Anchored worlds Samael History Timeline
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Samael History

A history of the Samael Empire, and the history of the Black Isle

Samael Dynasty

... 3736

Also known as the First Dynasty, or the Golden Dynasty, the Samael family was the first to rule the Empire, and began their expansion across the continent.

  • 0SD
    Samael Empire Established
    Political event

    The Samael Empire was once a small northern coastal country. The Queen of Samael, Solana Samael , began to receive visions she believed were from her gods and ancestors. They urged her to unite the continent under her rule, so that she could ease the growing tensions and constant wars between the various powers that spread across the continent.

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    Samael Empire
    Additional timelines

Nazdir Dynasty

6723 8982

The previous dynasty under the Nazdir family

  • 2149 ND
    Tiriana Larzia born
    Life, Birth

    Tiriana was her parents' third child of four, and the only one who didn't die or get exiled before her mother's death.

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  • 2171 ND
    Saevel Faven Born
    Life, Birth

    Saevel would go on to marry Tiriana Larzia, the High Empress of Samael.

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Larzia Dynasty

8984 and beyond

The current dynasty under the Larzia family

  • 187 LD
    Tiriana Larzia Crowned
    Political event

    After two years of trial, Tiriana was cleared of guilt in her mother's death. She was crowned, and almost immediately married her longtime lover Saevel.

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  • 399 LD
    Livianna Sentrissa Born
    Life, Birth

    A wood elf born in a poorer area of the Empire, Livianna would go on to become an accomplished monster hunter, and eventually the Warden of the Obsidian Tower prison.

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    Livianna Sentrissa
  • 501 LD
    Selanar Larzia Born
    Life, Birth

    After years of difficulty conceiving, miscarriages, and two stillbirths, the High Empress finally gave birth to a healthy baby boy. Selanar was celebrated as the heir the Larzia dynasty had been waiting for.

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  • 570 LD
    Tiriana Dies
    Life, Death

    After battling a long illness that had progressed over the course of a decade, Tiriana Larzia died in the presence of her husband, only son and, controversially, her exiled older brother.

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  • 570 LD
    Selanar Crowned Emperor of Samael Empire
    Political event

    After Selanar was cleared of any involvement in his mother's death, he was crowned High Emperor of the Samael Empire. His trial was short and found absolutely nothing to indicate his mother died of anything other than poor health.   The coronation was characteristically frugal, but the celebrations in the Empire lasted over a week.

  • 674 LD
    Livianna Rejects High Emperor Selanar
    Life, Failure / Mishap

    In what is considered an act of political suicide, Livianna confronted the High Emperor regarding his romantic advances towards her, which had been gently rejected from the beginning, and firmly rejected him.   The following day, the Emperor punished her with an impossible task. Everyone knew this was intended to be a death sentence.

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    Livianna Sentrissa
  • 676 LD - 680 LD
    The Invasion of the Isle
    Military action

    Livianna Sentrissa, a disgraced monster hunter who defied the High Emperor's advances, was sent essentially to death with orders to retake the Black Isle from the dragon who ruled it. Two years after the order was given, she took an army of hand picked soldiers and began a successful campaign to take part of the Isle in the name of the Empire.

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  • 683 LD
    Saevel Dies
    Life, Death

    Saevel, husband to the late previous High Empress, died of old age.

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  • 754 LD
    Ava Greensky Born
    Life, Birth

    Though she was born an impoverished half-elf on the outskirts of the Empire, Ava Greensky would go on to marry the High Emperor Selanar and become Empress. She would have two children.

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  • 788 LD
    Selanar and Ava Marry

    While many considered the courtship rushed, few could blame Selanar for moving quickly to marry his half-elven lover. The ceremony itself was quite small and inexpensive, but the High Emperor allowed the nobility to spoil him and his bride with expensive gifts.

  • 874 LD
    Ayre and Amara Larzia Born
    Life, Birth

    Eighty-six years after marrying the High Emperor, Ava gave birth to twins: a boy and a girl. She survived the birth, a feat attributed to her human heritage. The birth was the first time Selanar was known to splurge.

  • 877 LD
    Ava Killed
    Life, Death

    Only three years after giving birth to the heirs to the Samael Empire, Ava was killed by a group of drow assassins. The assassins confessed that she was not their target: Selanar felt unwell and Ava went to a meeting in his place, triggering a trap and ambush that had been intended to take out the High Empress.

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