BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Alterna 1: Legacy of the Shrinking

Written by Neons-Mindrealm

It is the year 2137, and over the last century, humanity had to fight their most destructive war yet.
A war which caused evolution to nearly freeze in time, leaving the world almost unchanged from its past century state.
Some would have guessed that in this year we would have flying cars, fully automated smart homes, or even space travel accessible for the general public.
But instead, it all looked just like it was before the war, which was fought against no one else but mother nature herself.   All began in the summer of 2042, where weaponized elements started to rage over the human flooded lands without mercy.
Massive waves which could even rival the height of some skyscrapers washed over the countries, and swallowed entire cities and islands up whole.
Hurricanes so powerful that not a single structure could withstand their raging force.
And sheer unstoppable wildfires, which rolled over the dry inland and reduced every forest and farmland in their paths to nothing but ash.   It was more than clear that something needed to happen soon. If humanity wasn't planning on ridding earth of all its lifeforms.
And with escaping to another home planet still being just a distant dream of man, there was only one solution left.
Finding the main culprit for these disasters and eliminating it.   The search didn't even take that long, as almost everyone was immediately certain that it had to come from the climate change, caused by their reliance on burning fossil fuels for their ever-growing need for electricity.
Sure, solar panel fields and wind turbines were nothing new, and already assisted the energy production greatly.
But they didn't deliver nearly as much power to the planet to solely rely on just them.
So, without further thinking, humanity quickly made it their top priority to focus any research on how to optimize the production of green energy.
And banish fossil fuels to a long forgotten past.   It did take some decades, but eventually, the energy production was successfully and entirely shifted from coal and oil towards solar and wind. With countless dance theaters of wind turbines now spread across the oceans.
And fields of solar panels covering most of the desert's unpopulated grounds in radiating silvery plates.
A development which at first seemed near impossible to uphold, but was then made possible by specially developed and trained AI robots, who's only purpose was to make sure that these facilities would run for an eternity.   Some years then passed, and most people thought the war with nature was already over.
But, unfortunately, they couldn't have been further from the truth.
As the energy production was only one of many factors which initially had brought the wrath of nature upon them.   Factories still called for unreasonable amounts of raw resources, to then either turn them into products, greedily wanted by the general population, or desperately needed to uphold their new green energy empire.
Which, of course, boosted the deforestation, as well as the mining industry, and lead to the disruption and loss of many natural ecosystems, plants and animal species.   Furthermore, with humanity now almost reaching the 12 billion mark, their demand for food wasn't growing any thinner as well.
Agriculture and livestock never stopped expanding. And with that, the relentless emission of greenhouse gases produced by them also kept on growing.
Which slowly disintegrated even the last shreds of hope to appease nature.  


