Forest Town Settlement in Anchored Worlds | World Anvil
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Forest Town

“Outside of Town and a short walk away is what the townsfolk simply call the Ruins. Why these buildings were abandoned, and why they were so destroyed instead of being preserved and reused like the others, in unknown. All of the buildings are ruined, and many are burned and crumbled to the ground. The townsfolk say that the Ruins are haunted, and at night you can hear the wailing of lost spirits in the dark.”
In the forest beyond Town lies the ruins of a town that was destroyed by the Warden when she retook the Isle. The town is notoriously haunted.


If the size of the buildings are any indication, this town was inhabited by goblins or kobolds before it was destroyed by the Warden.


Alternative Name(s)
The Forest Ruins, The Ruins
Location under
Owning Organization