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A Tale of Wobu the Wimsical

Life, Education


The party travels to Quel to visit Wobu in his "Tower" He reveals he is one of the original authors of The Wondering and Warnings of Hrothbert and Winifred. He tells them of the existance of Tomes and Grimores that give great power to the owners.

After two days of travel the party arrives in Quel early in the morning. They decide to visit Wobu first in his mound of dirt tower.   They knock on the door and a void transports them into a beautiful alchemist’s lab full of cute little animals familiars. Cheebus the Cat is always the familiar of the month. The familiars all have names on tags. A giant machine with a pet door wizzes in the corner. The tower seems buried and the portal takes you to the front door.   In another room a flumpf in a cage floats in some ones living quarters, and a super old tortle, fast asleep over an armchair.   Alcath takes out the Shroud and the familiars try to attack. Caia starts to pretend to clean and that calms them down. Alcath proceeds and shrouds Wobu. Nothing seems to happen, because he’s asleep.   Caia drops the cleaning bucket. Wobu awakes disoriented and speaks.   "Wobu wants Cheebus." He takes a moment to get his bearings. He asks how long he’s been gone. Why’d they do that to Wobu, that’s not good.   Alcath introduces himself and says that he had a vision from Boldrei to come get something from Wobu. Wobu says "the wizards did not like Wobu, because he knows things he should not know." He wrote a book, R. M. and W. W. - The Wondering and Warnings of Hrothbert and Winifred by R.M. and W.W. "They did not like what Wobu knew, so they made Wobu forget. Wobu will save the world and fix magic." He speaks to his cat in Cat.   Alcath asks about what he knows and if he has spectacles made by Bartus. Wobu says "Bartus was good at glasses, and he doesn’t know where his pair are, but we need to look for them. Large glasses." Wobu says "why do you need the glasses?" And Alcath says he doesn’t know yet. Wobu replies "The large glasses make it so you can read. There’s a book at the Tower. Wobu doesn’t want to get in trouble. We want to read it to fix magic and save the world."   Wobu asks what we know about magic being broken. Wobu says he knows about magic. Thuniel finds a chapter of the original manuscript of the book. Wobu says "he knew them, they WERE friends, but they got Wobu in trouble. “Dolph” thought it was important to write it all down. Wobu helped Dolph because Dolph knows how to fix it."   "Where is Dolph?" Moz asked   "Where ISN’T Dolph. Dolph is alive many times." Wobu replied then asked "what year it?" "time wasn’t recorded the same way the last time I can remember. Wobu is from a wonderful place, hatched alone in a beautiful city owned by the Vedalken. Dolph knows how to make people live a long time. He needs to fix magic. He knows how, but he can’t, but someone away needs to fix magic."   Alcath asks if The Prime Powers - A Keynote on the Schools of Magic, is that part of what’s broken. Wobu gets wide eyed and nods.   Wobu continues "Hrothbert was dead before Wobu wrote the book, but Hrothbert was the one who broke magic."   They find some chapters of the book and find out that Hrothbert wanted to make permanent transportation circles. The start of the 5th chapter has been burned, intentionally, it seems. So someone didn’t want people to know Wobu knew.   Wobu won’t say what happened the night all the mages assembled to try the spell. Wobu says that Dolph has the rest of the book. Dolph has lots of Dolphs to find someone to fix magic. All Dolphs have different personalities and they live different lives; "Some are good, some are mean ,some are lazy, some are clean."   Alcath explains that they need the glasses, so they can read something that will help us find Dolph. Wobu says that the mages took his mind away because of something he read. The glasses are big, ugly ones.   The party asks if Wobu can contact Dolph. He uses his staff to seek a Dolph and says there are lots. They where we can start looking for a good Dolph. Wobu puts his headband on Gilly’s head because it’s little. He says that if Gilly has the headband, Dolph will talk to us because he knows that we have talked to Wobu. Wobu talked to a Dolph, now Dolph has something he can track.   Alcath tells Wobu that he had a vision from Boldrei to come find these and that Bartus told us to come to Wobu. Wobu asks if Alcath is dead, because he’s pretty sure Bartus is dead. Alcath says that a man named Bartus who makes glasses told us where to find him.   