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The more savage cousins of weski, Ragaron are the (still small) hulking warriors of rodent kind. Often relegated to the dark corners and sewers of cities, Ragaron are typically sour creatures with a mistrust of anyone that isn't one of their's. Forming structures within these slums similar to tengu, their gangs are even larger, and a bit crueler. Without that lust for shinies that the flightless birds have, they have more sadistic hobbies.   Ragaron aren't well liked. If they aren't in a society of some sort, they often find themselves in the company of rougher folk, like gnolls, goblins, and orcs. Ragaron can handle the poor environments these creatures inhabit, have large enough families to replace their dead, and are typically more intelligent than them. Warbands of these more savage races typically get started with ragarons as the heads. If they are in a city of some sort, they can quickly take over if not properly relegated.   Ragaron dislike most other races. They might tolerate tengu, but that's only if they don't act as competition. They have a hatred towards their other rodent cousins weski, and especially nimbulasa. They often bully their smaller rodentkin, make fun of their weaker stature, that sort of deal. If they ever get a hold of a nimbulasa, that's where their sadism might truly show. Thankfully, the chances of that are rare.   Ragaron are somewhat religious. They tend towards evil gods, like Slaveku and Doko. Those that enjoy spreading the diseases they're naturally resistant to often follow Erux Pho. Funnily enough, they take perverse pleasure in denigrating the beliefs of Hyakuuwuu. Clumps of the ratfolk are not good people. Though, there are also some good ragaron. They're rare, but some cultures have ragaron happily coexisting with their normal populace. In these cases, they act a lot like bigger weski. They love family, enjoy tinkering, and generally work hard.  


Ragaron are brutal ratlike humanoids. They have a sort of hunch to them similar to weski and gnolls. They are larger than their mice cousins, reaching on average around 4"5 when fully upright. They weigh a bit more too, around 85lbs. Ragaron have long, sinuous tail, two digitigrade legs, and two 3 digit arms. Their pelts are often coarser than Weski, and darker in coloration. They have beady black eyes.  


Type Humanoid/(Rodent)
Ability Score Modifier +2 Constitution, +2 Dexterity or Intelligence, -2 Charisma
Size small
Speed 20ft.
Language Ragaron begin play speaking their three regional languages. Ragaron with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Aklo, Draconic, Gnoll, Goblin, and Orc.

Racial Traits

  • [2 RP] Skill Focus (Perception) (Ex): Ragaron have big ears and are sensitive to motion, gaining a +2 Perception racial bonus.
  • [-1 RP] Slow (Ex): Ragaron are slower than most races at 20ft.
  • [0 RP] Rodent Empathy (Ex): Ragaron gain a +4 racial bonus on Handle Animal checks made to influence rodents.
  • [2 RP] Disease Resistance (Ex): Ragaron are used to filthy environments, and receive a +4 racial bonus on saves against diseases.
  • [1 RP] Swarming (Ex): Members of this race are used to living and fighting communally with other members of their race. Up to two creatures that have this ability can share the same square at the same time. If two creatures that have this ability that are occupying the same square attack the same foe, they are considered to be flanking that foe as if they were in two opposite squares.
  • [2 RP] Flanker (Ex): When a Ragaron flanks a creature, they instead gain +4 bonus to their attack bonus instead of +2.
  • [3 RP] Exceptional Darkvision (Ex): Ragaron can see 120ft. in complete darkness.
  • [2 RP] Prehensile Tail (Ex): A Ragaron has a long, flexible tail that they can use to carry objects. She cannot wield weapons with her tail, but the tail allows her to retrieve a small, stowed object carried on her person as a swift action.

Scientific Name
Rattus Hominem   Origin/Ancestry
Rodent   Lifespan
120-150   Typical Habitat
Aldebaran in general, often underground and in darker areas like sewers.   Average Physique
Small, but not nearly as weak as their cousins. Range in black to brownish colors, with white included.


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