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The four winged batlike folk of Aldebaran are a mischievous race of humanoids with an attunement to the Plane of Air. Their origins unknown, Nimbulasa seem closely related to the mousefolk Weski, a beastfolk of some sort. Within their weave though, they possess a highly sensitive channel to the Plane of Air, allowing them to conduct electricity as easily as they breathe. Being some of the best fliers on the planet, Nimbulasa are thought to have once been outsiders of some sort, maybe even having once been the sacred Agathions.   Very individualistic, Nimbulasa don't really have any form of society of their own. Before the times when they would approach society of their own volition, they were mostly found in the everchanging jungles of Eoyecuan and the Ethereal Peaks of Wom'lai. Nimbulasa are generally good natured, only ever giving light shocks as part of their pranking habits. Though they can take offense easily, their moods are as shifty as the wind they ride. Most love to talk about themselves, and can go on for hours about the "adventures" they've had.   During the conquest of Wom'lai, the Saetori of the Wrekuinao Dynasty attempted to subjugate the Nimbulasa into their empire. It was said that the Nimbulasa of the Ethereal Peaks garnered their forces together, a rare act from the race, and summoned a devastating electrical storm against their feathery foes. Having suffered heavy losses, and seeing them as something of a trifle, they went on to ignore them and head further south.   Nowadays, Nimbulasa enjoy joining exploration parties and adventuring groups. A wild wanderlusting race, they seek new things. It's said that a Nimbulasa that grows bored dies, they need to experience new things like gnomes. Though whether that's true or not, none have ever really confirmed it like the gnomes have. Getting one to answer boring questions like that is rather difficult, and they always seem to have some roundabout way of saying what they mean. Being as rare as they are, when one Nimbulasa says that yes, that condition is true while another says the exact opposite, as a scientist you learn to go investigate something else more worthwhile instead.   Despite being incredibly frail, they live extremely long lives. And, despite these long lives, they don't seem to share the same jaded views that Garuvak tend to have. When it comes to Theotians that they enjoy worshipping, the moon gods of Aldebaran are always a top choice. Flighty, light hearted gods like Cassilda and Hyakuuwuu receive their worship. Occasionally, there are Nimbulasa that worship the good gods of elements such as Utosserix and Auro'thaken. When it comes to people they enjoy being around, they absolutely adore Weski, and the feeling is mutual. The only races Nimbulasa actively dislike are Garuvak, Saetori, and Ragaron.


Nimbulasa are small humanoids with large eyes and big batlike ears. Their average height is around 3"3. They tend to weigh even less than races smaller than them like Kobolds, averaging around 35lbs. Their eyes seem to sparkle with electricity, and they have soft conductive fluffy fur. They tend to have a tuft or mane of floofy hair around their neck, and four batlike wings on their back. They have two four digit pawlike hands, two short digitigrade legs, and a long sinuous tail with a big tuft of fur at the end. Their wings flutter very quickly, and they typically prefer to spend their time in the air as walking is a little difficult for them. Their fur color differs quite a bit, but is typically white to light blue, though exceptions have been known to exist.  


Type Humanoid/(Rodent, Air)
Ability Score Modifier +2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom or Charisma, -2 Constitution, -2 Strength
Size small
Speed 10ft, 60ft. fly;
Language Nimbulasa begin play speaking two regional languages and Auran. Nimbulasa with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Celestial, Draconic, Elven, and Giant.

Racial Traits

  • [9 RP] Air Attuned (Ex): Nimbulasa are near perfect fliers, and have a fly speed of 60ft. with good maneuverability. Nimbulasa never need to make a check to hover.
  • [-2 RP] Very Slow: Nimbulasa were not made to walk well, and are slower than most races at 10ft.
  • [-3 RP] Physical Weakness: Nimbulasa are frail creatures, receiving a -2 to both Strength and Constitution upon creation. This is denoted in their ability score modifiers.
  • [1 RP] Perceptive (Ex): Nimbulasa have big eyes and ears that help with detecting things. Perception is always a class skill for them.
  • [2 RP] Darkvision: Nimbulasa can see in complete darkness up to 60ft.
  • [1 RP] Weather Savvy (Su): Nimbulasa are so in tune with the air and sky they can sense the slightest change in atmospheric conditions. They can spend a full-round action to predict the weather in an area for the next 24 hours. This prediction is always accurate, but cannot account for spells or supernatural effects that might alter the forecast.
  • [6 RP] Shock Factor (Su): Nimbulasa are creatures of air and electricity. As a swift action, they are capable of generating an intense electrical current within their bodies. While radiating electricity, they shed dim light up to 40ft. Any creature coming in contact or striking a Nimbulasa with a melee attack while this ability is active takes 1d6 electricity damage. Any attack roll made deals an additional 1d6 electricity damage on hit. Nimbulasa are immune to electricity energy damage.
  • [1 RP] Electricity Affinity: Nimbulasa sorcerers with the elemental (air) bloodline treat their Charisma score as 2 points higher for all sorcerer spells and class abilities. Nimbulasa spellcasters with the air domain use their domain powers and spells at +1 caster level.

    Racial Feats

    Shocking Waves - Through your music and connection to the plane of air, you can share your shocking heritage with allies.
    Scientific Name
    Vespertilio Concussa Externus   Origin/Ancestry
    Rodent   Lifespan
    500-800   Typical Habitat
    Mountain Peaks and Dense Jungles. Also desert mesas   Average Physique
    Typically very weak and fragile. Slender builds.


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