Anchored worlds History of Eden Timeline
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History of Eden

This timeline will contain only major events that shaped the entirety of Eden. For events on a national or smaller scale, seek out a specific (location based) timeline.

  • 1


    The Void Crisis
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

  • About 9000 years ago
    Elves Emerge
    Population Migration / Travel

    About 9,000 years ago by their own reckoning, the fey that modern elves descended from migrated from the Feywild into the Material Plane. For what reason has been lost to the ages, but they numbered in the hundreds, and gave up their ties to the Feywild to live on the Material Plane.

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  • 0SD
    Samael Empire Established
    Political event

    The Samael Empire was once a small northern coastal country. The Queen of Samael, Solana Samael , began to receive visions she believed were from her gods and ancestors. They urged her to unite the continent under her rule, so that she could ease the growing tensions and constant wars between the various powers that spread across the continent.

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    Samael Empire
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  • 9089


    Duskwine Queendom/Svitar War
    Military: War

    The Svitaran kingdom went to war with a neighboring elven nation, the Duskwine Queendom. The war was six years long, and was vicious on both sides. Svitar came out victorious, due in no small part to several key betrayals for the "dusk elves."

  • 750 years ago
    Nortenia Occupies Svitar
    Military: War

    Svitar found themselves on the receiving end of their usual aggression when the neighboring Nortenia invaded and occupied the country for over a decade. Though some small areas managed to remain independent, at the end of the decade-long war, Nortenia held most of the country.

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  • 25 years ag
    Ireena, Izek, Thera, and Agueda
    Life, Birth
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