
I Will protect you both. I don't care who or what I have to go through, I will fight and keep you two safe. No matter what.

Apprentice Mevara Terinder Andronas (a.k.a. Mevy)

The youngest child of the Black Dragons Numi and Obann, Mevara has grown quickly as their siblings did and unlike they who chose one side or another, Mevara has taken to trying to learn both their parent's skillsets. They only had a few weeks with their Father but they care for him and worries about his safety. During the days they practice their skill with a practice blade and at night they study tomes of magical knowledge with Ashlen.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

They have numerous scars from the Acidic burns they recieved from Orgos and Ashlen when the three of them were under the Illusion of Garavos Kavren. While the injuries have healed, they remain scarred and likely will remain so for life.

Apparel & Accessories

They have a Familiar that takes the form of a Pseudo dragon that they have named Dusty.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Now living at Dragon's Claim Keep, Mevara has grown faster than their siblings and continues to train diligently in the absence of their father. They have taken to studying alone, asking Klexia for assisstance should they encounter issues with their studies. When their Father managed to break away from fighting upon the front lines he brought them a real blade which they have begun using for training. They have recovered very well from the nighttime attack upon the Keep where they and their siblings were placed under thrall of an illusion and they were attacked by their siblings, via Acid breath. Their injuries are mostly healed leaving only faint scars, thanks to Shizani's potions providing them with relief from the acidic burns to their face.   They have taken to studying magic with Ashe and Kartalos. The trio are one of the least problematic groups within the Keep and often keep to themselves. More than once the three have been discovered asleep together tucked away in one corner or another of the Moon Haven Tower. Most recently they were found with Kartalos and Ashe asleep on either shoulder with their arms wrapped around the two. Mevara does spar with Ashe on occassion, with Ashe wielding a dagger and Mevara using her shortsword.   Mevara's magical studies are not so grandious as their friends, where Kartalos and Ashe follow the path of Dunamancy, Mevara is quite content to study Tomes brought by Tereen and Vissera to the shelves of the Moon Haven. They have taken a more unique interest in Magical study, That of the Elven Art of Bladesinging. They are still studying the basics but the fact that they have even begun to learn such a discipline shows their capable mind. While they do still practice their original discipline of the warrior it has taken a side seat to their new interest.   Ashe and Kartalos finally found a way to embarass the young Black Dragon, in the form of rather graphic tomes taken from the library written by Archlich Vissera herself. The Tiefling and Red Dragon have been reading them aloud and turning the normally stoic Warrior into a red faced embarassed mess. Kartalos originally had the tomes privately but after an incident of his bag tumbling open, Ashe has been taking tomes from colection as well, using the skills taught to her by Zefer to avoid Klexia's vigilant gaze.   When the Chaotic Seven brought Numi's body back to the keep, Mevara was nearly inconsoloable. They fled to the Fel-Harmonic Festival and were found upon the edge of the Festival by Ashara and Kartalos. The duo spent days within, attempting to chase the dark thoughts from Mevara's mind. While they met with little success, the Dragon did realize that with the Chaotic Seven setting off to revive Numi there was little reason to worry about their mother's condition. The three spent the remainder of their time within the festival until they recieved word of Klexia and the others return.   They seem to have grown signifigantly closer over the course of these two months within the festival, now often sharing a room together.   During the time that Klexia and the others were trapped Mevara trained with their father while studying magic with Kartalos and Ashara. Their martial prowess outshines their magical ability but they make use of the spells they have. They have specialized in battlefield control and defensive magics, making particular use of barriers and counter spells. They have taken on an appearance more similar to Klexia, with their hair becoming white and their features becoming more wholly elven, when Numi approached them about this they simply said they wanted to follow her path a bit more and this was the result.

Gender Identity

Mevara does not identify as Male or Female. While their humanoid form is Female and appears femimine, they claim this is simply the form they most enjoy the appearance of.



Half Sibling

Towards Elliot Andronas


Elliot Andronas

Half Brother

Towards Mevara


Alizain Andronas

Adoptive Sister

Towards Mevara



Adoptive Sibling

Towards Alizain Andronas


Kartalos Andronas


Towards Mevara




Towards Kartalos Andronas


Ashara "Ashe" Andronas

Close Friend (Vital)

Towards Mevara




Close Friend (Vital)

Towards Ashara "Ashe" Andronas




Mevara joined the studies of Kartalos and Ashara when the two of them were still beginning to learn, while she had already had several months of tutelage from her mother in the ways of the arcane. She helped the duo understand magic on a deeper level and the rest is history. Since then the trio has become inserperable.

Nicknames & Petnames

Mevara's nicknames: Mevy, The Battlemage in Black and "The prettiest Dragon I ever did see"   Ashara's Nicknames: Ashe, The Time wizard and "The Blue Eyed Firebrand"

Legal Status

Definitley not in a relationship



Towards Ashara "Ashe" Andronas


Ashara "Ashe" Andronas


Towards Mevara


Class: Bladesinger Wizard / Eldritch Knight Fighter
19 Years Old
Parents (Adopting)
Kartalos Andronas (Partner)
Elliot Andronas (Half Brother)
Alizain Andronas (Adoptive Sister)
Current Residence
The Moon Haven
Female (Humanoid Form Only)
Non Binary
Short Braided Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Fair Skinned/Black Scales
85 lbs.


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