Arc Tribune v1: Mid-Summer Camp

... Mid-Summer Camp Ides are upon us! How is your progress? Let's get down to Business!

Welcome to the Bull-Pen!

What's new, Arc Sagas~ 07/24!

Hello! Myth (X) Cross here, from the wonderful world of Pathon! There is exciting Summer Camp news and developments for you in this Volume! While the ides are upon us, I'd like to ask, "Are you making your goals? Are you feeling good? Any Hot Tips you'd care to share?"

Let me know in the comments below! Let's get down to business!

Did you know?

When I first joined World Anvil, I joined as, Rock Harvey! I changed the name to Myth X to better represent my Project! Now, I can't imagine being called by any other name! Come along- let's explore the second edition of this Newsletter!

Summer Camp Progress Report! Click Here!

8/32! Copper Badge!

Well on the way to that beautiful Diamond Badge! Progress has been a roller coaster of activity! This whole shi-bang is a learning process, so I want to have fun with it!

These are the #SummerCamp Articles! Open a new tab; save for later!

  • "A Document that changed the course of History."
    Sponsored by Tillerz!
Document: Arcanum & the Arc Sagas; History of the World!
Future Pillar Article!

  • "Tumultuous region prone to natural disasters."
    Sponsored by "Line"!
  • Location: Arcadia, Unbound Realms! Wastes crushed by a glacier conceals an oasis!

    • "Vehicle when introduced caused societal upheaval."
      Sponsored by Travakh!
  • Vehicle: Bede Sleds! Oh, this one was a lot of fun! Keep your feet warm though!

    • "A Sickness that caused societal upheaval."
      Sponsored by Drunken Panda!
  • Condition: Titanothage! Contagion of Self & Source, defying Age through Growth.

    • "An Environmental or Small-Scale Disaster."
      Sponsored by Ademal!
  • Natural Law: Furiorios, Comet Furies! Not a kindly pitter patter! Beware the silver lining!

    • "A displaced people in your World."
      Sponsored by Morgan Berry!
  • Ethnicity: Buniru! The people of the Bunnishalks and other regions, the Bunny- erm, Buniru!

    • "A Technology used for Defense or Protection."
      Sponsored by Kwyn Marie!
  • Technology: Pottery, Mythic Pots & Urns! How can a pot be defensive? Read on!

    • A Building considered a Refuge.
      Sponsored by Aster Vela!
    • Building: Snow Domicile! A magical building made with a Large Snow Globe! Houses a Family!

    What is Summer Camp?

    SummerCamp is an event held by World Anvil! During the Summer, Anvilites join together to write and create Articles based on specific prompts! It's a great occasion to meet others, share your work, and challenge your creativity; a month long quest to expand your setting!

    Last year, I caught the near-end of SummerCamp, but was able to obtain the Copper Badge! I was initially timid on World Anvil- until I met the right Anvilites and began to enjoy the process more!

    This year, I'll be attempting the coveted Diamond Badge! 32 Prompts! I look forward to the Challenge!

      Question! Question!

      "Share some advice that helps improve your Worldbuilding!"

      And just HOW do you DO it?

      Let me know in the Comments Below!

      • What makes it Fun? Do you make Time/ Space for writing? How do you celebrate the little/ big wins? Inspirationals? Quotes? Music? Share your thoughts! Sincerely, let me know!

      • Absolutely, protect your Time for Writing. Active-Tasking > Multi-Tasking. Prioritize Quality; prepare Quantity. Above all, enjoy the process! This is a lot of fun and I thank you for your Time!

      Feature Focus!

      Featured Article!
      The Legend of The Anipaantik
      Myth | Jul 14, 2024
      Written by Dragonquillca

      Need a chilling tale on a warm night? How about a compelling sea-Legend regarding ghost ships and foreign continents unbound? An enchanting realm of Fantasy and Possibilities, Naagani is sure to impress! More to come from this inspiring Writer, World-Builder, and Friend!
      Featured World!
      Kingdom of America

      Explore Tynen's altered Historical Fiction with a rich Timeline of Events and many Articles that will have you pondering the alternatives!

      Note:It has been difficult keeping up with reading an Article a day, and the tumult of activity around working towards 32 Prompts and maintaining my normal job. But, with that in mind, as much as you make time for writing, make time for reading too! It is an enriching experience that benefits you and the Writer. This is why I promote and encourage reading and writing, as well as supporting one another! Best of good luck out there, Anvilites!

