Enye Settlement in Anchored Worlds | World Anvil
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Against the raging sea and sky are clusters of buildings huddled behind a squatting wall of stone and magic. Bow-shaped buildings sit in tightknit clusters, connected by a web of wide streets paved with white stone. A few testaments of the old town that used to be here still remain: a few stone huts sit in the outskirts near the beach, and a squat watchtower of grey-and-black rises from the rocks beside the largest port. There is space enough in this port for ten ships, and nearly every space is currently filled.
  The largest Empire settlement on the Isle, Enye is also the only Imperial port. All of the resources gathered and made by the prisoners of the Isle are shipped from this town. Ships sail into the port during the autumn when the sea is calmest. Prisoners come through Enye when they are transferred to the Isle, and make the journey to the Isle in scheduled wagon runs that go to the Tower.


The population of Enye is mostly dock workers and their families, and some disgraced nobles who are willing to perform manual labor. About half of the residences are set up for sailors to stay during the months of the year that the sea is hostile. The permanent residents are almost entirely elves and dragonborn. The sailors who stay for the stormy months are almost entirely orcs, with some humans.


The Warden has appointed a Prince over Enye, one of her personal soldiers who answers directly to her. He has absolute rule over the town, and has a small group of prison guards that rotate in to police the population.


There is a small stone wall around the outermost buildings of Enye on the side facing the forest. On the backside of the town is the ocean, and several dwarven cannons. A watchtower exists from the days before the Empire, and a few retired battlemages make that their home.

Industry & Trade

The Isle functions similar to the Empire in that it is a palace economy. All money to support Enye comes from the Tower, and is overseen by the Warden. As such, Enye's industry is that of the Tower's.


The town grew from the port that the Warden took from the dragon and her minions. Using magical and mechanical means, buildings were erected to account for the growing population, but it is still essentially a port town.

Guilds and Factions

There are three "factions" in Enye: nobles, workers, and sailors. The disgraced nobles that live here often still try to cling to a semblance of their old influence and society, even if they are reduced to living in small, "peasant" homes. The dock workers outnumber the nobles, however, and essentially bully them into staying quiet. The sailors who are forced to stay on the Isle during stormy months more often than not fall in with the workers' crowd, but there are some notable exceptions. The captains, for instance, usually rub elbows with the nobles.


The small town that existed here was destroyed by the Warden when she first came to the Isle. This was the first place the Empire had any power, and has some small amount of pride in that.


It is mostly Imperial-style architecture in Enye. All of the newer buildings are topped with sharp bow-shaped roofs and have colors of yellow, blue, and silver. The houses of nobles are larger (the tallest is only two stories, however), and often a bit isolated to make room for groves of trees that are enhanced with magic and constant tending. A few trees native to Ditea have been transplanted onto Isle soil, and they require constant attention to stay alive.

Natural Resources

Enye is between the sea, the forest, and a swift-running river.
Founding Date
Large town
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
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