Avatar legends: petals of the lotus History of Petals of the Lotus Timeline
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History of Petals of the Lotus

The First Avatars

10,000 - 6,290 BG

The era of the first group of Avatars ranging from Avatar Wan to the "last" Avatar killed in The Great War.

  • Circa 10,000 BG
    Avatar is Created
    Era beginning/end

    The first Avatar is created when Raava fuses with Wan.

  • Circa 9500 BG
    The Last People Depart from the Backs of the Lion Turtles
    Population Migration / Travel

    The last group of people to live solely on the backs of Lion Turtles finally depart into the greater world, ending the era of civilizations and nations on the backs of Lion Turtles.

  • Circa 9400 BG
    First Rise of Benders
    Era beginning/end

    The first era of Benders gaining prominence in the world. It is now common to encounter a Bender in any part of the world.

  • Circa 8,000 BG
    First Major World Powers Emerge

    The first major region-spanning nations/empires are formed, partly through conquest, partly through diplomacy. The two most powerful of these are the Sun Nation (ancestors of the Sun Warriors) and the Water Nation (ancestors of the Water Tribes).

  • Circa 7,700 BG
    Beginning of The Bending War

    Benders on the main continent of Earth (ancestors of Earth-Benders) begin to rebel against both the Sun Nation (now known as the Sun Empire) and the Water Nation empires.

    Earth Mainland
    More reading
    The Bending War
  • Circa 7,700 BG
    The Battle of Elements
    Military action

    The first major all-bender confrontation in battle in world history occurs between warriors of the Sun Empire and the mainland rebels. The battle takes place at high noon, allowing the Sun Empire's early form of fire-bending to easily defeat the proto-earth-bending rebels.

  • Circa 7,700 BG
    The Water Treaty
    Diplomatic action

    The rebelling peoples on the earth mainland negotiate a treaty with the Water Nation that pushes the Water Nation empire off the earth mainland and onto the north and south poles - where they stay to the era of ATLA.

    Earth Mainland
    More reading
    The Water Treaty
  • Circa 7,700 BG
    Ancient Air Nomads Go Extinct

    The earliest Air-Benders are caught in the cross-fire of The Bending War and are quickly killed off. The original practice of Air-Bending is seemingly lost with the death of the last Air-Bender...

  • Circa 7,700 BG
    End of The Bending War

    The Bending War ends with the almost total annihilation of the Sun Empire and the independence of the earth mainland. Instead of consolidating into one nation, the newly freed peoples decide to form their own mini nations amongst themselves.

  • Circa 7,500 BG
    Formation of The Secret College
    Scientific achievement

    A group of scientists and historians dedicated to preserving past knowledge in order to use it in discovering future knowledge come together to form a society known as "The Secret College." It's not necessarily kept secret from the rest of the world, but the society limits its membership to only a select few scholars.

  • Circa 7,000 - 6,950 BG
    Settling of the "Fire Isles"
    Population Migration / Travel

    Peoples of the earth mainland begin migrating to the isles west of the mainland (the Fire Nation islands in ATLA). The migrants discover the abandoned old kingdom of the Sun Nation. They also discover dragons on some of the islands. The migrants permanently settle the "Fire Isles" as they're named and begin to learn fire bending by observing dragons.

    Fire Islands
  • Circa 6,950 BG
    Beginning of The Fire Wars
    Military action

    The settlers of the "Fire Isles" form tribes and mini-nations which come into military conflict with one another. This is the era of warlords on the Fire Islands. It would last for 250 years. Notable warlords during this era include Toz (the first warlord to attempt to unify the Fire Islands) and Aizosum (the First Fire Lord).

  • Circa 6,735 BG
    Birth of Aizosum - "The First Fire Lord"
    Life, Birth

    The future founder of the Fire Nation is born. The Fire Sages in ATLA simply refer to him as "the first Fire Lord."

  • Circa 6,730 BG
    Precursor of Omashu Established
    Construction beginning/end

    The settlement that would one day become the city of Omashu is established and begun to be built up.

    City of Shu
  • Circa 6,700 BG
    End of The Fire Wars/Formation of the Fire Nation

    Aizosum ends "The Fire Wars" by uniting the Fire Islands and declaring himself "Fire Lord." Under his leadership, the united Fire Islands enter the world stage as the newly established Fire Nation. An era of rapid economic and civic growth on the Fire Islands ensues.

