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Party on The Diamond Leviathan

Gathering / Conference


The Path of Nightshade decide to visit The Diamond Leviathan in search for the stolen chapter of The Wondering and Warnings of Hrothbert and Winifred. Bobushio encounters an old acquaintance Benedict Greatfellow.

The Path of Nightshade make there way to the casino pirate ship hiding in the bay called The Diamond Leviathan. Bobushio is left behind as the guards were instructed not to let him on teh chip. The ship does not look like any other pirate ship they have seen as it is polished beautiful and barely scratched. The deck is full of tables with games of chance and a crew of pirated waiting tables and hosting games. Many high rollers and affluent people are enjoying the offerings. As they view all the tables. Thuniel is very interested in a game called Cosair. There is a door to the aft cabin. There are doors to the fore cabins guarded by pirates. Alcath is discouraged by the buy-in price and decides to play the servant to Thuniel. The goliath barkeep doesn’t seem to comprehend Alcath, but makes the drinks anyway. One drunk guy goes through the door below deck, as do other people who look like they’re out of money. No one goes into or out of the guarded doors. Alcath does spot a woman who is managing the floor. Alcath approaches her and says that he has a note for Benedict.   She asks if Bobushio is trying to gain the favor of priests now. She hints she needs a bribe, and he pays her five GP to get her to deliver it. She hands the note to a waitress who walks through the guarded doors.   Thuniel finds those two elves and stands behind them, quietly criticizing their playing. Thuniel is thinking they are probably House Lialee, gold and blue colors and they are known for shipping and sailing. Thuniel suspects they are looking for contacts and ships on this ocean. The only Lialee family member Thuniel knows is a tavern keeper Avaleena in Fortona Pier.     Caia sends Ebony over the side of the boat to look in windows. The lower deck is a bunch of people just drinking, either because they won or lost. Benedict Greatfellow is standing in the back of the drunk tank, holding the note and looking wary. People are pickpocketing each other, waiters and others.   Gilly approaches and talks to a guy about getting an audience, but the guard says she has to move away.   Meanwhile Bobushio tells the guys at the fishing shack about the charity fund, and offers them jobs, then he flies to the ship. Bobushio makes a big spectacle of himself as he lands. He introduces himself and the bouncers close in to kick him off the ship. Gilly calls them out for kicking him off and the other nobles take up the call. Caia makes appropriate crowd noises percolate through the crowd. Deborah runs up to quiet Bobushio down and takes him up to a private table. It happens to be near a hidey hole that Bobushio wants to investigate.   Waiters and hostesses try to serve him, and he gives them tasks to send them away. Bobushio opens the cubby to stow ISAC, and finds a small chest. Bobushio determines that each of the games gives the house a little bit of an edge.   Thuniel comes and asks Bobushio what he thinks about the pages and how Benedict is involved. Bobushio speculates that the pages are simply rare and precious, so Benedict acquired them for that reason.   Alcath tries to edge his way through the crowd to speak with a drunk guy who immediately blames The Nine and yells at Alcath’s amulet for letting him lose everything. The rest of us come down and try to get through the crowd. Some notice Benedict on the far side. As they move through the crowd, various of the party get noticed. Thuniel snags a bracelet from someone who is drunkenly hugging her.   Benedict sees the party coming and slips through a secret door. Gilly notices that some of waitstaff have metallic looking-skin. Bobushio is thinking maybe these are the Warforged and perhaps Benedict was in on the attack on Oni Island. They go through the secret door, and rush downstairs to a lower deck. But the lower deck looks unlike any other deck we’ve seen. It looks like a dragon’s horde of gold coins. Benedict is holding a crystal in his hands and has Warforged guards behind him. Benedict throws the crystal into the gold and the gold begins to morph and a gold golem rises up. Benedicts commands the golem to attack Bobushio. The hold seems to be a little overfilled. Benedict is now trapped, but he was clearly fleeing from Bobushio. Bobushio tries diplomacy, but Benedict says that he’s trying to support the pirate nation because Bobushio failed. Benedict is not interested in talking.   The golded golem attacks, burying some people. The warforged have a conversation about whether to attack or not, but decide to do so. Benedict is just screaming at Bobushio to leave, and tries to shoot him. The shades showboat while trying to avoid fighting the warforged. Bobushio asks what deal the warforged made and they say, “We defected. He sheltered us.”   The party changes tactics and try to turn it around and offer to shelter the warforged. Bobushio gives Thuniel haste and Caia enlarges her for damages to be done. Gilly takes the opportunity to disengage and starts collecting gold from the horde.   After Benedict is hurt very badly finally tells The Shades to leave peacfully and he wont ask the rest of his pirate crew to come down and take care of them, and he starts to negotiate. He calls his guards, and makes Thuniel very uncomfortable. He offers gold, then pages, then information about the captain of the ship. Bobushio says the Warforged defeated this ship and Benedict snuck on to take the ship. He created the casino and is doing well. Benedict says he was worried Bobushio was going to kill him and take the ship. Bobushio says, “You idiot, you’re doing good business. Just keep helping the pirate nation. As long as you do good things for the pirate nation, he won’t take the ship from him.” Bobushio negotiates and offers to let the warforged make their own new life.   We loot gold. Gilly notices Benedict’s sword that looks very captain-y. She sneaks over and swapps the sword for a potato she carved into the hilt of a sword.   Benedict then allows the party to leave with gold in hand and the warforged free from there duty. Moz reads chapter 8 or The Wondering and Warnings of Hrothbert and Winifred.

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