BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


"It is my sincerest prayer, that you all live. Live life to its fullest. Experience all this world has to offer, see all its wonderous sights. And please, remember us. Remember that we were not all monsters."
  Born at some point during the First Age, Tichondrius is one of the last surviving Alphacians, and was a member of The Alphacians's leadership The Conclave. The head of the sphere of Architecture, Tichondrius helped to design many of the great works of the Alphacian empire, including the great city of Centralis. Being part of the ruling council of the empire, Tichondrius was close personal friends with the majority of its members, including the pre-ascended Nex.   Unlike much of his brethren, Tichondrius did not agree with their expansionist mindset and desire for greater power and knowledge. He saw their alienation from the other races of The Cosmic Sea and their ceaseless ambition as a road to ruin, particularly their conflict with the Prometh and Ancients. His predictions came to pass during The Cataclysm, when almost the entireity of the Alphacian race disappeared off the face of Arkos after the sword of the Creator plunged into the heart of the planet. Powerless to help his people as the city of Centralis was at the epicentre of the destructive energies of the Cataclysm, Tichondrius was somehow spared the fate of his people - now doomed to wander a broken world alone that was once his.   After looking for survivors throughout the entireity of the Second Age, Tichondrius eventually returned to the ruins of his home Centralis in The Wound, where he used his powerful magic to create a living, hardlight illusion of the city in its final days before The Cataclysm. Here he would remain, trapped in a memory of the past of his own design, until The Companions ventured into the Wound in 1001 3A and discovered him and the recreated city. They convinced Tichondrius to aid them in defeating Nex, the being that he had once called his brother.   Present at the Battle of the New Dawn, Tichondrius rendered great aid to the Companions, and afterwards expressed his graditude at their inclusion of him. Having gained some closure, Tichondrius still mourns his people and their fate, and still regards the present Arkos as anybody's world but his own. He vowed to help the spirit of Torrin Firragon, otherwise known as Lord Remnant find peace, and has not been seen since.
Aligned Organization


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