Dregovich Geographic Location in Ardicil | World Anvil


Dregovich is a tough and hard place, and to live here is to doom oneself to a life of struggle. With neighbors like Morgol and Necrophast, and allies only in the distant and reclusive Ferun, the High King in Sevapol has learned to rely only on his own people.    Early, as the boundries of man were expanding, Dregovich was under the elven Empire growing out of Thay. When the region was torn asunder, the people of Dregovich broke away, claiming their magics had brought about their own ruin. Many magi were banished from Dregovich, and found their way into the arms of Lonestar Harbor or Thay. Either way, while the banishment of Magi no longer exists, magic users here are still looked at with suspicion. Many only believe that Kelemvor, The Judge and his servants are the only ones that can deliver their deliverance. Cults springing up from the darkness in Necrophast are regular, and the divine here are vigilant.    The lands are ruled by the High King in Sevapol , but he mostly lets the local villages and towns fend for themselves.

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