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Neville has a part to play

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The Circle of Six visit The Commoners Fortune hot on the trail of the final key needed to open The Troupes Vault.   Neville and Val reveal there part in the Audition. Thuniel discovers her family and Nyssa have stakes in the Audition. Brerenax spends the night at the Commoner Fortune.   Mozakosh and Neville discover their shared ancestry.

The Circle of Six visit The Commons Fortune hot on the trail of the final key needed to open the Troupes Vault.   When they arrive Moz tells Thuniel of the history they have with Val and Neville. Brerenax and Gilly enter the shop and Alcath and Aela watch the back door. Moz, Thuniel, and Caia hide at the front of the shop.   Neville opens the door and sees Brerenax and Gilly. Brerenax asks for a potion to stop vomiting and feeling terrible. Neville says he’s not decent. Shuts the door, then Brerenax apologizes to Gilly for stealing her moment with the key. Neville comes back with another robe on and lets them in. Gilly notices that the back room where Val usually is, there are two distinct shadows for a moment, and she relays that information to Moz who says it to Thuniel, not very sneakily.   Inside, talking with Neville Sinclair, he asks Brerenax how he’s been, he says, hey, we saw you earlier at the theater. Neville misses a beat before he catches himself and says, “Oh yeah, I forgot.” Then they ask for healing from the poison inflicted during the battle with the Audition. Neville flirtingly takes care of Brerenax and goes to get him some tea. Gilly asks Brerenax if he can vomit on command and gives him a potato to try and give him something to throw up, if needed for a distraction.   The Commoners Fortune is very tidy and nothing looks hastily hidden. Thuniel circles the building to see if she can see in the back room, but the drapes are drawn. She does relay the Moz message to Alcath on her way back to the front of the building.   Gilly and Brerenax decide to see if the dragonborn can distract Neville while Gilly tries to sneak into the backroom. Neville comes out and says that Val is bathing and will be out soon. They’ve been enjoying their evening since Neville went to the theater. Neville goes to the theater a lot because he likes to study the other actors and their techniques. Val comes out to examine Brerenax. Gilly drops that Brerenax has suffered a heartbreak recently and Neville is instantly fascinated; he pulls her aside to get details.   Val examines Brerenax and says that nothing other than a good night’s rest will help him. He could give him a sleep aid, (Neville motions for cheap) and only charges him 2cp. It’s an arcane curse that will run its course with a good rest. Gilly lets Moz know that they’re both distracted.   Outside, the rest of the Six move around back and try to find the mysterious third person. Everyone but Thuniel and Caia goes in to add to a distraction. Thuniel and Caia stay outside and try to pick open the windows to the back room. Caia gets her window open and sends in Ebony in pixie form. The room is a beautiful bedroom/studio apartment. The door to this room is closed and no one is present. Caia comes window in the open as well.   Suddenly Val perks up and immediately tries to excuse themself. Alcath tires figuring out what Val needs to check out in the back. Gilly asks to use the bathroom to try to slow Val down, but Val passes her off to Neville.   Meanwhile, Thuniel is trying to get a view of the room before she goes in. She perches on the window and peeks through the curtains. Caia has her familiar rattle the doorknob.   A figure in black leathers, nice clothes, blonde hair stands motionless in Val's Enchantment Workshop. The figure turns to Thuniels with Neville’s face. The person says, “Thuniel, what are you doing here?” Thuniel thinks it’s her mother Maellewyn Simbelmyne for a moment, then she takes off a hat of disguise to reveal Nyssa Thuniels teacher and mentor standing in the room.   Nyssa asks Thuniel to exit and hide. She urges her to trust her as there’s something more going on. Thuniel gets a promise to speak soon then leaves with Caia around the back of the building. Caia sends in her pixie to investigate.   Val enters with Nyssa and asks why the window is open. Nyssa says she needs fresh air. Val mildly suspicious closes the window and relays they trying to take care of these people. Nyssa asks how do you know them? Val replies "they’re friends, but don’t want to get them tangled up in everything. Nyssa replies "We only have one of the five. We have more work to do. We may have more people to call upon. Val closes the window and casts Alarm on the window again, Ebony follows Val back to Brerenax.   