CAMP Session 66

A part of CAMP
Within CAMP Year Two
CAMP Session 66
Learning Elvish and Nature's Vibes: The group spends time listening to the sounds of nature as part of learning Elvish. The vibes they pick up convey discontent, unrest, anger, and fear, likely tied to the current events in Bliznia .
Cookie Antics: Folantis Pluma makes cookies, but they turn out to be overly salty, leading to some humorous antics.
Spreading Pamphlets: Folantis finds the pamphlet that Alton was reading and spreads copies across campus.
Teacher Encounters: The group encounters a rogue teacher, Voorx Yars , who plans to meet them in Heagwin Helstain 's room. Before the teacher arrives, Thomas Bareak stops by and asks Haeg about getting plants for Alvis Sifuentes . Haeg admits to providing what he has on hand, but the group starts suspecting that Thomas might be the one who kidnapped the Botany teacher.
Planning the Robbery of Basil's Mansion: The group discusses when to rob Basil's mansion, considering either doing it in two hours or sometime over the weekend. They realize they need to figure out how to break into the vault before rushing in, and consider seeking help from Desmond at theThe Snake Pit . They use a memory device from CAMP Year One on Belwas Garcia and get a layout of the mansion, including the Trophy Room where a crazy mechanical arcane lock likely secures the safe.
They map out the first and second floors and determine what’s needed to break in:
  • Radiant damage: Haeg
  • Necrotic damage: Folantis
  • Wild magic surge: Folantis
  • Mortal blood sacrifice: Anyone
  • Devil blood sacrifice: Haeg with a ritual
  • Three keys: Held by Basil, Percy, and Octavia (they plan to steal one and use knock/silence spells for the other two locks).
  Eavesdropping Issue: Thomas Bareak is revealed to have listened in on the entire conversation, which complicates their plans. This episode revolves around planning a heist, with the group gathering critical information and resources but facing a new challenge when they realize someone has been eavesdropping on their discussion.



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