Battle of Kronar Military Conflict in Aldern | World Anvil

Battle of Kronar

the Battle of 4521sc


The Battle of Kronar was the last significant battle of the Parcel War, it was also the most devastating to both sides. After the defeat on Drifis the year before in the Battle of Drifis, the Capedian planned an all-out offence on the big island of the Parcel Cluster, Kronar. Their plan was to take the island as a stronghold in Tinjir and expand out to defeat the Lhakenwed. The people of Kronar proved as stubborn an enemy as the Drifis, planning to fight the invaders to the last man.


The Capedian plan had also been discovered by Tinjin spies in Old Capedo giving the Lhakenwed time to reenforce the island. In the end it was said that the near forestless island trees regrow quickly on the blood and decay that spread across the island in the months long sieges, set battles, and guerilla fighting, each side committing more troops to the field. The Lhakenwed and people of Tinjir knowing they had to keep the Capedians from taking the island and the Capedians doubling down on their plans to gain this vital base of operations.


It was the Capedians that finally saw the writing on the wall. Their western fleet devastated or captured, the armies depleted, they would never take Tinjir. The Parcel War cost had already made them vulnerable to enemies in Novyum. The Capedians sued for peace, both sides leaving their armies on Kronar for days after the war had ended, still killing each other. The Battle of Kronar ended a week after the Parcel War itself ended, with both sides withdrawing their soldiers to leave the island to the natives once more. Unfortunately, there were no natives left. The biggest island of the Parcels was left abandoned until Capedian settlers began arriving and building a new community.

Conflict Type


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