The Divine Clergy

The Temple District

The Divine Clergy is mainly housed within the Temple District of the Holy Kingdom. This district takes over about 40% of the Kingdoms land. Having the name Holy Kingdom comes with the understanding that a lot of people in the kingdom devote a lot of their time towards the gods. Many of the Gods and Goddess share temples to avoid having a land crisis, so temples are usually named by the subject that their gods have domain over. Ect. Temple of Light, Divine, Life, Death and the such. Each of these structures are large enough to house thousands of worshipers and dorm all of their bishops and priests. Many bishops are considered the heads of their temples but all of them answer to The Devote.
  The Devote is chosen by the gods to represent their wishes and the wishes of their followers. Many are given a boon of immortality for taking on such a taxing position. Many chose to turn down the boon so that they may one day return to their families and loved ones sooner rather than later. But there have been a few that have chosen to take up their gods blessing to better serve. When they have completed their purpose they chose to step down and let another take their place. Many stay in the service of the Holy Kingdom but there have been a few that have left to spread the word of the Gods to all reaches of Arus. No one knows where they are but rumors spread that these Devote still walk the lands of the world.
  The Devote tend to spend a few decades working in this service working to keep the harmony between the people and the Gods. Gods are held by rules that mortals are not, like the fact that Gods can not interfere with another's work. For example, a god or goddess of truth can not reveal the lies of a god or goddess of deceit. But the Devote is not held to these rules. It's their job to be aware of all gods schemes and plans and use their knowledge to lead the Holy Kingdom to new heights. This is the reason that all the Gods have to unanimously agree for a Devote to be chosen.

Gods Landing

Gods landing is a massive platform that spans out over the edge of the mountain over a sea of clouds. Originally used by the Asimar to dive over the edge for take off during the Rapture. Once the war was over the pier became a ghostyard and remained mostly unused and sealed from the public. This became a prime location for gods to decend on. When people finally started noticing that gods where decending on the pier, they changed it's name to Gods Landing. After this point the Golden Knights took residence and began blocking entry.
  Many gods don't feel a need for their decendence to be known and take on forms of the people and blend in, mingling among the citizens providing knowledge and guidance to those around them. Having such a strong influence among the people has lead the kingdom to being one of the most rightous kingdoms. When you don't know who your talking to, showing a little respect isn't hard. Cause one day it might be a god you crossed and not some random person.

Halls of Healing

The Halls of Healing are one of the most advanced hospitals in all of Arus. Many cleric and other healers receive their training in these halls. They train in both magical and surgical healing and have made massive leaps and bounds in the world of medical knowledge. Their healing is so potent that they have almost a 100% revival chance if the soul has not already moved on..

Altar of Divine Banishment

Guild, Professional
Parent Organization


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