Wobu is sad that his friends are gone, but Feeble Mind is finally wearing off completely now. He starts to sound more intelligent and use proper speech patterns. He’s revels to have been living the same day for thousands of years, all he could think about was his familiars. Only his familiars kept him sane. Wobu is happy.   He explains many people have tried to go down this path and he has yet to see anybody succeed. He feels guilty for not being able to reveal all the truth. He doesn’t want anyone to ever have the power, but they’ll need that power to fix the damage that has been done. Randolfo the Magnificent has more faith in people than Wobu. He believed that someone would be able to discover the secrets some day, in spite of the archmages of old. Wobu feels sorrow to send anyone else to their deaths.   Alcath says they are already on the path, and Wobu asks how far they’ve gone. Alcath says that there are a few different paths. A cambion named Vozgan took them to hell for experiments. He has notes and a journal that we can’t read, that we’re trying to, and that’s why we need the glasses. Other evil people are also seeking the power.   Wobu replies If you seek this path, you will need the information in the original manuscript of Hrothbert and Winifred. They’re scattered across the world, if they still exist at all. The information in the texts will tell you what to do. It was redacted from history because that power is too great and terrible. He does not believe It’s not coincidence that brought you here together. It might be a divine plan, destiny or because The Gods have an interest in magic being healed. You seek is six “tomes” “grimoires”. Vozgans journal and notes might be one of them. The glasses would let you translate them the glasses were made because Hrothbert was the only one who could read the books. The glasses will help us identify a true Grimoire and once we get the chapters of H&W if might reveal there location or how to obtain them and how to read them.     Wobu starts aging rapidly, fading away before our eyes of the party. Thuniel is worried that if he dies, they will be stuck in the underground lair. Caia quickly identifies the glasses and it has a spell of Comprehend Languages.   The familiars are noticing Wobu fading, and they’re snuggling him. Caia grabs many of the glasses, because they are all magical. Alcath thanks Wobu and asks if he can ease the way. Wobu says to "make sure his familiars go back where they need to go." Also as a Final request "give the information to someone who can continue on the journey, if we can’t."   Caia tries to confirm the ugly glasses are right, and then Wobu dies. Everything starts to self-destruct. Caia frees the Flumpf, but the door portal doesn’t work. The familiars are fleeing upward, the hawk flies up between a gap in the roof. There seems to be another level up there. Alcath Misty Steps to the next level and sees that it’s a store room like a potato cellar. The rest start clambering up and make it to a second level and Caia casts levitate is now floating to the next level up. Caia starts digging away at the ceiling, but Thuniel cannot find anything to help dig. Alcath looks for other paths of egress. There is a switch inside the wall. It opens a panel that dumps a lot of water in and it is filling up the lower level. Caia swims up the waterfall and gets to the next level with the rope and she sees something to tie it off and she gets a knot. Alcath and Thuniel just barely manage to get up. Moz in giant gecko form carries up Gilly.   The next room is damp and muddy and the roof above is solid rock. Cheebus is huddled in the corner, but he’s the only familiar left in sight. Caia tells us to hug the walls and she casts Shatter in the opposite corner. Visible cracks start to crumble in and fall. Thuniel preps the rope for the next level. Alcath throws his handaxe at it and he does a bit of damage. Gilly shoots the cracks and a chunk falls down. Light starts to show through it.   Caia makes it a little bigger and it’s a two-foot wide chimney of some sort. Thuniel goes up and slips on the wet walls and she looses her grip. Caia catches her with levitate, thankfully. She calls down that we need more rope and Moz brings it up. Thuniel keeps floating upward and comes through an illusion and is left of the mound, holding a rope that disappears into the ground. Thuniel ties it off to something and Moz emerges too.   Caia reduces Alcath so he can fit in the chimney and Caia, Gilly and Alcath climb the rope. Gilly and Alcath get up, but Caia starts to fall. Caia feather falls and manages to finish climbing out. Cheebus is still down there.   As we start to retrieve the rope, about half of it gets cut off the are able to salvage 100 feet of rope. The space where the illusion covered the chimney is now solid ground and the door is gone.   Caia gives Alcath the ugly glasses.