  Years of struggle passed, and even though humanity was indeed able to soothe mother nature with the energy revolution, there was still a way bigger problem looming over them that needed to be solved in order to win this war.   While constant efforts were made to revert the destruction, caused over the last years, natural disasters kept on happening.
Although, they weren't as devastating as before, they were still strong enough to render any attempts of reclaiming the earth useless.
As for every building that got restored, another one got destroyed.
And with every resource extracted from the forests or ground to keep on fixing what was lost, the flames of natures wrath only sparked stronger again each time.
Trapping humanity in a vicious cycle, nobody was able to balance out.   Seeing all their futile attempts, hope became nothing more than an afterthought, and humanity believed that their only future now was to face the end.
If it wasn't for a team of scientists, who suddenly emerged like heroes from the shadows, and presented a mere wonder of technology to the devastated and hopeless public.   A massive machine which was able to alter any mass on its atomic level, to then either multiply or diminish it by the astounding amount of up to 100 times its normal size.
And even though the machine was stationary and couldn't be transported, it was still capable of reaching the entire globe.
Which it achieved by sending out three specially developed kinds of radioactive waves, able to lock onto specific coordinates and biomass data, to only affect what and how it was meant to.
Whilst also remaining neutral to the environment and untargeted organisms.   Two of these specially created radiations served either the purpose of enlarging or diminishing the target, while the third one was there to cleanse it and revert the effects of the machine.
However, the cleansing of a mass was only possible for a limited amount of time, as once enough time had passed, the radiation would fuse itself entirely with the mass it had altered.
Causing any attempt to cleanse said mass after the expiry of the time limit to destabilize it and fall apart into nothing but dust.
Also, the same goes for any attempt of altering a mass more than once with either the enlarging or diminishing wave, without cleansing it first.
As an overdose of the same radiation would turn the cells unstable, letting the affected mass slowly disintegrate over the course of a couple of days, and therefore, making a resize of 100 times the absolute max.   Thanks to this miracle device, it was now possible to slowly but surely restore civilization to its former glory.
As with this machine, a single tree, for example, could now provide almost as much wood as an entire forest.
And by shrinking the harvested resources down before transport, and then enlarging them after arrival, only a single vehicle was needed to deliver enough materials to rebuild an entire city, cutting down the emission of greenhouse gases even further.
And with that, giving nature now finally a chance to start healing.   Years of hard work and restoration later, we are back at the start of 2137, where the war against nature now finally seems to be won. And most of civilization got reverted back to a state similar to before the first waves of natural disasters had struck, with only a few ruins left here and there that still needed to be fixed.
And even the climate showed slight hints of natures satisfaction.
With slowly declining temperatures and enjoyable weather conditions.
It undeniably looked like the golden age for humanity had come at last.   But, with a power so great, an even greater amount of responsibility follows. As it would only take a mere moment of its holders being careless, to allow for a catastrophe to be unleashed upon the world, not a single soul could have ever been prepared for.   What once was praised as the savior of mankind, got then turned into a demon on a fateful night of spring.
As the device, unbeknownst to anyone, suddenly fired off a global wave of radiation, set on the biomass data of nothing less than humankind itself.   Originally, this specific dataset was never meant to truly be used, let alone on such a scale.
All it was, was a hypothetical experiment to feed the curiosity of one particular individual.
A prototype which was never finished, only to try to convince that curious person it wouldn't even be possible, and to try to avoid a potential misuse of the machine.
Still, its mere existence was enough to now bring ruin over the world of humans.
As the machine embraced the entire world with its cataclysmic powers, and shrank its doomed targets down to a dimension in between 5 and 10 centimeters tall.   Lucky for some, but far not all though, its prototype state did manage to fail on at least half of earth's population, and let them remain to stand at their normal size.
So, with approximately 6 billion people left untouched, it should now be easy enough to just revert this disaster by quickly cleansing the affected ones within the machine's timeframe, right?
Well, normally it would, but due to this inconceivable task, it wouldn't even be able to achieve on a perfectly developed biomass dataset, the machine melted down right as it fired off that last global shrink wave.   To top this all off, even the team of scientists who originally developed the machine, and could potentially come up with a solution, all vanished into nothingness on that fateful night.
Leaving humanity now stuck in this new era of giants and tinies.  