  • Circa 6,500 BG
    Founding of the Air Nation

    A group of pacifist Fire-Benders breaks off from the Fire Nation in order to become solitary monks. During their travels, these people rediscover the lost arts of Air-Bending and eventually develop their own form of Air-Bending based on a mix between Fire-Bending and ancient Air-Bending. The so-called "Air-Nomads" begin settling in the mountains on the northern mainland and build the Northern Air Temple.

  • Circa 6,450 BG
    Northern Air Temple Established
    Construction beginning/end

    The Northern Air Temple is built thanks in part to the help of the Fire Nation.

  • Circa 6,400 BG
    Eastern and Southern Air Temples Established
    Construction beginning/end

    The Eastern and Southern Air Temples are built and populated. The Air Nation now has significant sway in global politics thanks to potential trade and knowledge which can be gained by the different nations.

  • Circa 6,300 BG
    The Great War Begins
    Military action

    The 300 year long world-wide conflict simply known as "The Great War" begins. It spans the entire earth mainland and affects the Water Tribes, Air Nation, and Fire Nation as well. The fighting is mostly between the dozens of kingdoms on the earth mainland.   Over time, this conflict grows to almost apocalyptic proportions, reaching levels of devastation not since since the era of Avatar Wan. Entire towns, cities, and even civilizations are destroyed during this war. Scholars estimate that the world's population was reduced by up to one-half. Benders almost go extinct.

  • 6,290 BG
    Death of "the last Avatar"
    Life, Death

    The Avatar is killed in battle, defending one of the numerous innocent earth villages caught in the crossfire of war. A new Avatar would not emerge to the wider world for nearly 200 years, so this Avatar is nicknamed "the last Avatar."

  • 6,290 BG
    Dispersion of Benders

    The Avatar's death causes other benders defending innocents like her to lose hope. A few benders in the war sense that things will only get much worse and decide to go into hiding indefinitely. New Avatars are born among the benders over the years, but the benders still wait for the right moment to reveal themselves. They wait for nearly 250 years.

The Era of No Avatars

6,289 - 6,000 BG

The era where no Avatar was known or active in the world.

  • 6,286 BG
    Siege of Si Wong Begins
    Military action

    The 160 year long siege of the Si Wong Oasis begins. The pre-courser civilization of the Sand Tribes holds out valiantly against the siege of numerous allied earth kingdoms for over a century, but eventually falls to the opposing earth kingdoms after decades of continual military campaigns in the region. The entire civilization is razed over time.

  • 6,279 BG
    Battle of Gao Shan
    Military action

    The kingdom which would eventually found the city of Ba Sing Se earns a decisive victory against their neighboring enemy, ensuring that this kingdom will survive the war once all is said and done. By the time of Before the Avatar... (BtA), Ba Sing Se commemorates the victory every year in a spectacular ceremony.

  • 6,246 BG
    Fall of the Benders

    The last benders still fighting in the Great War are killed off. Those remaining who did not seclude themselves initially at the Avatar's death are hunted down and killed. For all that anyone knows, the practice of Bending has been lost forever...

  • 6,120 BG
    Siege of Si Wong Ends/Si Wong Oasis Becomes Si Wong Desert
    Disaster / Destruction

    The siege of the Si Wong civilization ends in its total annihilation, save for a few survivors who would shortly after form the Sand Tribes. The razing of Si Wong is so intense, the oasis is completely dried up and thus, the Si Wong Oasis became the Si Wong Desert by the sieges' end.

  • 6,098 BG
    Invasion of the Fire Isles
    Military action

    An alliance of southern earth kingdoms begin invading the Fire Isles in hopes of expanding their influence across the ocean. The initial invasion over time turns into a series of raids, sacking, and looting over a period of 100 years. The Fire Nation's economy is crippled by the continual raiding.

  • 6,049 BG
    Second Rise of Benders
    Era beginning/end

    The Avatar, a woman named Gan, and thousands of benders reemerge from hiding and reveal themselves to the world. Avatar Gan leads the benders into the fray to defend innocent towns, villages, and cities caught in the crossfire of the war, following in the footsteps of their ancestors 200 years ago.

  • 6,020 BG
    Birth of Oma
    Life, Birth

    Oma, of the legendary tale of Oma and Shu, is born.

  • 6,002 BG
    The Defense of Oma and Shu
    Military action

    Oma and Shu defend the precursor village to the city of Omashu in ATLA from attackers during The Great War. Shu is killed in the fighting, but the defense is successful. As thanks, the villagers crown Oma "Queen" of the village.

