The Phoenix Clan

Other clans guard the Empire’s borders, even the Empire’s future, but the Phoenix guard the Empire’s soul. It is the duty of the Phoenix to keep safe the myriad religious paths of the Empire, defining them and arbitrating their differences. Scholars of the Tao and servants of the spirits are found among the Phoenix’s ranks more than in any other clan; the wisdom the Phoenix have gleaned from both traditions has led them to foster peace and understanding among the other clans, even if it means sacrificing themselves in the process.


The Phoenix Clan was founded by the Kami Shiba, widely considered the wisest of the Kami; his intellect was said to be a match for his twin brother Bayushi’s wits, and Shiba defeated Bayushi in the great tournament to choose who would become Emperor. He was subsequently defeated by his sister Doji—he could not read her stance and was forced to make a premature attack. But Shiba felt no bitterness at his loss, and willingly swore allegiance to Hantei when he won the tournament.    Shiba set about gathering followers to create what would become the Phoenix Clan, handpicking warriors who were also scholars and knowledgeable men. Those tended to be a rare breed in the early days of the Empire, when civilization was newly born and most of its conventions did not yet exist leading to large forces of tabaxi now mostly lost to history. Still, the clan’s size increased and Shiba discovered several notable early followers, especially the lady Asako and her husband Yogo.   He explored the borders of the lands that would become the Empire, seeking out free tribes and independent cities, and thus he eventually found the tribe of Isawa. Isawa was a powerful tribal chieftain, ruling the city of Gisei Toshi and its surrounding lands. He was also a powerful sorcerer, using the power of his blood to call on the elements, smite his enemies, and protect his city.   At that time the Kigani had little understanding of the elemental kami and did not recognize any danger in using blood to power magic; thankfully, they also had not yet discovered that blood could invoke the evil spirits known as kansen. Nevertheless Isawa’s magic, while powerful, was also a crude and unnatural art.   Isawa was unwilling to surrender his independence, but recognized the reality that the Kami would crush any tribe who openly opposed them. He offered nominal allegiance to Shiba’s clan in return for keeping full control of his tribe’s affairs. Shiba, a man who felt no desire for needless violence, found this compromise acceptable, and the arrangement might have lasted for centuries had not the First War intervened.   The First War, in which the Empire confronted Fu Leng’s monstrous legions, was a crucial formative time for the nascent Phoenix Clan. While Shiba’s followers fought as bravely as any, the clan’s small size made every loss painful. Shiba implored Isawa to join the Empire’s struggle against Fu Leng, but the tribe leader refused to leave his community; he felt no higher loyalty to the Kami or the Empire they were trying to build.    He did, however, agree to dispatch some of his students to join the fighting and to train talented individuals from other families. One of his best students was Yogo, the husband of Shiba’s follower Asako. Yogo single-handedly inflicted a severe defeat on Fu Leng’s forces, but in retaliation the dark Kami cursed Yogo and all his bloodline. Full of despair, he fled the Phoenix Clan and wandered for months before Bayushi persuaded him to join the Scorpion.   After months of fighting the First War seemed to be approaching catastrophic defeat. The Little Teacher Shinsei appeared at that critical moment to offer his counsel to Hantei. Shiba was fascinated; Shinsei was a mere mortal man, but his wisdom was clearly unique. Shiba recorded every word of the long night’s conversation between Shinsei and Hantei, creating the document now known as the Tao of Shinsei. When the time came for Shinsei to choose the Seven Thunders, Shiba begged to be allowed to fight, but the Little Prophet shook his head. The champions had to be mortals, he explained, because “fortune favors the mortal man.” The man he needed was not Shiba, but Isawa.   Shiba and Shinsei arrived in Gisei Toshi to discover Isawa leading his family in a disturbing magical ritual that bound the soul of his recently deceased daughter into the city’s walls, protecting it from Fu Leng’s armies. The Little Teacher spoke with Isawa long through the night, showing him the way of the elements and how they might be used in a new form of magic. Isawa was deeply impressed with the prophet’s words but still refused to leave the city, insisting the defense of his people came first.    Shiba begged him to accompany the Thunders, but Isawa replied, “I am not your subject, and I will not have my people believing I have sold them into slavery.”   It was then Shiba performed a simple act that would come to define his whole clan: he knelt. For a Kami, a god among mortals, to kneel in front of a mortal was unthinkable, but Shiba willingly sacrificed his pride for the sake of the Empire. He pledged to protect Isawa and his family forever if Isawa would join the fight against Fu Leng.   Stunned by the Kami’s sincerity and honour, Isawa agreed, and his tribe joined the Phoenix Clan in truth.   Isawa died alongside his fellows of the Seven Thunders, but it was his magic that captured the Dark God’s soul in twelve unique Black Scrolls. And the inspiration of Shinsei’s teachings guided his followers in the creation of the true elemental magic that Kiga practices today.

“Master the elements and be reborn.”

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