Obann Andronas

Are you insulting this Academy? The tow women I love most in the world run this place and I will not hear insults of it pass your lips. Leave or draw your weapon. - Obann Andronas

Lord Obann Eldreves Andronas- Cartackan

Dragon Knight of Ironhold and the Partner of Numi. Obann was once a marauding dragon but, upon seeing the desolation others of his kind had caused, was filled with resolve to change. He is very secretive upon the exact details of his change of heart, even from Numi, but it has taken a great toll on him as when pressed he removes himself from the conversation.   Since his arrival in Ironhold he has become a knight in service to Duke Volund and he has been partnered with Dothmar. The duo travel the countryside keeping the peace from threats that normal guardsmen cannot handle.   Two of the Three Dragon Eggs that Obann and Numi brought with them have hatched, one male and one female hatchling have been born and are now being taken care of by Numi and castle staff. Numi was kind enough to switch the children into demi human form, where the children retain many of their draconic features but are the size of a human toddler and are far more manageable.   The months of calm parenthood came to an abrupt end for Obann and Numi as Ironhold was once again beset by Demons and this time the townsfolk were driven out, though they were able to escape with their lives thanks to Duke Eren Volund sealing the planar rift. Since the Orc's attacked and the Empire marched on the Alliance, Obann has been partnered with Dothmar as a highly mobile defender of the Alliance. The duo are constantly on the move to whichever front needs them the most. Though it pained him to see them go, he knows full well that Numi and his children are safer at Dragon's Claim Keep than anywhere currently in the Alliance.   During his time spent upon the front lines he has numerous scars across his body, places where the armor either could not cover or simply was broken with brute force. He has spent the past few months flying Solo or with intermittent Riders as Dothmar was called upon to reinforce the bulwark against the Demons within Foros. Having the chance to see his family once more he is now filled with a renewed sense of Pride and Determination. After a lengthy discussion with Numiner, he has come to see the Elven Mage Klexia Andronos as family.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

