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Fastid, also known as the All-Seeing Eyes and Great Wolf, is the protagonist of Reckoning and one of the Six Divine Beasts in Wraiths and Deicide.  


Before the Reckoning, Fastid was a Nvaonese war-scholar and avid researcher. He was of average height and build, with dusky blonde hair and bright amber eyes. His clothes were finely tailored and befitting of a noble, though his cheerful smile and unguarded demeanor suggested a common birth. One or more hourglasses could always be seen tethered to his belongings, and he was never without some parchment and a quill to take notes with.   After the Reckoning, Fastid appears in the form of a great wolf, whose dusty brown pelt blinked with a thousand weeping, golden eyes. Despite his great size and power, he made himself seem small and powerless, unmoving from his tower of lament and forever shedding tears into the rivers of Akagawa.


Although he was often mocked among the war-scholars for his former status as a servant, Fastid never let the stigmas of others get in the way of his enthusiastic research. He was a naïve idealist, gullible and soft-hearted, but his kindness was also his greatest trait, and he never quite minded the consequences of his optimism. More than anything, he was determined to use his gift to make Aypavoc a better place.   Truly supportive allies were often missing from his life, very few sharing his childish dreams of peace after witnessing the tragedies of the spellplague and the war, but he clung stubbornly to his hopes. His principle desire was to bring peace to Aypavoc, as he hated having to hurt the Ildsif, although he did so to protect his people.   He was oddly fixated with being punctual, since he blamed himself for not being there in time to save his parents from the spellplague, though few people knew this as anything other than a quirky obsession with time.   Post-Reckoning
Eventually, Fastid's joy and curiosity were twisted by the goddess's hold over worldly impurity to turn into sorrow and despair. Fastid quickly blamed himself for crafting the plan that ended in tragedy for Aypavoc and ended in the death of Consecra. Every tear he shed furthered his self-loathing, until at last he could do nothing more than relive the past again and again, tormented by the path he chose.


  • Fastid maintains the Western portion of the barrier around Aypavoc. His domain is Akagawa , and he cannot leave it.
  • Fastid's season is the second of the year, where amber skies blink with a thousand golden eyes that constantly weep rain upon the land. Creatures born in his season have yellow eyes.
  • His divine domains are joy, curiosity, eyes, divination, earth, time, diligence, loyalty, and canids.
  • His conflicts are sorrow and isolation.


Fastid was born to a pair of servants in the castle, where he and Varys served Irev's noble family from a young age. Although the older nobles were cruel to him, he enjoyed playing with Irev in secret, and they were close friends.   When the spellplague struck, children were the most resilient to its affects; as such, he watched as his parents and his noble benefactors all died horrifically. Ill and grieving, he wandered to the courtyard, meeting a strange dream-like woman under a statue of the goddess: Baon. She bid him to drink of her blood, which allowed him to cast the magic that cured Varys and Irev.   Fascinated by Fastid's gift, Irev studied the magic he possessed and eventually derived a method by which Nvaon could cast their own magic. After bringing this knowledge before the king, the council of War-Scholars was created, and Fastid was elevated to a noble status.   Although Fastid loved research and using magic for good, his talents were unfortunately diverted to the art of warfare and destruction in the war. By the end of it, Fastid found himself sickened by what he had done; at a gladiator event featuring enslaved Ildsif, Baon revealed to him that the spellplague and the war were instruments of chaos used by Ammayn to change the world. Deciding that his morality mattered more than his duty, he freed Eldnyng despite Irev's pleas and took her to the World Pillar, where he consulted with Consecra over the truth and sought to confront the Apostles.   Eventually, they would slay two of the Apostles, but found themselves unable to kill Arovutos. Fastid and Irev devised a method to bind him, but Consecra was gravely wounded in the process, and destroyed the World Pillar as they were all cursed to the forms of beasts.   Post-Reckoning
Afterwards, the remaining Divine Beasts erected the barrier around Aypavoc, attempting to help the survivors of the cataclysm recover while they masked the history of magic and the suffering of the world. Blinded by a grief that was intensified by the curse of Confliction laid upon him by Ammayn, Fastid finally surrendered to the crushing weight of reality, losing all hope of being able to better Aypavoc. The tears he wept over Akagawa lent the land its fertile fields and magical laments.   Although the heroes of Wraiths made him feel vaguely hopeful again, their tragic deaths only deepened his sense of despair and madness.


  • Fastid's tarot card The Tower symbolizes sudden upheaval; broken pride; disaster and, when reversed, disaster avoided; delayed disaster; fear of suffering.
  • Fastid's sacred flower is the yellow zinnia which symbolizes loyalty; daily remembrance; thinking of an absent friend.
  • Fastid's sacred numbers, 2 and 11, symbolize partnership; balance; opposing yet complementary and union; marriage.
  • Bo Burnham - All Eyes on Me

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