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City of Hatwen

Hatwen is a large city situated at the north end of the great canal Nysisus. It is built over the remains of the original city.
City of Hatwen


Humans make up about 30% of the population, Dwarves 15%, Tabaxi 5%, Orcs 10%, Halflings 5%, gnomes 5% elves 5%, Half elves 5%, Half orcs 5%, all others the split into the remaining 15%.   The city is ancient and diverse with large populations of different races, classes and philosophies.


The city projects power as it's main strategic defence. The city has a navy of 8 war galleons, 30 frigates and 30 corvettes. This is a sizable force that they send out on pirate hunting and shows of force to discourage any adventures from neighboring city states.     For city defences there is Fort Azrat a well positioned cannonade that can cover the entire harbor with cannon fire. It is also a bivowac for their troops. It houses about 200 fighters, cannon crew and knights. This military is often on patrol on the west bank of the canal supporting allied villages and towns upto 50 miles from Hatwen.     Surrounding Old City is a 35' wall and towers. The city has the towers crewed but hasn't needed to stock them for seige for many decades. This wall has 4 gate houses that can close up if need be. Most nights the main gates are closed but a guarded access way is open to the public to travel between new city and canal side.     Hrath Castle is the main seat of power in the city, though over time many city departments have moved to other buildings throughout the city. It however is stocked for seige should the need arise.

Industry & Trade

The old city houses all of the established and well known trades and guilds. Some of these shops are centuries old and are world renouned for their goods and wares. The wide streets around the Antheum house and open market and most of the shops and trades.   This city is a hub of mercenary activity. Many adventuring companies, military units and security detachments are based in camps outside the city, but they have offices to recruit new soldiers and get contracts. with the amount of trade that flows in and out of the city there needs to be protection for these caravans, travelers and other adventures.


The city is built along the east side of the canal. The old city still has running water and sewer connections in most of the buildings. These seem to be running on autonous systems under the city. The newer parts of the city use fountains and wells to collect water and have a sewer pipe system that empties into the harbor.     The city has a large harbor that is has survived the original city. it is deep and has large docking lanes that accomodate the largest ships.


The Old City: This part of the city is encircled by walls made of blocks of ruble synth gathered from the colapsed ancient buildings. The old city outlines the arcology that was the center of the original city. That structure is long since gone and its ruins have been torn down and refashioned into the buildings that stand in this quarter. All of the old families and old money live in this part of the city.     The New City: This part of the city is also ancient but built on the flattened land between the old sea wall and the hills surrounding the old city. This part of the city is mearly 900 years old, and it contains the Arena of Hytus, one of the greater structures built outside of the old city.     Center District: This area was built after a devistating fire in the center of New City. It is this fire that cleared the slums and allowed for the construction of the Arena in New City and the great hall of life a MABC temple/ museum. This district is built at a different angle than the rest of the rough grid New City was built on.     North Coast: This area follows the old sea wall along the beaches on the coast. This district encompasses fine homes originally built as get aways from the old city, but now are the croweded edge of the city.     Canal Side: This area was initially mostly warehousing light industrial but after the New City fire it has filled in with the former residents of the areas that burned down. This is a poorer section of town, but because of it's close proximity to the Old city is often the haunt of those looking for adventure and has many drinking establishments and inns.


Originally founded at the end of the first migration from Origin Island this is one of the original settlement locations. This city was built around an arcology, and then later the great canal was started here. At some point in the city's history, probably around 900 or 1000 the arcology was destroyed and the population scattered. The remaining population tore down the arcology and used the rubble to build a new settlement.

Points of interest

The Antheum: This large oval shapped stadium can hold 20,000 spectators. This arena is often the site of races, field games, jousts and melees. There is usually an event every other day of the week.     The Arena of Hytus: This arena can hold 12,000 spectators and is usually holds gladiator combats. They hold their specticals on the days that the Antheum is closed.     The Great Hall of Life: a huge MABC philosophic hall that is open to the public and is full of examples of all kinds of plants, animals, monsters and other lifeforms found on the planet. Some are large stuffed displays, skeletons, but also paintings and drawings collected from all over the world. Adventurers could be hired to hunt a beast or find a rare plant they want for the collection.     Old City also houses other smaller philosophical order's halls. There is a library and a university. The War Savants are the only group that does not have a presence in the city as they have a monastery several miles away.


The foundations of the ancient arcology that used to fill the footprint of the old city still exist. Adventurers can find old entryways, vents, shafts and other ways to enter this location. All of the good loot has probably been extracted, but there is always the lure of another undiscovered cashe of cyphers or relics that could make someone wealthy. Every so often someone does emerge with a valuable artefact, most that are able to return come back empty handed.   The city is situated about 3 miles from one of the first locks on the canal. The opening of the canal has defined lanes for the ships to follow. Many come to see the locks in action and there are tourist trips one can arrange with a guide to watch them function. at the head of the canal is one of the automated control towers.


The old city is made up of old houses made of rubble with fine interiors that have been rebuilt several times over the eons. The synth rubble is of various grey and white colors (but some are known to glow at night). These buildings are fireproof and sturdy.   the newer parts of the city are made of brick or stone with tile roofs. The oldest buildings are made of wood but as these either decay or are burned down they are replaced with brick buildings.


The old City sits on a steep hill. The rest of the city is built on a level plain that slopes down toward a beach. A sea wall protects this area from flooding. To the west are plains that support large farms and range lands. This area is thuroughly populated with farms, villages and small towns scattered across the countryside.


Hatwen is often battered by storms that sweep in from the northwest. The barrier sandbars and islands provide some safe harbor but flooding during storms is not uncommon. For the most part the temperatures are temperate but warm year round.

Natural Resources

Intense agriculture is the main resource around the city. However there are good clay and stone deposites within a day's ride that are used for new building materials. The city has access to all kinds of metals and materials from around the world from it's trade. Very little is in short supply, and if it is the Hatwenites know where to get it wholesale.
Founding Date
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under


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