While his scales have healed, the skin beneath them and in his human form show all of the scars he has suffered in his fight against the Orcs and Demons that threatened the Alliance. He does not hide them but does not speak of them.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Obann's time upon the battlefields of the Alliance have given him a greater appreciation for mortals and where he once thought many mortals to be weak, he saw many acts of heroism in men and women who he bore no special abilities or magical items of power. He also now has little desire to leave his home to fight, unless there is threat to his family.   He was surprised to find how much their family had grown, from three children to seven in a matter of months, but he has adapted well. Where Numiner teaches her children life skills and practical knowledge, Obann has been teaching the children to defend themselves, mostly in non standard ways. He has been having the children versed in magic train their bodies to defend themselves without it.   Kartalos has been of particular focus to him, the crippled dragon being a vulnerable target has led to Obann finding ways to aid Kartalos in evading a potential assailant and slowly training the boy's body to encourage healing, with small but distiinct results. Mevara has earned her father's approval with her skills, as have both Orgos and Ashlen. For Alizain he has been aiding her in learning the blade, something Alizain was hesitant to do given her past trauma but with some encouragement she has begun to train with it. For Elliot, Obann was personally present for the boy's rampage in the Hammerfall Arena and he understood his pain well. He offers no guidance for Elliot but simply spars with him, speaking of matters that weigh on Elliot's mind. Ashara has been of interest to him, in that she cannot be robbed of her magical abilities due to the power in her blood but he has done his best to drill into her mind that she cannot rely on the Hellfire in her blood overmuch or enemies may exploit it. Since his talk she has begun to practice daily with a dagger as an emergency weapon. Tavilos, while young, is possessed of strength that will outpace Obann's within the century and the older dragon knows this. With this knowledge he has been teaching Tavi in simple bladework and training the young dragon's body to grow healthy and strong, but for true teaching he would have Rustean or Brenzan teach them.   Since his return to Dragon's Claim Keep and Numiner's revival he has been at somewhat of a loss of how to proceed. His skills as a Warrior are outclassed by others at the Keep and his Children are far more skilled in the magical arts than he could hope to be in the near future. So he elected to follow Mevara's path. He has taken to learning Magic as a way to augment his martial prowess and in turn he offers both his children and the Students of the Moon Haven a chance to test their abilities in a controlled combat scenario. This way he gets to practice his own spellcraft and assist in the Academies affairs. His tests range from practicing with aiming students spells to actual mock combat against himself. He does not allow for students to test themselves against one another unless they have provent hat they possess a certain level of control over their spells.   On his more personal side of affairs he has reached out to his children. Ashlen is a frequent sparring partner for her father, and a ferocious opponent she has become, able to force him to take her seriously if not treat her as a true enemy. Elliot joins them occasionally, though such sessions often result in Obann and Ashlen fighting Elliot together as the boy possesses to much strength for either of them to match alone.   When he learned of Ashara's condition and how it began worsening he made the journey to Roseweald himself to see if they knew of anything that could slow or halt the spread of the illness and instead of aid he was greeted with hostility. He returned to the Keep bearing heavy injuries, claiming that the Council viewed the Moon Haven as a threat and they will dispose of any students or members of it as enemies. He apologized to Ashara before seeking treatment and Ashe for her part could only cry over the attempt he made.   While he cannot train with Kartalos in his usual way, Obann has sought the Red Dragon for aid in learning as he wishes to not disturb Numi when she is attending to other matters. He eagerly offers insights into how the older Dragon may improve his spellcasting. Mevara and Ashara have joined in this activity as well when they have been available.   With Alizain often absent from the Moon Haven, Obann has been unable to truly bond with her and instead has been offering advice on how to treat Siora when either she or Alizain seem in a bad mood. While Alizain often laughs off the advice he gives she has followed some of it to great effect, though she would never admit as such to him out of embarassment.   Despite Tavilos being new to the Keep, they may be on the best terms with Obann. With their unconvential focus on both martial and magical ability, they relate with Obann quite easily and the duo are often seen training together when not with others. Tavilos has been speaking to Obann of the nightmares the continue to have following the revelation that their parents had passed. Obann for his part has been an excellent listener to the Regal Dragon's tale and has been offering insights he learned when Numi died to help them calm their mind and move past the grief in their own time. Only a few weeks prior to the Attack upon the Keep, Obann took Tavi back to the Sunfire Archipelago and to their Island home to pay their respects to their parents and to remove the bodies from play by the Imperials using a magical item granted to them by Esther Bitteroot. During the small ritual, Tavi bid farewell to their parents and wished them well within the afterlife before returning to the Keep with Obann and refering to both Numi and Obann as mother and Father.   Both Black Dragons were seen crying shortly after.

Gender Identity

In an attempt to relate with Ashlen and Mevara, Obann has been making use of his Feminine form in sparring sessions. While he prefers his male form he does enjoy assuming it when with the two of them and has been seen on occasions forgetting to change back after long sparring sessions with Ashlen or Mevara. Numiner has no preference on which form he takes but has been seen blushing when she sees his feminine form.

Mental Trauma

While known only to Klexia and Numiner, he has had nightmares of his worst injuries and has awoke within the dark hours of the night to find himself in a cold sweat. Whether he experiences moments of panic or anxiety during his waking hours is unknown.


Obann Andronas


Towards Numiner Andronas

Numiner Andronas


Towards Obann Andronas

Obann Andronas


Towards Klexia Andronas


Klexia Andronas


Towards Obann Andronas


Klexia Andronas, Goddess of Knowledge


Towards Obann Andronas


Obann Andronas


Towards Klexia Andronas, Goddess of Knowledge


Current Location
Date of Birth
6th of Rottiren
Year of Birth
1771 EP 1003 Years old
Numiner Andronas (spouse)
Klexia Andronas (Partner)
Current Residence
The Moon Haven
Red, Pupiless
Short Well Kept Brown Hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned Skin/Black Scales
6'3"/ 22'9"
245 lbs. / 10 Tons
Aligned Organization


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