbrook - Wants the school to keep going
Alton Longbranch - appointed by the Gods and the new Vice Principal
Randolph Tarring - Regional head of the Tarring bank, very old, not very attached to the school or the city of Bliznia
Thomas Bareak - kind and caring, and a liar of Baalzebul , killed the DA and later turns on Percival Bloom during the Bliznian Civil War
Percival Bloom - Head of the board and Headmaster
Known History
Established during CAMP Year One . They take over the school after a number of students die.In CAMP Year Two they are used by Percival Bloom to expel many students and cancel all sports, and put in place a major lock down. After the The Wedding of Percival Bloom and Octavia Basil the lockdown loosens up as Percival has more to deal with. The board is split during the Bliznian Civil War but when Naatal Saorosi(sp?) returns they agree to make her Headmaster.