Amber Wastes Geographic Location in Aldern | World Anvil

Amber Wastes

the Northern Desert


As the name implies, the region of the Desert of Anbar known as the Amber Wastes is as sand covered, sparely populated, region. Unlike the hyperarid southern desert, however, the Amber Wastes does have life, especially along its northern edge where it pushes up against the foothills of the Areian Peaks of Lhakamed. An occasional oasis will appear for a time between the mountains of sand, before being buried a few years later as the sands shift.


Of all the Desert of Anbar, it is the Amber Waste that is also the most traveled. Lhakamen nomad live between the sand dunes, traveling traditional paths from oasis to oasis. Merchant caravans fight the harsh lands to travel from Tinjir into Yaren Juhl and back. In the heart of this harsh land, at Seblug’s Corpse, the Tostag Orchold thrive and stand as the only lasting settlement of the land.



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