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City of Kadi

Situated about 25 miles from the Canals this city plays an important part in the modern trade and defense of the canal zone.  
City of Kadi


Predominantly human population at 69% followed by half orcs 13%, orcs 9%, Elves 7% and 2% of everything else.


Kadi is ruled by an elite group of aristocrats know as The Order of Peers. This oligarchy was founded 110 years ago after a period of civil war and anarchy after a series of despotic kings. These kings engaged in pointless military adventures or generally stole the treasury. for a period of 90 years the city was in great turmoil. After the ensuing chaos a group of older noble families reestablished law and order in the city. There is a royal family but they are purely ceremonial. The queen mother is a revered and popular figure with no power to change laws or establish treaties.     The order of peers numbers about 46 important families, with 5 holding the most power. These five clans have the other 41 members bound by various contracts, patronage, bonds or oaths. These five families possess twice as much wealth as the next 10 families combined. The Order of Peers are organized around a central chairperson, a treasurer, a secretary of state, the admiralty, the interior minister, and Master of secrets. The remaining 40 members are Ministers at large. Each given minor specific duties they are responsible for. These are all city and commerce functions like running the sewers, lamp lighting or collecting fees for city services.     There is a lot of corruption between the Peers and the guilds and businesses of the city. However this is tempered by a need to appear organized and strong. There are many pirates and nomad clans that operate in the vicinity, not to mention other great Ayorhah cities looking for spoils.


The center of the city is the great fortress of Kadi. This is the seat of all power both the Queen Mother and the Order of Peers. This fortress houses the royal family. There are also enough apartments and chambers to house much of the Order of Peers too and staff. It has a new cannonade jutting into the bay, it can cover both east and west simultaneously.   Fort Yadzel is on a small island north of the city. It has coverage of the harbor and out to sea. This fort also has a few corvettes parked nearby to intercept ships suspected of smuggling or engaging in piracy. The fort is home to about 100 marines.

Industry & Trade

Trade is the most important industry. Wholesaling, bulk purchasing, import and export sales. Financing all of this trade activity and keeping the books feed and feed on the trade in the city.     Supporting this upkeep is a variety of businesses and trades. Where the city has needs though. Wood and metal are two hard to come by commodities. There are few forests left close to the city and the land is not predisposed to tree farming. Second there are no mines in the area. These two items must be imported from far away for construction and tools. Much of the tooling, weapons, and armor in the city are imports from other cities.


This city is a center of trade, ships and traders looking to swap wares and sell in bulk come to Kadi's large port to do so. There are plenty of trading houses and warehouses along the east and west ports. There is a small dry dock to provide ship repairs and construction.     Outside of trade Kadi is an agricultural hub. There are 25 surrounding villages and large farms that grow a large cross section of foods and industrial fibers, wool and leather. Kadi has a bustling grains market and produce wholesalers. Outside the city are many windmills to grind grain into flours.     Banking and financial services are the other important industries here. Controlled entirely by the Order of Peers these banks fund expeditions, colonies, adventuring parties and construction in not just Kadi, but in other cities as well.     The city has a sewer system that empties in to the Lagoon. The lagoon is connected to the bay by tunnels under the fortress. The upper districts up on the hills surrounding the lagoon have the better system, the lowlands part of the city around the lagoon often overflows.     Kadi has a Vitalist Hospital that has nearly 1000 beds and attracts patients from all over the area. It is also a teaching university and many new Vitalist doctors and healers are trained here.     The great canals of Nysisus and Muriel are located to the east. Muriel is located 25 miles away from Kadi, and the entrance is a through a runined city. At the mouth is a fort to protect the canal from pirate blockades.


