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City of Wena

Situated at the southern mouth of the great canal Muriel is the city of Wena
City of Wena


The canal is protected by a fort north of the city. This fort has canons and balista to stop any raiders coming from the canal.   The city has no walls and relys on the sheer cliffs for land defence. The city has a navy of 25 galleys armed with balista or small guns. These are for rapidly raming pirate ships and boarding them for combat. The city trains marines and has about 500 to 900 at any given time. The galleys patrol the waters close to the mouth of the canal and the canal in groups of 3 or 4.     The city has a large number of armored footmen, about 3000 that can be equiped at any time. Their headquarters is the fort Kharm. The city has several orders of knights but actual calvery is limited. As such Wena is a well defended city but can not project power far.

Industry & Trade

Fishing and building fishing nets and tools is a major industry in the city. The city has access to a salt mine and preserved fish is a common staple and export.     Banking is another major industry that drives trade and colonization efforts.     There are many fine stonemasons and sculptors in this city.


One of the first things you see in Wena are the great windmills. These ancient structures survive and run today with little known about them. It is believed they have something to do with pumping water up to the city on the bluffs. The blades drive shafts that go deep into the ground.     The city has 7 great towers that house large spiral ramps that allow citizens to bring carts from the lower city districts to the upper city districts. The carts allowed are a specific size and can only be donkey or human drawn. Each cart has a special ratchet mechanism to keep them from rolling backwards.     The upper city is made of finely paved cobblestone and cement streets. These have storm sewers to drain water and sewage away from the surface of the street. There are many fountains scattered througout the city. These all seem to run perpetually from an unknown source.     The city has a huge harbor at the mouth of the canal. The harbor has 4 massive slips available. located around the harbor are warehouses, storage sheds and wholesale markets. The largest dry dock on the Long Sea is located here. On the southern tip of the harbor is a large lighthouse. located at the base is a naval academy. The harbor is made of synth, but has not fared as well as the canal so it has been repaired with stone and brick over the years giving it a hodgepodge look.   The lower part of the city is made of various areas of paving, gravel and cobble stone streets. This area also has sewers that empty into the harbor, these are smaller and tend to back up in larger storms.


Awreht Way: This district is made up of 4 and 5 story stone and brick buildings. This is the financial center of the city, and home to banks and wealthy residences.     Seeker's Way: This district is made of stone buildings housing the elite of the city. Many high end shops and craftspeople are located here.     Hunter's Way: This district houses many of the leadership and military families of the city.     Varn's Triangle: This central district of wood and brick housing is mostly made up of workers and servants to the better parts of the upper city.     Wind Ridge: This area is very mixed with 3 story stone buildings housing middleclasses and lesser nobles.     Dragon's Feet: This large district is made of wooden housing for the lower classes and those that have to live near the harbor for their livelyhood.     Sailor's Row: This area is designated for all of the taverns and inns catering to the sailors who come to port. it is rowdy and loud.


The Harbor is the city's biggest asset and the city is a major hub of trade. It produces ships that ply both the Long Sea and the canals.

Points of interest

Megalith: This huge facility is built around the base of a more ancient structure predating the city. This is the seat of power and all of the city offices can be found here. it is a massive 150' tall pyramid on a 50' stem holding it up off the ground. An small village of new buildings added on over the eons have grown the building out around it's base.     Colossus Circle: This arena is used for games and sport entertainment. Fighting and gladiator combat is currently outlawed. The arena can fit 15,000 patrons.     Thinker's Square: This rectangular square is home to all of the important philosophical orders in the city. 4 large philosophical schools are represented here.     Old Wena Complex: This ruins is the original settlement of Wena. Abandoned thousands of years ago it has been largely picked over for cyphers and oddities. The remaining structure appears to be just the foundational core of a large city sized facility of an unknown use. It is considered dangerous and entry is forbidden, but enforcement is spotty.


Many come to visit this city as it's upper city is quite beautiful. It is a common stop on tours that travel up the canal.


The buildings of the upper city especially along the main avenues are stone structures. Typically the first floor belongs to the wealthy, the second floor to the middle classes and the upper and attic floors to the poor. Each have their own entry stairs in the back of the building off of the street.


The mesa that forms the city dominates an otherwise flat landscape. There is a rough small river that empties into a bay alongside the harbor. The harbor is protected by a few barrier islands.


Wena has a constant breeze and often has sustained winds for days on end. The windmills take advantage of this and spin constantly.

Natural Resources

The areas surrounding the city are home to more forests than other places in the Basseem ithsmus. These are farmed and controlled forests otherwise the hungry industires would clearcut the region. There are more mineral resouces in the region that are plentify and easy to access.
Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
Windy Bluffs
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under


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