  For the world, it was like fate playing domino.
As the nature-defying force of the machine slowly engulfed everything in its apocalyptic grasp, one disaster was followed by another.   People who just wanted to cook themselves a delicious meal, were now only able to look up and watch in horror, as their unattended stoves turned into beacons of spreading house fires.
While cars on the streets suddenly started ramming into each other, with half of their drivers no longer being able to even reach the ends of their driver seats.
And from the skies, giant metal birds came crashing down, because of their now pilotless cockpits, and interiors filled with passengers consumed by nothing but fear.   Apart from the chaos caused by the destruction, another seed of panic was quickly sown amongst the population of earth.
As half of the people were now roaming in the realm of insects, a large fraction of the machines victims went missing not even a whole day after the catastrophe had struck.
And while those who were in the safety of their homes got recovered relatively quickly. The ones who were outside could only hope that it wasn't a hungry wild animal, or worse, who would be the first to lay eyes on their new tiny bodies.   Of course, the government wasn't unaware of these events plaguing their people.
And despite the rapid dispatch of a literal army of search parties to save the lost shrunken civilians, their efforts were near pointless.
As their top priority turned out to just be focused around recovering those with political powers.
And with the achievement of their safety, any further endeavors to keep up the search just dwindled slowly into nothingness. As they quickly realized how futile their efforts truly were.   However, life needed to continue somehow.
And within this newfound world of dividing sizes, and seemingly careless rulerships, it was way easier said than done.
But, just over the course of the remaining year, some impactful changes were already starting to take place, to steer humanity back into a united future.   At the end of the year, specially designed shelters for the tiny ones who had no one to look after them were created to offer a save haven for those in dire need of a secure resting place.
Furthermore, the unique career path of a personal attendant for shrunken children was brought to life. To carry and accompany those unfortunate kids to their schools and back home, so they could continue to keep learning in peace.
And adult workers, who could now no longer carry out their previous jobs, were assigned to a former coworker. To assist them in minor tasks where the perspective of an insect, as well as a tiny pair of hands, could do real wonders.   All in all, this illusion of balance, created by the government, seemed to be working relatively well for the most.
But as a matter of fact, all it really served as was just to prolong a much darker future for the diminished and normal-sized alike.
As in the midst of the summer of 2138, every shrunken with political power suddenly went missing one by one, and vanished without a trace.   Naturally, an event like this, quickly sparked a raging fire of conspiracies to be spread around the world.
As not even a single week later, the successors of the department representing the shrunken world population were already elected.
Though, instead of a replacement, consisting of a new cast of resized people, the department in charge of the world's shrunken population, got filled up entirely with normal-sized politicians.
Which not only created a hierarchy of strong ruling over the weak, but also caused a domino effect to happen, that spiraled humanity down a path of corruption and despair.   With their first official act being a reform of the rights and human status of those who fell victim to the machine, one should have seen the writing on the walls and ended their tenure immediately.
But thanks to their demonlike silver tongues, everybody in the political halls were soon enough convinced that these acts were only meant to enhance the future for those who now roam in the realm of insects.
And so, with the first blooming flowers of spring 2139, every resized citizen was no longer referred to as a human, but instead as a subspecies called “Shrunken”.   What at first seemed like nothing more than a name change for the shrunken population, soon turned out to be the first step of a mere profit oriented scheme.
As the new representatives of Shrunkens didn't see them as equals. But as a slumbering resource, ripening through sorrow, and becoming harvestable upon reaching the peak of their despair.   Once drowning in desperation, a Shrunken would be able to take a special government offer to end their miserable existence, whilst also giving them an opportunity to keep providing support for their bereaved loved ones.
Through an investment of everything they owned before leaving this world.
And even though this would also in theory be eligible for any human on the brink of despair, it is entirely exclusive to Shrunkens.
Due to the fact that their every day live consists of nothing but struggles to survive, and should therefore not be forced to stay in such a cruel world if they willingly choose to leave.   However, due to the global legalization of euthanasia for Shrunkens, and the removal of their human status, some twisted individuals discovered a loophole in the law, to feed their own depraved desires.
People, who always fantasized about being humiliated, hurt or even killed by a much bigger human being, could now live out these fantasies. Without putting their giant reaper in danger of being charged for mayhem or murder.   Of course, these incidents, caused by an overflow of desire, weren't able to remain hidden from the Shrunken department's eyes for long. But instead of taking actions against it, they only sensed another way to exploit their diminished people even further, with yet another devious scheme, that bears the hidden seed of humanities darkest times within.   And so, in the late summer of 2139, the department of Shrunkens presented the “License of Consent” to the public.
A small document which could be purchased by any Shrunken for a high price, to show that they are willingly putting themselves in mortal danger, and risking their lives for potentially one last moment of ecstasy.   Although this document was originally designed for private use only, the escalation of its potential couldn't be stopped.
Forums, full of depraved souls with unique fantasies, quickly bundled together, to create their own perverse businesses.
In which they would sell willing Shrunkens, as either toys, pets or in some cases even food, to their fellow misfits.   At first, these businesses were only small stores, catering to a minimalist line of customers, brought to them through online forums with special tastes.
But as time passed, the government itself started to grow quite fond of these little shops, and even began to endorse and advertise their immoral business ideas.
In fact, the idea of owning or even consuming a Shrunken became so popular amongst the now curious public, that the original supply line was no longer enough to provide enough stock for these shops.   So, with tiny human beings, now being a well sought after product, it didn't take long until illegal organizations also wanted to sink their greedy claws into the business of trading Shrunkens.
Of course, instead of keeping it within the legal sense of true consent, these organizations created a black market, selling Shrunkens against their will, and covering it up with faked licenses.   Surely, panic driven and death fearing Shrunkens should easily stand out amidst the twisted individuals, who willingly found themselves in the predicament of turning into merchandise.
But with just a few coins changing pockets, any crying Shrunken was soon ignored, and just seen as someone who was lost in a role of their perverse fantasy.   Naturally, apart from all that, Shrunkens still counted as valid citizens of the human world.
And causing harm to them without a License of Consent remained a severe, punishable crime.
But with society rapidly adapting to the possible concept of Shrunkens just being an ownable object, as well as the existence of a thriving black market for Shrunken trafficking. The everyday life of these unfortunate souls, became nothing but a paranoia plagued torture.


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