Western Cliffs. These area between the outer walls and the cliffs is a newer sector of the city, built out after the rise of the Order of Peers. This area is home to many of the workers, servants and consultants to the Peers. most of these buildings are brick and tiled roofs.     Lowtowns. This area surrounds the port and lagoon and makes up the poorer sections of town. Often flooded it has a moistness to it. many of the buildings are in disrepair, the brick construction not standing up to the flooding over time.     Arena Village. The neighborhoods around the arena are middleclass and lower class and made up of apartments rather than owned homes. Some of the older established families and clans that didn't make it into the Order of Peers live here and make up a vocal opposition sometimes to their rule. The area is dominated by a huge circular arena carved into the ground to form an amphitheater. Games, plays, music and gladiatorial combat are the entertainment to be found at the arena. The Vitalist Hospital is the other dominating landmark in the area.     East Gate town. This district is well appointed businesses and shops for the majority of land travelers who enter from the east gate. There are many inns and taverns here.


This city has a lot of money. There are banks scattered throughout the business districts. there are families with old fortunes who can pay for luxuries and investment.     Although the city's biggest philosophical temple is the Vitalist Hospital, every philosophy has patrons and temples in the city. The Castle Tear is a War Savant headquarters that is well established. the philosophical schools all participated in cementing the power of the Order of Peers, and as such get a lot of patronage. Castle Tear is a War Savant college which includes a fighters guild hall. Includes a turney court and archery range.     The city has a navy of about 25 ships. They have 8 fully outfitted frigates with cannons and full crews, the rest are smaller craft outfitted with either cannons or swivel guns. The smaller ships are fast and nimble for boarding and interception. This navy will escort ships flying the flag of Kadi to the mouth of the canal, and engage any pirates foolish enough to interfere with business. In addition to these ships Kadi has several privateer outfits based here that can be hired for protection or other business.

Guilds and Factions

The Order of Peers is the central focus of power. However each of the 46 families that make up the Order each have their own domain or fief over the city.   The primary opposition to the Order of Peers is a rag tag group of clans, outsiders, troublemakers and agitators who ultimately want to have less corruption and more opportunities for those not in the power elite of the city. Their actions are often indirect to the order. Supporting a play that is an allegory for the corruption in the city, or organizing a feast for the poor. There are several newspapers and pamphleteers who agitate and the reaction from the city ranges from ignoring them to raids and arrests for disturbing the peace.


Founded in 1346 as just a fort on the lagoon. A larger city used to exist at the mouth of the canal, but some effect has made it a ruin and uninhabitable since then. Over the centuries Kadi has attracted more and more settlers. Originally founded under a Queen and noble families those dynasties lasted off and on over the centuries, but sputtered out under the corrupted years that later lead to the formation of the Order of Peers.

Points of interest

Vitalist Hospital. Founded in 2134 it has grown over the centuries. The current building was built in 4301 over a century of work to build it. It has 989 beds for patients. It has both a magical and cypher ward for illnesses caused by these forces. The school can provide instruction to 42 students full time with classrooms, laboratories and dorm rooms.     Graveyard. Center of the Mortal Coil temple, this funerary complex provides cremation services. it is surrounded by the mausoleums of the city elite and the oldest families.     Arena. This arena seats 12,000 persons and has a complex under the central area so that complicated productions and fights can be arranged. The arena does not look tall, but it is sunk into the ground and has a series of catacombs underneath. In the theater configuration it can seat another 800 people. for the gladiatorial fights they are typically not to the death except in certain situations (such as public duels). The arena has under ground stables for horses and other mounts. There is usually some spectacle every other day.     Castle Tear. This castle was established by the War Savants in 2213. As Kadi became an important trade city and port that served the ships entering the canal it became an important headquarters as they could dispatch clerics on missions to the Meridian Sea or the Long sea regions. Many famous trials of war criminals have been held at castle tear.     Walls of Kadi. Build over the centuries these current fortifications were laid out in 4691. These walls are 25' wide and up to 52' tall. The have kept nomadic clans and jealous eyes from trying the might of Kadi. Even in their most chaotic and lawless none of the local warlords attempted to take Kadi. The walls are patrolled and the towers are manned everyday. It has been a long time since anyone has attempted to take Kadi by land.


A rocky coastline surrounded by good range lands and farming soil. the fortress and hospital are made of local stone quarried in the city and nearby. The lagoon is a favorite place for people to cool off in the summers.


Coastal city that has frequent storms. The harbor is protected by a series of islands.
Founding Date
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under


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