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City of Zawty

Built on the tall outcropping of rock on an island in the Zaw river this city is built on the rubble of an ancient city that used to stand here.  
City of Zawty


Racially humans make up a plurality at 48%, followed by Dwarves 20%, gnomes 8% halflings 4% and then a smattering of other races make up the remaining 20%.


Officially the Caliphate of Zaw is the official law of the land. The Caliphate is lead by a philosopher king or queen. The official philosophy of Zawty is Crucibalism. The cental workshop is located between the Visitors Row district and the Nine towers. The king has under them a four branches of government. The first branch is the council of lords made up of landed gentry and titled knights. This council debates new laws and measures for the king to agree to. They control the treasury. Second branch is the College of Philosophers. These philosophers develop rules and measures that effect the moral health of the city. Next is the magistraites who preside over courtrooms and make interpretations of the law. The cases they try can be appealled to the king. The fourth branch is the Order of Knights. There are three levels. First is the army which is made up rank and file soldiers. Second is the City guard. Over these two are the Knights of Zawty. It is possible for a knight to rank up and join the council of lords should they be given a title. The city guard have jurisdiction to enforce the law in the city, the army enforces the law outside the city.     The citizens of Zawty are living in a theocracy and don't have many freedoms of assembly, voice, or many choices in career. There are guilds but they have little real power beyond organizing for more efficient trade and standards.


There are castles built at the ends of the bridges that link the island. These are strong fortifications but built to stop any invading traffic that comes from the bridges. Most of the defence relys on the geography of the island to deter enemies.

Industry & Trade

Zawty is located near several large mines that collect many different minerals and metals for smelting and forging in the city. Crucibalism lifts up the task of mining and forging metal. There are many blacksmiths, goldsmiths, silversmiths, tinkerers and other craftspeople who export to the bigger trade cities on the canals.


The city has two massive bridges that connect the city to the shore. These bridges are ancient structures built of synth and metal. They are huge and gracefull.     There are remnents of paved streets left in the city in a grid. The city uses this grid where it can. These streets have sewers. The city then has cobble stone streets to fill in the rest.


Visitor's Row: This area is designed for travellers and has several large inns, stables and facilities for repairing or making carts. It is also the only place travellers can stay and are encouraged to not stray far at night from this district.

Points of interest

The Nine: Nine Identical towers 30 stories tall made of synth. They serve as city offices, homes for about 300 functionaries. These towers supply water and even a food paste from machines that are still functioning. Only the elite live in this district and few outside visitors are allowed to enter. The view from the towers is spectacular.     Sky Harbor: Zawty has a small harbor with a few amenities. To move goods to the city proper there are a series of large cranes that move people, goods and other things at all hours of the day.     The Ruins: Surrounding the island are fields of rubble made of synth, metal and stone. It is not clear if this is the remains of a city or debris from the city above pushed off the edge. The area is a hot bed of cypher hunters as many oddities and cyphers can be found with enough excavation and luck.


A few visitors come to Zawty, most are Crucibalism pilgrims or those who want to see the Nine. There are cypher and oddity hunters who come to pick through the debris. Most visitors are required to stay in Visitor's Row at night and travel is limited to day light hours. Visitors who are not Crucibalists are not encouraged to mix and mingle with the citizens. Primarily they would like visitors to come, take care of their business and leave as soon as possible.


The city's buildings are mostly brick construction with tile or slat shingled roofs. The bricks and stones are quarried locally and some are exported. Metal decorative elements are common such as grates, railings, and decorations.


The city sits upon a rocky outcropping with a layer of topsoil on top. There is a beach around the island but it is littered with the debris of the previous city. This debris was cleared around the harbor many centruries ago, but the rest of the shore is difficult and dangerous to try to land on.

Natural Resources

Surrounding the city are forests and fields with many farms and estates. the hills further up river are locations of small mining villiages that are allied with Zawty.   Much the farming is ranching livestock for milk and wools. the farms with better soil are further out and ship produce and grains to the city by boat. Most of the processing is done at the farm and refined materials are brought to the city.     The mining also use the Zaw river to move materials to the city. Most of the ore refining is done at the mine, and only the processed minerals come to the city. The metals brokers collect these smaller shipments and combine them in to wholesale lots to be shipped out of town or sold to markets in town.     The water around Zawty is a combination of fresh water from the river Zaw and brackish water from the Long Sea. This makes for difficult fishing as the currents and tides are always clashing, and the water quallity changes frequently. There is some fishing done but they must either go out to sea or up the river to find good fishing grounds.
Founding Date
Inhabitant Demonym
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