  • 6,000 BG
    The Great War Ends
    Diplomatic action

    The Great War finally ends on the earth mainland thanks to the heroics of Avatar Gan and the reemerged benders. By the wars end, no one alive remembers what the war was originally started over...   In the same year, a fragile peace is established between the Earth and Fire Nations by treaty. Trade resumes between the Fire Nation and the earth mainland.

The Second Avatars

5,999 BG - Today

Though technically the Avatar revealed herself to the world again many years prior, the end of The Great War is seen as a beginning of a new era.

  • 5998 BG
    Creation of the Order of the Lotus
    Gathering / Conference

    Avatar Gan, hero of the Great War, creates the precursor to the order of the White Lotus - the Order of the Lotus. Avatar Gan appoints a few benevolent world leaders to the council and tasks them with rebuilding the world and maintaining peace.

  • 5997 BG
    Founding of the Republic of the Fire Isles

    Convinced by Avatar Gan that the Fire Nation must reform its culture to become more peaceful, the peoples of the Fire Isles reorganize themselves into an Imperial Republic. An emperor type figure, the Lord-Governor, presides over a democratically elected senate body which makes the laws for the Fire Isles. The republic is remarkably more peaceful than its preceding form of government.

    Fire Islands
  • 5964 BG
    Birth of Xeno
    Life, Birth

    Xeno, future King of Ba Sing Se and High King of the United Earth Kingdoms, is born to a lowly noble in the King of Ba Sing Se's court.

  • 5946 BG
    Xeno crowned King of Ba Sing Se
    Life, Milestone

    Xeno would work his way up to eventually become the King of Ba Sing Se's right hand man. By seemingly sheer happenstance, all of the King's heirs die while Xeno is in the King's service. With no one else to hand the kingdom too, Xeno is crowned King.

  • 5942 BG
    United Earth Kingdoms Formed

    A number of kingdoms on the Earth mainland (built up in part by the efforts of the Order of the Lotus) consolidate to form The United Earth Kingdoms. Xeno, King of Ba Sing Se at the time, is appointed High King of the United Earth Kingdoms by the Order of the Lotus. Xeno is then invited to become a member of the Order of the Lotus.

  • 5917 BG
    Avatar Gan dies, Order seeks a new Avatar
    Life, Death

    Avatar Gan dies. However, the Order of the Lotus decides to keep her death a secret so as to not cause panic in the world. The Order of the Lotus begins to discretely look for the new Avatar.   Avatar Gan was so old when she died, no one remembered the original element she bent. So, the Order looks for the Avatar among all four major elements in the world.

  • 5915 BG
    The Peninsulan War Begins
    Military: War

    The Peninsulan War, also known as the Peninsulan Civil War, begins when the tribes of the Eastern Peninsula rebel against their overlord, the United Earth Kingdoms. The guerrilla tactics of the Peninsulans would prove too much for the forces of the United Earth Kingdoms to overcome outright. So, the United Earth Kingdoms opted instead to wage a war of sabotage and attrition in hopes the Peninsulans would eventually surrender.

  • 5912 BG
    Xeno becomes head of the Order of the Lotus
    Political event

    Xeno is elected leader of the Order of the Lotus. He radically transforms the order's structure, vesting the majority of the order's power unto himself, much to the chagrin of the other world leaders.

  • 5900 BG, 3rd Month
    Four potential Avatars found
    Discovery, Exploration

    Incredibly, the Order of the Lotus discovers four possible candidates to become the Avatar all under the age of 17. How this is possible no one knows. But, the Order of the Lotus decides to train all four of them just in case one of them is the Avatar.

  • 5900 BG, 4th Month
    Xeno Halts the Training of the Avatar Candidates
    Diplomatic action

    The head of the Order of the Lotus, Xeno, stops the training of the four Avatar candidates. Xeno instead declares himself protector of the world and vows to stop anyone who tries to "bring the Avatar back."

  • 5900 BG, 4th Month
    Founding of the Order of the White Lotus

    A few world leaders who are distrustful of Xeno decide to secretly establish the Order of the White Lotus and vow to train the Avatar before Xeno and the Order of the Lotus can.   The three founding members are: Huraal of the Air Nomads, Sunaret of the Sand Benders, and Caedis of the Blood Benders.