Araneyah World History of Araneyah Timeline
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World History of Araneyah

  • 0 Unkown

    The Shattering
    Era beginning/end

    Chromat, one of the last celestial beings among the galaxy, tries to flee from the pursuit of the devourer, Eos. A being of darkness whose only goal is to consume all light within the universe.
      Chromat is finally caught, and in the ensuing struggle, splits its essence into eight pieces. It sends the purest light it can muster away from the rest to force Eos to chase.   The remaining seven aspects coalesce into the Chromatic Pantheon.

  • 0 Unkown

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    Birth of the Chromatic Pantheon
    Era beginning/end

    The essences of Chromat, now split into separate powers, coalesce into diefic beings. They take the color and personalities of the power they came from.   They gained sentience, and in working together, created the world and lands of Araneyah.

  • 1 CE

    850 CE

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    The Great Peace
    Era beginning/end

    For nearly eight hundred years, Araneyah knew peace. Civilizations sprang forth in harmony, sharing technology and resources, living as one with the lands. The gods created beings of marvel and power to help guide the peoples, and carry out their wills. The gods granted aspects of their own power through Huestone crystals for those they favored. Those crystals granting boons such as physical and mental gifts, or even control of the elements. Those powers were used to help all, and the world existed in bliss.

  • 1 CE

    850 CE

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    Coalescing Darkness

    During Chromat’s fracturing, and subsequent ruse to lure Eos away, the dark god took a gamble of its own. It broke off a small chunk of it’s malevolence, leaving it hidden in the debris caused by the cosmic battle. When the Chromatic pantheon drew the matter to them to form the world, the sliver of Eos came with it. It hid in the dark places of the world for hundreds of years, condensing its power and creating beings that shared its own malevolence for life.

  • 327 CE

    330 CE

    Founding of the Dawn Cities
    Construction beginning/end

    Early into the era of peace, the gods saw fit to create great cities for life to flourish. Erdenet, Xanhoosa, Jurong, Tamchen, Caronea, Lawha, Ran Doh. These cities stood as monuments and were created directly intwined with nature. The citizens lived in harmony with their environments.

  • 850 CE

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    850 CE

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    The Shadowed Council
    Military action

    Manducare and his generals hatch plans to reveal to the world their power. They lay plans to overrun the Orchid Provinces, and sack the city of Ran Doh. Among the generals are Nirrononth the Undying Fire, Boroljigin the Unmade, Khordann the Brutal, Dergma the Broken, Zenil the Craven, Jemzorin the Unchained, and Ilusa the Huntress

  • 850 CE

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    850 CE

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    The First Shadowed Assault: The Sacking of Ran-Doh
    Military action

    Manducar reveals himself, and his terrible legions to the world. Laying siege to the city of Ran Doh, breaking through the outer wall within mere hours of his arrival. The Violet Goddess Kaneko is forced to flee, turning back only to see the Violet palace being ransacked before burning to the ground.

  • 850 CE

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    850 CE

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    The Battle of Coronea: Chysanthos' Fall
    Military action

    Khordann the Brutal leads his forces into direct confrontation with Chysanthos at the city of Coronea. The battle rages for a full day, with the sapphire armies seeming to gain the upper hand by sunset. Sensing an opportunity, Chysanthos commits to a complete assault. At the urging of his counselors, he led the charge well beyond the protection of the walls, seeking to strike a decisive blow to Mandurare's forces. Ilusa the Huntress steps from the shadows, and with her shadow hounds, rips the sapphire armies apart. Chysanthos is captured and taken to places unknown.

  • 850 CE

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    850 CE

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    The Red Night

    Nirronoth reveals himself to the world as Manducare's greatest weapon. A dragon of unparalleled size and strength. His fire rained down upon the ironbark forrests, leaving only embers in their wake. The loss of life both sentient and animal on that night alone tops all other wars combined.

  • 850 CE

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    850 CE

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    Siege of Xanhossa
    Military action

    Xanhoosa became a refuge for many of the peoples of the western continent. Refugees from the previous battles found their way to the dawn city, hoping to find protection under the watch of Eru, the Yellow. Manducare pushed his forces tirelessly to reach the city before they could complete fortifications to no avail. He left a month into the siege, leaving the matter to Jemzorin, The Unchained. The city held strong against the wave after wave of assault. The battle lasted for two months before the city fell. A handful survived to tell the tale of bravery, that the people fought to the last, and Eru had been captured.

