Zoila del Bosque (θɔɪ la dɛ la bɒs kɛə)

Hailing from the woodlands of far northern Vencerrado, Zoila del Bosque is a Chronicler of Tel Rialis. Though coming from a relatively modest background, she has established herself as a seeker of knowledge and avid researcher of the wonders of this world. Zoila has traveled the mountains and plains of Tel Rialis on her trusty escale, documenting her observations both through writing and artwork. Though knowledgeable in a great many subjects, she states that her preferred areas of study are in Al Kuliyan theology and both zoology and botany, seeking out the many unique creatures which populate this world.
Those who know Zoila personally mention they are intimidated by her multitude of "lore knowledge" and ability to "commit to the bit". When asked about this, she claimed "When I was eight, I fell victim to a curse from an evil witch, who sought to turn me into a little goblin. This worked, and is now why I am so short," though the existence of witches and the truthfulness of her information is dubious at best


  Malagra Escale Kuliya's Ring Eneko Ardí Adonna Jez Malagran Religious Items Timoteo Roca Messengers of Al Kuliya Luceta Cap  Lamb Vessel  Brooch of Iliya Inés al Cruz 


  Al Kuliya Bayt Alma

Character Portrait image: by Zoe Nast


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