Avatar legends: petals of the lotus History of The Order of the White Lotus Timeline
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History of The Order of the White Lotus

  • 5,998 BG
    Founding of the Order of the Lotus

    The Order of the Lotus is founded by Avatar Gan after the great War Great. Avatar Gan appoints a few benevolent world leaders to the council and tasks them with rebuilding the world and maintaining peace.

  • 5964 BG
    Birth of Xeno
    Life, Birth

    Xeno, future King of Ba Sing Se and High King of the United Earth Kingdoms, is born to a lowly noble in the King of Ba Sing Se's court.

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  • 5946 BG
    Xeno crowned King of Ba Sing Se
    Life, Milestone

    Xeno would work his way up to eventually become the King of Ba Sing Se's right hand man. By seemingly sheer happenstance, all of the King's heirs die while Xeno is in the King's service. With no one else to hand the kingdom too, Xeno is crowned King.

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  • 5917 BG
    Avatar Gan dies, Order seeks a new Avatar
    Life, Death

    Avatar Gan dies. However, the Order of the Lotus decides to keep her death a secret so as to not cause panic in the world. The Order of the Lotus begins to discretely look for the new Avatar.   Avatar Gan was so old when she died, no one remembered the original element she bent. So, the Order looks for the Avatar among all four major elements in the world.

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  • 5912 BG
    Xeno becomes head of the Order of the Lotus
    Political event

    Xeno is elected leader of the Order of the Lotus. He radically transforms the order's structure, vesting the majority of the order's power unto himself, much to the chagrin of the other world leaders.

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  • 5900 BG
    Onar is invited to the Order of the Lotus
    Political event
  • 5900 BG, 4th Month
    Xeno Halts the Training of the Avatar Candidates
    Diplomatic action

    The head of the Order of the Lotus, Xeno, stops the training of the four Avatar candidates. Xeno instead declares himself protector of the world and vows to stop anyone who tries to "bring the Avatar back."

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  • 5900 BG, 4th Month
    Founding of the Order of the White Lotus

    A few world leaders who are distrustful of Xeno decide to secretly establish the Order of the White Lotus and vow to train the Avatar before Xeno and the Order of the Lotus can.   The three founding members are: Huraal of the Air Nomads, Sunaret of the Sand Benders, and Caedis of the Blood Benders.

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