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The patient hunters of swamps, the crocodilians known as the Kurovak are quite quite similar to the iruxi and the garuvak in physiology. Long lived like their sharkfolk cousins, kurovak are known for their devastating bites. They are extremely methodical, and can quietly sit on a simmered rage for hours before suddenly exploding. With powerful muscles, a raging kurovak is a force on the battlefield few want to tangle with.   Kurovak in terms of disposition are slow in just about everything they do. They like to be lazy, bask in the sun, and feed only when needed. While slow to anger, once they're set off they tend to be quite destructive. They hold grudges like no other, and they've been known to extend that hatred towards those related to the offender. Disputes between kurovak tend to get bloody, with one side either lamed or dead. Luckily for them though, they don't tend to make each other mad.   Unlike garuvak, kurovak can't be bothered to get jaded. They enjoy their long and simple lives. They're the type to wait as long as elves when it comes to making decisions, and they're not really interested in the wonders of the world. A few become adventurers, but it's more like a phase in their life to make a name for themselves if anything.   Kurovak are sort of solitary creatures. They form tribes and villages in swamps, and while not innately hostile to those that would visit, they're not exactly welcoming. They talk to each other very rarely, usually they form their relationships during the hunt. A ritual to them, they'll pick a formidable target of the swamps, usually a dangerous creature like a froghemoth. They will plan for months, observing its habits. When they're ready, they'll form a bask and begin the hunt. Here they may earn honor and glory amongst their peers, each trying to prove their might. It's one of the few things kurovak will actually try at.   Kurovak are very doting parents. They know that their long lives will cause them to outlive their partner, so they usually try to engage with another long-lived race, such as elves and other kurovak. They normally would seek garuvak, but they tend to be "off to the store to get milk" types of parents. Kurovak have been known to get with other races, and tribes are usually more than willing to accept them as honorary kurovak. This is rare though, and usually those close to the kurovak try to sway them out of such a decision.   When it comes to family, kurovak are especially vicious. They'll treat any threat with the maximum amount of force they can muster straight away. They form very close bonds with friends, even if they don't act it. They just take life slow. With their children though, they'll be very active. They'll try to teach them everything they can, go out of their way to get them to try new things, that sort of deal. Kurovak young tend to be reckless and somehow even more lazy. They'll set themselves up for disastrous failure, and it's up to the tribe to keep them out of it.   Religion is a simple thing to kurovak. They enjoy the war god Vin Kon Junai, the god of family Yis, god of nature Sham'oh Thalia, and more. The snake gods Silinthinius and Utosserix are always forefront in reptilian beliefs, though funnily enough they don't hold a grudge against dragons and wyvaran. Some say the kurovak never partook in the uprising against dragonkind, too fat in their mired swamps to be bothered. Good luck to any who say that to their faces and think they're keeping it afterwards.  


Kurovak are rather hulking, averaging around 6"8 and weighing close to 270-370lbs. They are usually green with yellow underbellies, yellow to black eyes, and huge jaws. They have two 4 digit webbed hands, and 2 digitigrade or plantigrade legs. They often have thick primeval bone spikes along their spine, and a long thick tail.  


Type Humanoid/(Reptile)
Ability Score Modifier +2 Strength, +2 Constitution or Dexterity, -2 to Intelligence or Charisma
Size medium
Speed 20ft (see text), 40ft swim;
Language Kurovak begin play speaking two regional languages and Draconic. Kurovak with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Aklo, Aquan, Dwarven, Elven, Sylvan, Terran.

Racial Traits:

  • [4 RP] Bonecrushing Jaws (Ex): Kurovak have jaws that crush with devastating force. They gain a natural bite attack (1d8). This bite causes bleed (1d6). This bite can be used to start a grapple via the grab ability.
  • [2 RP] Deathroll (Ex): When grappling a foe of its size or smaller, a Kurovak can perform a death roll upon making a successful grapple check. As it clings to its foe, it drops itself and rolls rapidly, twisting and wrenching its victim. The Kurovak inflicts its bite damage and knocks the creature prone. If successful, the Kurovak maintains its grapple.
  • [0 RP] Slow Sprinter: Kurovak are normally slower than most races at 20ft. Once per minute, a Kurovak may sprint, increasing its base land speed by 20ft, normally up to 40ft. for 1 round.
  • [0 RP] Hold Breath (Ex): Kurovak can hold their breath for four times their Constitution score before risking drowning or suffocating.
  • [-1 RP] Cold Blooded: Kurovak are cold blooded humanoids and take a -2 on any cold related saves.
  • [2 RP] Darkvision (Ex): Kurovak can see up to 60ft. in complete darkness.
  • [2 RP] Reptile Immunity (Ex): Kurovak are immune to the condition paralysis.
  • [2 RP] Natural Armor (Ex): Kurovak have hard, scaley skin. They gain a +1 natural armor bonus.
  • [1 RP] Swim (Ex): Kurovak are very capable swimmers, gaining a swim speed of 40ft. and a +8 racial bonus to Swim checks.


Racial Feats

Blood Bite - Successive bites increase bleed damage die.
Scientific Name
Crocodilus Hominem   Origin/Ancestry
Crocodylinae   Lifespan
500-700   Typical Habitat
Swampy regions, like to be more inland. Anywhere with water is fine though, seas near civilization, coastal towns and ports, prefer warm environments.   Average Physique
Big and tough with hard scaley skin. Typically green with yellow underbelly.


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