Ashlen Andronas

So Ashe is a skeleton now? And Karty is a Devil? Are any of us normal?

Ashlen Fringila Egrivius

Daughter of Numi and Obann. Ashlen is a mischevious child, much more so than her brother, Orgos. While Orgos has picked up language and Idolizes his father, Ashlen has a fascination with the Duo of Lady Vera Volund and Lady Geneve. While the duo are not often present in the City, as Vera prepares for her Coronation and is helping Crown Prince Quentin Lionheart run the kingdom, Ashlen has observed the duo during their visits and has begun copying Geneve's mannerisms.   As a result she has been found pickpocketing castle staff, training with a dagger with unclear origins and has scared many of the Castle Servants by appearing out of seemingly nowhere.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Physically she has developed faster since her desire to aid Alizain. Her most notable growth occured when she had her duel with Kenina, as she went from child sized to being upon the cusp of a grown adult or at least a teenager. She views the Platinum dragon as a loud nuisance, fine when the time calls for a braggart or loud defender but not when someone is still in a fragile state.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Since the War with the Orcs and the Empire began, Ashlen began following her mother everywhere with the intent to try and help as much as possible. She has begun practicing magic showing remarkable aptitude. While not a true mage, she has the potential to learn and progress quickly.   Since Arriving at the Keep, Ashlen has hit something of a wall with her studies. She has mastered basic magic, cantrips and the like, but has been outpaced by Mevara and with Kartalos already being far ahead of her she has let her studies slip, prefering instead to attempt to pickpocket varius people around the valley. This has sparked her Draconic Greed and Numi has been at a loss of how to contain her daughter, a fact that Atticus has been dismayed to hear as he has taken matters into his own hands. He has put her in a cell in the dungeons twice and warned her that if he catches her again, she will be spending a full day and he will be telling her mother.

  Following Alizain's attempt to speak with her brith mother, Ashlen has been very protective of the Red Dragon. When Orgos began an earnest but poorly worded attempt to cheer her up Ashlen carried him from the room and threw him out of the tower. Kenina attempted to get past her but Ashlen bested the Platinum Dragon with superior technique. She has spent many days comforting her adoptive sister and ensuring she is as well taken care of as possible. Even going so far as to study alongside her, an act she is loathe to do otherwise.   This has led to her studies bearing more fruit, with Alizain's assistance and a new perspective, Ashlen has begun advancing past her previous shortcomings and has been able to cast her spells with greater regularity. This has led to her using said spells for underhanded means but with the intent of aiding her adoptive sister.   She has been observed most recently training with Mareena at the Obsidian Atheneum in a mix of unarmed combat and knife play. While unorthodox she seems to have taken to the fighting style quite well, using it to easily best Shinryu Varag in the Hammerfall arena after his insulting of her adoptive brother. Her display of skill impressed her Father and he has given her a few pieces of advice on how to improve her form, if only slightly. She has improved within Martial Combat to handidly best Mevara in such and it seems she has found a niche where her skills will blossom.   After humiliating Shinryu, she has been seen in the company of the Sapphire Dragon teaching him how to act and speak to others with respect. She seems to enjoy his fearful respect of her.   Ashlen was kidnapped and taken to the Abyss alongside Alizain, Siora and like the others she was left on the streets of Alushinryya by Malcanthet. While Alizain and Siora went to work at the Rose Petal Lounge and Shinryu was kicked out of the lounge, Ashlen was picked up by the Lamian Sisterhood and inducted into their ranks. She became one of their greatest fighters and eventually was the first student of the Sisterhood to survive the Gauntlet of Alushinyyra. She befriended the Incubus Ataro Shade, known to the Chaotic Seven as the Son of Malcanthet and Nariel. When Ashlen left the Abyss, Ataro accompanied her.   Following her return to the Material Plane she almost immediatley led the group to retrieve her missing brother. She was instrumental in the fight to retrieve him as she clashed with the Phantasmal Gold Dragon Ilgand the Forgiven alone. Since returning to the Keep she has been relaxing with Ataro while he studies and she enjoys sparring with her Father and her younger sibling, Mevara Andronas.


Ashlen Andronas

Half Sister

Towards Elliot Andronas


Elliot Andronas

Half Brother

Towards Ashlen Andronas


Alizain Andronas

Adoptive Sister

Towards Ashlen Andronas


Ashlen Andronas

Adoptive Sister

Towards Alizain Andronas


Kartalos Andronas

Adoptive Brother

Towards Ashlen Andronas


Ashlen Andronas

Adoptive Sister

Towards Kartalos Andronas


Ashlen Andronas


Towards Ataro Shade


Ataro Shade


Towards Ashlen Andronas


Alexandra the Demigoddess of Decay


Towards Ashlen Andronas


Ashlen Andronas


Towards Alexandra the Demigoddess of Decay


Class: Arcane Trickster Rogue
Chaotic Neutral
Parents (Adopting)
Ataro Shade (Partner)
Elliot Andronas (Half Brother)
Alizain Andronas (Adoptive Sister)
Kartalos Andronas (Adoptive Brother)
Golden Yellow
Midnight Black Hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Fair Skinned / Black Scales
114 lbs.
Aligned Organization


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