Nugator Organization in Aldern | World Anvil

Nugator (new GATE or)

the Kingdom of the Immortals


Nugator sits east of the Kingdom of Bronze, dominating the northern center of the peninsula. The country is a monarchy, currently ruled over by Queen Utica. Nearly 800 years ago, the natives of the Thoamaine Peninsula were conquered by armies from Novyum. After centuries of occupations the Novya withdrew from the region. This was not a universal withdrawal, however. Many occupying soldiers opted not to follow the command of departure. In Nugator an entire legion of soldiers refused to leave, desiring to stay in the land that was their home by that point. These soldiers had descended from the original invaders, or were married to natives, many with children. Branded traitors in the Heartlands, the legion, along with brethren from other regions, fought off several incursions to bring them to justice. Acts that only solidified their resolve to stay, as well as rally the population around them.

The legacy of this original legion still holds strong. It is the greatest honor among the Nugata to be accepted into the queen’s personal guard, the thousand strong ‘Immortal Legion.’ Though few achieve this prestige. This has made the queen’s guard the largest standing professional army in all Tinjir. Most citizens prepare from a young age to achieve the title of ‘Immortal.’ They learn to fight in the old Novya disciplines of group warfare, and every citizen can draw arms and stand in formation at a moment’s notice. The fact that every Nugata, man and woman, is a trained warrior has kept Nugator safe with the rise of the Orc tribes of the Scaro Wilds.

The young Queen Udica, newly crowned following the death of her father King Sargos, reigns over her people from the fortress city of Nu’ati. A city that has, for all accounts, never fallen to attackers. The Nugata have rallied behind their new queen, for unlike her father, she is not content in just holding the orcs at bay. She has begun personally leading incursions into the Wilds to break the back of nearby orc tribes in attempts to destroy their ability to attack her homeland. Ultimately she vows to push the beasts of the Wilds into Tobia's Gulf and end their threat to mankind.

Geopolitical, Kingdom

Capital: Nu’ati

Native People: Nugata

Native Language: the Common Tongue

The Nuga Bull, is an ancient simbol of the natives of Thoamaine. With traditions of bull riding and fighting streaming back for the earliest days of mankind on the peninsula. Nugator traditional banner is a bulls head.

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