  • 850 CE

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    850 CE

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    Battle of Sundered Peak
    Military action

    Pushed to the brink, the Chromatic Forces rally in the mountains of Amaranth under the banner of Cohena the Red. The battle engages and both sides seem to be even. Cohena on the front lines, swinging her mighty flail around her, crushing those who got in her way. Cohena met Manducare on the field and fought him to a standstill, both falling back to regroup. As she did so, Zenil the Craven made his move to try and end the conflict once and for all. His efforts were in vain as the warrior queen Pavarosa with her viseer Marrok distracted him long enough for Cohena to end him with a mighty swing of her flail crushing beast's brain. In that brief moment of hope, Kaneko, Sabriyaa, and Xaman Ek joined the fray. Bringing to bear the fractured forces of their armies in one last rally to push back the enemy. Manducare was forced to flee, and his army was routed.

  • 850 CE

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    850 CE

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    Sitina's Gambit
    Military action

    Sitina the Orange and a small group of her trusted followers sneak deep behind enemy lines to the stronghold of Shadowskeep, deep beneath the deserts of the Indigo League. They manage to free Eru and Chysanthos, and with their help, defeat Jemzorin the Unchained, forcing it to flee in disgrace never to be seen again.

  • 851 CE

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    851 CE

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    The Battle at Port Sienna
    Military action

    After the battle of Sundered Peak nthe allied forces won victory after victory, taking ground all across the western continent, and backing up the dark legions to Port Sienna in Salamandrae. It was here that Chysanthos the Blue, now rescued from the clever tactics of Sitina the Orange made his mark on the battlefield. Summoning all his power, he raised a great sea wyrm from the deep to their aid. It is said that Manducare's forces were cut in half that day, and the western continent has known peace since that day.

  • 851 CE

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    851 CE

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    Battle of Palette
    Military action

    The chromatic forces push back manducare's legions all the way to the Indigo League, where they rally at the Stronghold Dioxaine, formerly known as the Castle Palette. There the final battle raged. The chromatic legions succeeded in driving off Nirronoth from the battle. The full strength of the Chromatic Pantheon was brought to bear, and together they managed to capture Manducare.

  • 851 CE

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    851 CE

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    The Last Light: The Sealing of Manducare and Death of the Chromatic Pantheon

    Shortly after Manducare was captured, the Gods sealed themselves away within a prism of pure light. Most reports have been lost of that time. Those remaining agree that shortly after they drew the light to themselves, the light exploded outwards in a wave of force, sending shockswaves around the world. When the light faded, neither the Gods, nor the Pantheon remained. The chromatic forces returned home and those remaining of the shadow legions fled to the farthest reaches of the world.

  • 852 CE

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    The Twilight Capitols and The Second Great Peace
    Construction beginning/end

    With the Dawn Cities no longer habitable after the Fractal Wars, and the advent of the Magical Abnormalities, the free peoples set about refounding their countries. Decades passed in peace as the Twilight Capitols of Rosso Corsa, Tusca, Kindlegem, Birchwood, Aegea, Kanteau, and Nagoya were founded. The peoples began a period of mild isolation and inward rebuilding while restoring their empires, and travel was less common in those times.

  • 865 CE

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    Emergence of Dawn City Abnormailities
    Geological / environmental event

    Fourteen years after the Fractal wars, and the sealing of Manducare by the Chromatic Pantheon, the Dawn cities become engulfed by magical energy. The very land around them warped and changed with the magic, creating the hostile environments seen today. Reports of intense storms, gravitational discreptancies, abnormal time experiences, and others filter in over the years. No one has seen the Dawn cities with their own eyes since.

  • 1167 CE

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    1197 CE

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    The Mage Hunts
    Political event

    Shortly after the loss of the dawn cities, the free peoples began to blame the mages for their troubles. That blame grew slowly into outward hostility, and in the year 867, the Mage Hunts began.   Mages were rounded up and executed, or shipped off to the island of Lightwark which was at the time a remote island in the middle of the Tinted Sea. This continued over thirty years, exiling nearly every mage and killing those who resisted. The Grey Companies were founded to keep the mages in line, and in many cases to prevent the spread of magic in the world.   The mage hunts ended after the First Great Council, where the ruling monarchs decided it would be better to turn the mages to work for the people than to continue the oppression. The decision also changed the role of the Grey Companies to that of bodyguards for the mages, as they went about their tasks of helping the world that had wronged them.

  • 1297 CE

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    1297 CE

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    The First Great Council
    Diplomatic action

    The Great Monarchies of the post Fractal War countries banded together to speak about various topics. The construction of the Twilight Capitols, the trade routes of the world, the diplomatic statuses of citizens, and the exiled mages of the Mage Hunts.   Ultimately it brought an end to the Mage Hunts, and set forth a plan to put the mages into a form of servitude to the realms.
