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Consecra, also known as the Jaws of Belief and Great Tiger, is a major supporting character in Reckoning and one of the Six Divine Beasts in Wraiths and Deicide.


Before the Reckoning, Consecra was an arboreal Ildsif Aiha huntress. She was athletic and lithe, with cat-like claws, ears, and fangs, as well as a striped tail. Her unruly black mane was decorated with Nvaonese victims' teeth and colorful beads. Her weapon of choice was a glaive carved from bone, and her clothing was loose and allowed for dexterous maneuvers.   After the Reckoning, Consecra is a prominent figure in Akagawan sculpture, painting, and music. She is commonly depicted as a horned tiger whose stripes are filled with rows and rows of gnashing crimson fangs and tusks, and in some cases the barbed tail of a scorpion. The sacred spark of life is always included between her horns.  


Consecra was proud, deadly, and confident in her abilities. Although she worked alone, she had an unshakeable belief in the right of her people to live as they pleased. As such, she had no qualms killing any Nvaonese warriors who made to march for the Skyrealm on the path she guarded as part of her duty as an Aiha.   Although she was a warrior, she was not a cruel monster. She found the killings an unfortunate necessity, and would often urge intruders to turn back if she had the upper hand.   Bold, fierce, arrogant, and remorseless, Consecra held her convictions above all else. While her tormented soul truly wished for peace, her only outward desire was the destruction of her enemies and would-be trespassers.   Post-Reckoning
Following the Reckoning, Consecra was the one most tainted by Ammayn's corrupting influence due to being the one to consume her flesh and be trapped with her for eternity. Her love of life and the fierce protection of those dear to her were warped into an unquenchable bloodlust and unending rage. Her intolerance for those with different beliefs grew into a deep hatred that leads her to influence her Champions down a path of destruction.  


  • Consecra's spirit guards the Endless Battlefield, a bloody hellscape which Ammayn trapped them in so that she could torment Consecra for eternity. However, Consecra embraces it as an opportunity to keep Ammayn's spirit from re-manifesting and distracting her from the affairs of the new world.
  • Once per generation, Consecra chooses a mortal Champion from among the Akagawans to act as her avatar in the realm of the living. Although her eternal battle with Ammayn prevents her from keeping constant watch over them, she is capable of occasionally speaking to them and seeing the world through their eyes. In exchange for lending them her power, Consecra pulls their souls to the Endless Battlefield at the moment of their death to join her in the battle.
  • Consecra's season is the first of the year, and it is marked by deep red skies, blistering heat, bleeding sunsets, and hazy smoke. Creatures born in her season have red eyes.
  • Her divine domains are life, protection, teeth, fire, blood, birth, battle, and felines.
  • Her conflicts are destruction and wrath.


Consecra was a huntress born to the Aiha tribe which had long lived around the World Pillar, guarding the path to the Skyrealm. She was beloved by her people and loved them, too, in turn.   When war came, her people all died or fled; Consecra remained behind to fulfill their sacred duty to the world, even long after the war ended.   She looked down upon the Nvaonese and was more than skeptical when Fastid came to her, but eventually saw the truth in his eyes and allowed him passage.   When their final battle came and her lifeblood seeped from her, she devoured Arovutos's hand and destroyed the World Pillar , determined to bring about peace and equality through whatever means necessary, even if it meant physically colliding the Skyrealm and Deeprealm.   Post-Reckoning
Afterwards, the various figments of Ammayn dragged her spirit in with them to the Endless Battlefield, where she would fight them for all eternity. Closest to the source of the corruption, her spirit was warped by her Conflicts to become bloodthirsty and warmongering. Her memories of life became muddled, and she encouraged her chosen Champions to destroy everything in the brief times she was able to control them.  


  • Consecra's tarot card The Hierophant symbolizes tradition; conformity; morality; ethics and, when reversed, rebellion; subversiveness; new approaches.
  • Consecra's sacred flower is the red camellia which symbolizes perishing with grace.
  • Consecra's sacred numbers, 1 and 9, symbolize divinity and ascent to heaven.
  • PLS&TY - Run Wild | Hanatan - Senbonzakura

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