The Golden Knights

A Holy Order

The Golden Knights are a holy order of knights that work in the service of The Holy Kingdom. Many formed from Paladins and Fighters, they take in those that show faith and skill with any and all weapons. Many of these being orphans with some being the children of noble families. By the time they turn 16, all those that have shown skill take on oaths. Some whose faith is so strong causes this oath to take form into power. Turning those into Paladins, Wardens, and Martyrs. Many nobles with low amounts of magic join The Golden Knights to find glory with the blade and deeds.

Their Squad is Their Family

The Knights develop strong bonds with each other at an early age. Groups of five are made with kids around the same age. They become squad mates and their fates rise and fall together from this point on. They pick a weapon to begin training in, each one selecting something different to cover a teammate's weakness. At some points they work together to form teamwork, while at other times they work individually to receive specific training.
  Once the squad is formed, the group begin to live at the barracks. They are allowed to return home on weekends if they have a family to return to. The Golden Knights do this to encourage and strengthen that family bond. All necessities are taken care of by The Golden Knights due to generous funding from the noble families. This leads to a lot of common born and orphans to have a better life than they would outside of the Order, while teaching those with noble blood humility by having them live among the common having no rank above them and treated equally.
  Around the time that a majority of the squad have turned 12 they are assigned to a Knights Squad as squires. Each member of the squad is "adopted" by Knight and begins to learn the ways and responsibilities of The Golden Knights. They then have a "Parent" and "Child" relationship. They Knights do everything in their power to protect and teach, while the squires help with chores and learn. For a majority of the time they help with public events and social gatherings. They also will help with guard duty around the Kingdom but unless they show themselves to be strong enough to defend themselves, squires do not accompany Knights on away missions.
  Squirehood ends at the age of 16 for most squads. At this point the squad's "Parents'' usually recommends the squires for promotion. After completing their trials of faith, strength, will, and for some magic. If the whole squad succeeds then during the next Solstice Festival, they join their brothers and sisters in arms and rise the ranks into Knighthood. Usually during the wait the squad comes up with a name for their group to take on as knights. Once every member of the squad has been Knighted, they stand together with their Parents and "Parents'' behind them. They say their vows and cheer their new squad name.
  Once a squad has become Knights, they become official members of The Golden Knights. They get permission from the King to leave the walls of The Holy Kingdom and spread the works of the Gods. Many chose to go on their first mission as soon as they could. But their shock at how large the world really is causes these missions to be a lot shorter than they planned. Many don't prepare well enough for weeks of travel thinking that they would run into a village sooner or later. Many end up running out of food or shelter and end up turning around cutting their missions short before running into a single person. A good pastime of the knights is to bet to see how long it takes for a new squad to turn around and return back home.
  Once a squad becomes Knights they can choose to stay and live at the barracks or return home at the end of the day instead of waiting for weekends. Many enjoy the new amount of freedom, that knowing it's there is enough for most, due to the fact that their bonds have usually grown to the point that the barracks have become home. It's not uncommon that if a squad has a noble in it, the squad is adopted by the noble family in name only if members chose to take on the name. This usually leads to squads sometimes having a lot of shared last names.

The Hierarchy

The Golden Knights are a military group, so the person in charge is important. Those in charge are called Fathers and Mothers, while those that share the same rank are Brothers and Sisters. The only one that changes for is the leader of The Golden Knights. They get the title Grandfather/Grandmother. They make the rules and judge the advancement of all those under them.

For the glory of The Holy Kingdom

Guild, Professional
Alternative Names
The Gods Champions, The Holy Order, The Gods Will
Training Level
Parent Organization


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