Boys and Girls Club of Bliznia


A Youth organization in Bliznia .    A front for the East Side Cobras   During CAMP Year One , many of the cast stayed there during the school shut down.
It was also featured in CAMP Year Two and was a central target during the Bliznian Civil War . .

Current Members

  Folantis Pluma    

Prior Members

  Theo Atzetari  

Known History

During CAMP Year One it was a common place to find Theo Atzetari and his allies, including Rhubarb .
During CAMP Year Two it was a central location of the Bliznian Civil War when Toots set it up as a target for Thomas Bareak and Percival Bloom . Folantis Pluma and Hyria Valeriana end up saving Toots and many others, the club is evacuated to College for Adventurers at Minos Point for safety as the war continues.


The Boys and Girls Club of Bliznia serves as a front for the East Side Cobras, specifically for their underage operations. It likely provides a cover for various illicit activities, while outwardly appearing as a community center for local youth. This dual nature allows the Cobras to recruit, train, and involve younger members in their operations, all under the guise of a legitimate organization.


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