Emiliana Ortiz

Emiliana Ortiz is a chronicler of Tel Rialis who grew up in the countryside of the Pastoralis region, traveling across the land from a young age. Her main focus lies on the country's natural beauty and the ordinary, working-class people. She primarily travels between the Kaddite Kingdoms and carefully documents her experiences with the people, places, and creatures that she sees; both in writing and visual mediums.  


  • Kada
  • Kaddite Flags - Briareos, Malagra, & Domína
  • Domína
  • Malva
  • Camila Guerra
  • Lucita Tainóre
  • Cridala Cove
  • Merik Herrea
  • D'Aturan Shepherd, Description & Visualization
  • Hanno Ox, Description & Visualization
  • Hanno Mountain Range

Articles & Artifacts



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