Caia has Ebony whisper to Moz to accidentally bump Val so the pixie can touch them and know their emotional state and alignment. Val are very worried, scared, excited, and paranoid. Alcath “bumps” Neville into Ebony and discovers he’s aroused, excited, and paranoid.   Thuniel hears rapping on the window Nyssa attempts to talk to her through the window. She uses Minor illusion to say "I can’t hear you" in Dwarvish. Mouthing to each other the best they can they have a conversation through the glass   Audition?   Nod   Keys?   Four.   Really?   Yep (smug)   We have five, who gets prize?   We need to talk.   Okay—Friends?   Close enough?   Trusted?   Absolutely.   What do we do?   We need to talk.   Hold Please.   Neville asks Brerenax to stay the night to recover. Val is incredulous but Val concedes because Neville is insistant.   Nyssa meets Thuniel out front.   In the front shop, they hear a knocking in the back roome Val then goes to the back. Then another Neville walks out with Val and says “I’m Neville’s brother. I’m just leaving. Apologies” They walk through and go out the front door. The party says hasty farewells and tries to leave to follow this brother of Nevile.   Nyssa discised as Neviles Brother says to Thuniel they need to speak privately. Thuniel asks the group to trust her and meet her in thirty minutes outside the estate. Thuniel and Nyssa retreat to a quiet place.   Nyssa reveals The Troupe has a bounty on Thuiel. She’s been hired by Maellewyn to find out who and why. Nyssa has also used Neville as her way in and was hired by him to find out more about the Audition. He wants to be part of The Troupe. Nyssa suspects Neville probably doesn’t realize what The Troupe is. There is also chatter the Audition might be invovle tracking down the missing Troupe member (Chorus Line) and see if they are in fact, quitting, or dead, Then bring back a signed resignation note or a body to take the avalible spot.   Thuniel asks Nyssa to "tell Neville it’s not for him and meet her the next morning to discuss the next move.   Thuniel then heads back to the Simbelmyne Estate to confront her Mother. She knows who paid for the first attack and her contacts told her about the bounty on Thuniel.   The party spends the night in the guests quarters of the Simbelmyne Family Estate. While Brerenax gets treated like a king back at The Commoners Fortune, an almost uncomfortable level of pampering. When he’s waking up he notices a coin exactly like Caia’s on a desk in Val’s room. Moz stayed in the front shop under the discuise of a rat but during the night has a dream. The dream is similar to the one dream she has had before. Triangle shape with light leaking through it, multiple people calling out in whispers “You are the only one, it has to be you.” She wakes up with Val looming over her, saying, “You didn’t have to hide here if you did not have a place to stay.”   Val sees panic in her eyes and offers to help. She explains that she had a dream, and she doesn’t know what to d. He asks why a dream would be a problem. She explains she doesn’t dream and it’s only the second time in her life. Val is interested and says they only knows one other person who doesn’t dream and it’s Neville. Neville also doesn’t know where he’s from. Val asks what else she can do and she reveals her telepathy. Val looks surprised and says she should talk to Neville in the morning. Val gets her a pillow and blanket. The breakfast is amazing enough they get inspiration.   Moz decides to talk to Neville. She reveals there shares trait they don’t dream. Mox notices he has features that are similar to hers just a little different to a human. Neville speaks in Moz’s mind and they have the rest of the conversation in their heads. He asks if she knows anything, and she says she doesn’t know much. She says there are clawfoots (giant lizards dinos) that maybe relate to them. Neville says the only thing I have is a letter he has had since he was a child and he cannot read it. Moz asks if she can read the letter and it’s in Quori. The letter says that “he (Neville) is special. Sorry to abandon you, but it’s the only way. If you can read this, you have the potential to save us all.” He gets excited about being able to save everyone, and she’s like, ummm. Moz doesn’t know how she knows the language, but she do. (Simple magic like comprehend languages doesn’t work on this language)

Related Location
The Commoners Fortune
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The Adventures of The Path of Nightshade and The Circle of Six (article)