      Under the Hood

      In Progress: Summer Camp Stamina

      In order to get through the remaining Prompts, I believe I'm going to take a Word Sprint approach. I do not believe in giving up Quality for Quantity- in anything that I attempt to do. After weight and consideration, I believe it will take a celeritous approach to reach the target goal by the end of the Month. I promise substantial content- especially in the revisions to come!
      Therefore, there are some Prompts that I'll be prioritizing over others. I'm not in it for the Prizes, but if I can receive valuable feedback from the Community and especially the Sponsors, that would be its own reward. I always attempt to put my best work forward, but I'm in an innovative process at the moment. Revisions can come later! I keep telling myself this!

      To be fair, I've not submitted ANY work yet, so everything is WIP until there's a windfall of Articles soon! Consider giving feedback, so that I may present good work! Ad interim, here's 4 Potential Prompts, coming to you in the Future!
      Future Articles
      • "A Species with a protective Anatomy". Sponsored by Basic Dragon!
      Species: Bottiban, avatars of Bottan Trees

      • "A naturally sheltered place."
        Sponsored by Lady Wynter!

      Location: Micro-Climates in the Ice Age

      • "A Tradition that gives comfort".
        Sponsored by Deleyna Marr!

      Tradition: Coat of Consensus, sleepover!

      • "A Character who goes through a great Metamorphosis".
        Sponsored by WA's own. . .
        Dimitris Havlidis. . .!
      Character: Gliselka, Gi' Gast Falc Matron

      Question! Question!

      "What inspired the creation of your World's main setting?"

      • Each setting, be it a story or game, has a strong tone or vibe that indicates what kind of work or genre it may be. What inspired you to do Fantasy? Sci-Fi? Narratives or Lore? You know I want to know down below!

      • Story-Telling & Game-Development, as well as reading the works of Authors such as Keith Francis Strohm, Ed Greenwood, R.A. Salvatore, Tracy Hickman. Comic writer Stan Lee also influences my approach to multi-media. I quite enjoy stories that include interactive medias- makes me feel invested as a minor part of the tapestry of modern tradition.

      Exploration? Fantasy? Romance? Suspense?

      Where is your inspiration?

      Art & Music, and those Meta-Worlds created from the compilation of sound symphony and vibrant visual bliss. I love the potential of the "Anime" aesthetic.

      Poke the Slime!

      Volume #01!

      This edition features:
      • Summer Camp Articles!
      • Updates & Progress!
      • The Story-Teller Letters!
      • Featured Article
      • Featured World
      • & Plenty More!

      Arc Tribune is a Newsletter, bringing you updates from the exciting World of Arc Sagas and the Story-Teller's Circle!
      Posted globally for WA Community! Please enjoy and consider following along! We're just getting Heated Up!

      Story-Teller Letters!
      A Letter to the Editor!
      Inquiry! From my friend, Tyrdal!

      He writes:
      "Out of all the ages, which one is your favorite to write for?"
      Thank you, Tyrdal, for the engaging question! As I develop more skills, I'll advance the History of Arc Sagas through various Ages. Expect new assets and content soon!

      Currently, I'm enjoying the Ice Age! It's fascinating and challenging to see the world evolve from such a primitive state. By altering the visual parameters of Articles, I aim to create a unique atmosphere that progresses with the project's history!

      I am, however, looking forward to the upcoming Age: the Thunder Age! As well as the more advanced Ages, such as the Draconic Epochs and of course, Pathon's Renaissance Age! I'll look forward to seeing you in the Past, in the Future, friends! Happy Reading!


      Summer Camp Articles


      Arcanum & the Arc Sagas
      Document | Jul 28, 2024

      "Enter the Arcanum, Legendarium of the World!"


      Arcadia, Unbound Realms
      Geographic Location | Jul 29, 2024

      "Land of Ice & Smoke; Beauty & Peril!"


      Bede Sleds
      Vehicle | Jul 29, 2024

      Hop aboard my Bede! Let's Ride!


      Condition | Jul 29, 2024

      "Growing pains."

      Natural Law

      Furiorios, Comet Furies
      Physical / Metaphysical Law | Jul 29, 2024

      "Fleet in the sleet, abandon comet's fury!"


      Ethnicity | Jul 29, 2024

      "Oh, what cute ears and fluffy tail!" Buniru: "Don't pet me, please."


      Snow Domicile
      Building / Landmark | Jul 29, 2024

      "A Snow Place-Like Dome kinda vibe."


