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City of Sira

The city of Sira is an ancient port city at the south entrance to the great canal of Muriel.
City of Sira


This city is majority Orc and half-orc and comprise 58% of the population. Humans compromise another 30%, and Tabaxi comprise 8%. The remainging 4% are scatterings of all other races.


The city has no protective wall surrounding it unlike most cities in the region. Unlike other cities Sira is open to nomads and traders and other wanderers. The defences though are focused on the canal. At the mouth of the canal are two large towers that are always posted up with a contingent of troops. Along the canal at the center is a castle equipted with enough cannons to threaten any warship. Entry from the south is guarded by a fort wich can cover the canal traffic in all directions.

Industry & Trade

Sira's primary industry is wholesale and warehousing. The markets are full of traders selling shiploads of goods and resources.


The has the great canal bisecting it and 5 great bridges span the canal in the city propper. These bridges are ancient and predate the founding of the city. They are tall enough a fully masted ship can sail undernieth.     There is a port that branches off of the canal and supports most of the trade in the city.


The city is full of neighborhoods made up of groups of housing clusters. There is no strong zoning or organization to the city.


Built upon the ruins of a previous city all that remained of that city were the bridges and the canal. The bridges seem to be made of the same material as the canal and is serviced by the same automatons that upkeep the canal.   Initially founded by nomads the city has never been developed or expanded according to a plan. The main thouroghfairs are existing construction that have been kept and adapted while the rest of the city expanded organically.   The city changes government often, usually once a generation there is some uprising or rebellion that succeeds. As such the population of the city are not as concerned with who runs the city knowing their rule will not be long.

Points of interest

Grand Temple: Located at the northwest end of the Great Way it is a pantheon of sorts. Errected in 1501 to house all of the philosophic orders in one place.     Double House of Order: This is the main government offices and seat of power. these two massive buildings are joined by an arch that spans the main axis of the city way. These buildings are each about 9 stories tall and made of stone. The arch is used to address crowds and used to mark celebrations.     Pyramids of Delos: This complex of pyramids house who ever is currently in charge of the city.     Grand Market: This long wide street is lined with shops and full of open air stalls.     Bridges: There are 5 bridges that spand the canal. Each is made of thick metal and synth materials. They are wide enough for two carts to pass in each direction. Bridge traffic is controlled by city officers to keep it flowing. Nomads are often in the city as this is one of the few transition points to easily cross the canal.


Sira is the less popular destination for those interested in the ancient relics associated with the canals. Only the canals and the harbor have any of the original architecture or mechanisms. The insular nature of the city is seen as unwelcoming to outsiders.


The city is made of blocks of housing owned by clans of families that all interconnect and close off to outsiders. Houses are made of adobe and brick.   The major buildings of the city are all made of imported stones.


Sira sits atop a bluff surrounded by two small rivers that empty into the mouth of the canal. South of the city proper is a saltwater marsh. The coast is dotted with small sandbars and islands.


Sira's climate is temperate and generally does not get the brunt of the storms off of the Meridian Sea. The city is often foggy in the mornings. A lighthouse is located on the barrier islands to guide ships in to canal.

Natural Resources

The area around Sira is rich farmland that supports intensive argricultural development up to 30 miles around the city. Beyond that is open grasslands dotted with farm and ranch villages. These agricultural goods make their way to the city. Sira is know for is leather crafting. The barrier islands are made up of corals and there is abundant fishing, crabbing, and gathering other sea resources.
Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
City of Bridges
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under


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