Elliot Andronas

I DON'T CARE! SHE'S GONE! WHY WAS SHE FIGHTING?! SHE WASN'T A FIGHTER, AND BOTH OF YOU KNEW THAT! WHY DID YOU LET HER... Why did you let her... -Elliot to Obann before collapsing within the Hammerfall Arena

Elliot Andronas (a.k.a. The Temporal Phantom)

The child of Klexia Andronas and Numiner Egrivius, he is a Black Dragon who's humanoid form takes that of a Drow boy. He shares none of his parent's ability for magic, instead showing an inquisitve mind and strategic thinker.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

He has the body of an adult dragon but retains his child like mind, though his mental state has made leaps and bounds in advancement. His mind seems to be catching up to his body though he has a lengthy immature streak and needs guidance on many things. With Obann returning to the Keep he has voiced hope for someone to teach him more thoroughly in Martial practices. He reatains his affection for his mothers, when Numi's body was returned to the Keep he spent eighteen hours in the Hammerfall Arena in continous matches until he collapsed of Exhaustion.   Since Tavi arrived at the Keep, Elliot has become slightly more concerned about appearing presentable and looking respectable.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Elliot has only had a short time with his mothers but he is already proving a stubborn child. He does not enjoy nor show any aptitude for Magical formulae or Incantations, instead preffering to follow his Half Sister, Ashlen, in her thieving exploits.   Since Ashlen has given up her exploits to comfort Alizain and Elliot is rather poor at consoling his adoptive Sister, he has taken to following Tali and Dandren instead. This has had mixed results, on the one hand it has kept Tali and Dandren from causing much trouble, but on the other it has made the duo despise his company. This has driven a wedge between Siora and the duo, as she wants to help Elliot but the other two attempt to ditch him at every turn. In response, Siora has been using her more honed skills to take whatever Dandren and Tali desire before they get the chance, and sharing it with Elliot.   While he has tried copying the stealthy techniques of the others, he does seem to have much of an aptitude for it. Instead Siora has been taking him to the Hammerfall Arena and helping him learn combat drills, which seems to mesh with him far better. She has also been bringing him to Messaria, and a strange bond has been formed there as Elliot tells the goddess of his woes and she aids him in his endeavors. Not neccassarily directly but bestowing upon him some degree of supernatural support.   Elliot has grown rapidly, in part due to his involvement in the Fel-Harmonic Festival and in part due to a haywire Chronurgy Spell from Ashara Ashdew. He now appears physically older than his siblings and is abnormally lean, despite his voracious appetite. Attempts to undo the magical effect upon him have been successful but it dramatically increased his development for a short time. As such his true age is impossible to calculate. Chronologically he is 8 years old but physically he appears to be in his late teens. The effect upon his mind has been mitigated but he claims to have flashes of things that never happened, so called "Phantom Memories". He and the Dark Angel Xaelyn were affected the same by the haywire spell and have since been bonding over their mutual experience, to the point that Numi has been forced to give a "Talk" she had not been expecting for several years.   Elliot has expanded upon his abilities since the accident and is a proficient fighter, making an excellent combatant both with and without Xaelyn as a partner in combat. He has used the lingering effects of the Chronurgy magic upon him to mimic the abilites of Echo Knights.   While he has demonstrated no ability for wielding Magic he has, for the sake of his mothers, been studying the arcane. While he makes no effort to wield it, and quite vocally voices his displeasure for attending lessons, he can often be seen studying alongside his siblings. He seems to enjoy lessons from the trio of Ashara, Kartalos and Mevara.   He is a very competent fighter able to, with Xaelyn's aid, fight the Mythril Dragon Aryzen to a draw after an extended bought. Elliot does seem to possess an extreme hardiness in comparison to his siblings.   Following his time in the Sunfire Archipelago he has endeavored to train himself better and to take a more defensive approach to his fighting. He also spends more time in the Company of Tavilos, as the Regal Wyrmling enjoys to follow him about when not in their lectures with Numi. They treat Tavilos as a younger sibling and Elliot has been seen attempting to teach them how to properly defend themself, with mixed results.



Half Sibling

Towards Elliot Andronas


Elliot Andronas

Half Brother

Towards Mevara


Orgos Andronas

Half Brother

Towards Elliot Andronas


Elliot Andronas

Half Brother

Towards Orgos Andronas


Ashlen Andronas

Half Sister

Towards Elliot Andronas


Elliot Andronas

Half Brother

Towards Ashlen Andronas


Kartalos Andronas

Adoptive Brother

Towards Elliot Andronas


Elliot Andronas

Adoptive Brother

Towards Kartalos Andronas


Alizain Andronas

Adoptive Sister

Towards Elliot Andronas


Elliot Andronas

Adoptive Brother

Towards Alizain Andronas


Class: Oath of Glory Paladin/Mastermind Rogue/ Echo Knight Fighter
Chronologically 20, Physically 29
Parents (Adopting)
Mevara (Half Sibling)
Orgos Andronas (Half Brother)
Ashlen Andronas (Half Sister)
Kartalos Andronas (Adoptive Brother)
Alizain Andronas (Adoptive Sister)
Current Residence
The Moon Haven
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Black Scales/ Ashen skin
6'8" or 9'7"
75 lbs. / 55 lbs.


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