      Pottery, Mythic Pots & Urns
      Technology | Jul 29, 2024

      "Early Cultural Artifacts, Pots, Urns, Jars, and more!"

      If you Like what you see, consider following along!
      Find out what Arc Sagas has in stock for you!
      — Myth X

      DevLog Timelines
      Discussion Board
      • Includes the Arc Sagas Feedback Board! Let me know how I'm doing!
        I love Discussions! Here or in the Comments!
        This is your friendly invitation to tell me a Story! : D

      Author Bio
      Hello! My name is "Myth Cross"- enthusiast of Art, Music, Games, & Stories; an aspiring Game Dev, Writer & World- Builder! I've made these my Life's passion!   My mission is to write enchanting and compelling Stories that people can interact with!   Epic Sagas! Living through Love & Experience!   "Arc Sagas" is my 1st Step towards those Goals!   This is a Legacy Project that has seen over 10 years of development! Progress on the Video Game led me to seek World Anvil as a Platform! Now, I spend much of my time developing content and expanding the setting here! You're invited to join along! I'm always happy to meet new Writers & World-Builders!   I'm the Founder of "Story-Teller's Circle"- a Discord server specialized and dedicated to a vibrant & inspiring community of self-driven WA Writers & World-Builders! We support each other's goals and celebrate the milestones of our fellow Authors, encourage others to share their work, to seek publishing and promotional opportunities, and otherwise provide a safe, friendly environment for developing ideas & embracing your own talents!   "Story-Teller's Circle" is dedicated to fostering the next Generation of Fantasy Writers, right here on World Anvil! Discover new Worlds, expand your Horizons, and make a new friend! Share your experience and enrich others! This is the essence of the Story-Teller's dynamic! We are not a Chapter of WA, despite the rumors- so anyone can join!

      MYTH X


      Author's Notes

      I wish I could submit this as one of my Articles! LOL! I honestly have so much fun writing this Newsletter! I really do feel like I'm sitting in an editorial Bull-Pen, bringing you the latest and greatest from Arc Sagas! My best wishes for your Summer Camp vibes! I know it's been hot here lately, so I hope you've been keeping cool and easy breezy! Let's see if I can harness that summer heat and serve you up some spicy Articles! Fun in the sun!

      I need to get on to the next Article. In regards to my earlier statement about reserving my prompt submissions, most of these will change throughout the Month until final submissions are over.

      As mentioned, some of the new stuff will probably be done rapidly, but this is how I've concluded some of these Articles must be approached. With Placeholders and TBD sections, I will have to speed towards the goal of 32/32. I'll keep this in mind for further pledge work in the Future! What do you do, you live and you learn? x D

      Good day!

      MYTH X

      Please Login in order to comment!
      Jul 17, 2024 02:21 by Jacqueline Yang

      I love this! This newsletter is such a fun idea!   "And just HOW do you DO it?" Well, thank you for asking! I don't know. Usually I just write whenever the inspiration strikes me, so I'm horrifically inconsistent. But for things like SC or WE I really double down and focus on the prompts relying on the homework to help and give me ideas. I also just always tend to work better at night, so I always set aside an hour or so to knock out a prompt or two!   "What inspired the creation of your World's main setting?" love this question! A lot of things honestly. It also depends on the world. My Offenders Neighborhood world is based in the real world, so a lot of the things that give me inspiration for that are the technological advancements that might be happening in real time in the real world. Also, the people that I meet. Because most people are already very familiar with the setting it gives me a larger opportunity to flesh out characters and meeting new people and talking to them is always a nice way to get a fresh perspective!   Thank you for your time, and I look forward to reading more newsletters.   Best wishes in Worldbuilding, and good luck with Summer Camp!

      Jul 19, 2024 13:25 by Myth Cross

      Thank you for sharing your insights! I believe it is absolutely important to spare time in a day for either reading or writing! My favorite time of day is night, also! It's nice when the worries of the day melt away and give in to the night, where the world sleeps surrounding but you're still up with people's dreams. That's my romantic perspective of it anyways lol   I'd like to add that the people I meet also inspire me! Every once in a while you'll find a small reference to a person, thing, or situation in real life. I also believe it is important to be open-minded so that ideas and inspirations can come from anywhere! You never know when you're going to turn a corner into something magical in this Life.   ^^ No, please! Thank you for your time! Engagements like these make me happy to do the Newsletter! Best of good luck with your Summer Camp goals and Happy Worldbuilding, as well, friend! : D

      MYTH X

      Tell me stories! Here's your Ticket to the World of Arc Sagas!