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2022-10-15 Exploring Salmund


Player Characters

  • Bryndd
  • Balasar
  • Malivette
  • Wiznt
  • Val & Soonie



  • The party entered Salmund, having met on the road. They began to explore the village to meet its inhabitants.
  • Malivette went to Grillev's Ironworks to meet its owner Grillev Thaunvar. He found that Grillev Thaunvar was very interested in building and running a spirit forge. Grillev listed the items that would be required to do so.
  • Soonie carried Val towards Vayla Temple. After a priest complained about the slobber on the floor, Val convinced him that Soonie's saliva had magical properties useful for healing.
  • The party found Balasar hanging out in the Crossroads. He joined them as they went to investigate a commotion heard farther down the street.
  • Falbin Wernethob and some thugs from the Order of the Emerald Feather were pressuring a woman for protection money. The woman stated she would not be able to feed her animals, including the cat her son was holding.
  • Falbin turned toward the party, taunting them about how weak and poor the village is. Wiznt offered him a deal on Manatech crystals, but Falbin didn't take it seriously. Balasar felt a pull of anger from his ring, but resisted it.
  • Soonie chased the cat. A member of the Order attacked him as he passed by, escalating the conversation to a fight.
  • After a few turns of a gruesome fight, Sheriff Karock showed up with the town guard to chase out the remaining Order members, including Falbin. Karock was furious that the Order had the audacity to fight in his town, and that the town guard were suspiciously absent from that area during the ordeal.
  • Jaida healed Malivette, and welcomed the party inside to talk, thanking them for standing up for the town. She gave the party a map of a section of Kazzin Forest that should lead to an ancient ruin, and provided directions to its center point. She asked them to bring back any ancient artifacts, and keep other treasure for themselves.
  • The party also talked to Quasar, who was researching primal crystals. Wiznt offered Quasar a deal on Manatech crystals, and Quasar happily agreed to discuss it further later.
  • The party ventured into Kazzin Forest and found the described Lightning Tree. They chose a direction to travel in, and upon reaching the forest meadow landmark, discovered its ambiguious orientation was wrong.
  • The party encountered a playful group of sprites in the woods. Soonie caught one in his mouth as the rest flew to safety above, screaming in terror. A dryad emerged from nearby brush and threatened Val to let the sprite go. Soonie released the sprite, and the dryad explained how a wolflike spirit called The Beast had attacked the feywild a while ago, murdering many animals and fey. The Beast was defeated, but many fey are still traumatized by it. After chatting with her a bit, the sprites bravely approached Soonie and began to pet him, leading him to corgi sploot.
  • Convinced the party were not harmful, the dryad gave the party a salt prism, stating that "when a beam of light from the forest canopy shines through it, it will lead the way to the faerie realm." She invited them to visit sometime.
  • The party continued on, following the map correctly to the midpoint between the standing stone and the meadow. There, they discovered a hill with an ancient stone hovel built into it. They discovered an ancient explorer's journal hidden behind a loose stone brick.
  • Inside the stone hovel, the party discovered two nothics. They offered meat to the nothics, who then gave them "trash" consisting of gold and green-lensed glasses (eyes of charming). The pair asked the party to remove their annoying neighbor.
  • The party found a pristine, modern chest in the next room. They poised to attack it, and sure enough, it was a mimic.
  • The last room was a green hue. The party looked through the green glasses, but nothing happened. Malivette walked in and got stuck in a gelatinous cube. The party kited and fought it, desperately trying to save Malivette. Bronnd was also engulfed, and finally slashed her way out of it, destroying it.
  • The party found the name "Aradince" in the rare ancient barcode script. They found symbols on some nearby urns, and cracked the puzzle to find the command word ("mathematics") that opened Aradince's stone chest. Inside was a red primal crystal.
  • The party returned to town, giving Jaida the urns and journal and Quasar the red crystal. Quasar began researching its properties to create a magic item from it.
  • Val asked Jaida how she got the map; it came from an adventurer named Zava.
  • Malivette revisited the Lightning Tree later to commune with the latent spirits of fire there.


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