Amerúin, the Sunrise City

Amerúin, also known as The Sunrise City, was the first city of the elves. It was located at the base of the World Tree in Haradren Gaer Arnad. The city was destroyed in the Third Age by Esturk, The World's End, and its name has largely been lost to time.


Amerúin was the prosperous first city of the elves, said to be founded in the First Age after the World Tree was created by the gods. In the wake of the Severance, the order of the Sacred Guardians would be founded here, centered at Caran Nimlo'than, the Hall of the Sacred Guardians.   The city was destroyed in the Third Age by Esturk, The World's End.



Amerúin was a prosperous city of exclusively elves. Laws of the land prevented other races from settling here. Both high elves and wood elves resided here, and some half elves could be found as well.  

Notable People

  • Galaduath Valaran: The last leader of Amerúin, who was in power during the city's destruction.


The First Age: The Age of Creations
This is the ancestral home of the elven race, and it is said it was created by the gods in the Age of Creations. The elves were given the World Tree so that they might be tied to its energies and receive long life.  
The Third Age: The Age of Zenethia
Halfway through the Third Age, Esturk brought fire and fury to the World Tree. Many elves of Haradren were slain in the fighting and the first city of the elves was razed before Zenthai, The Dragon King, defeated the Lord of Nadiria, who retreated back to the divine realm once more. Though he was repelled, Esturk earned the title "The World’s End".   With the city ruined and destroyed, the seat of government and capital of the country was shifted to Sarnhén-tul.   At some point after the fall of Amerúin, Caran Nimlo'than, the Hall of the Sacred Guardians, would be rebuilt. Over the next centuries, a town would slowly develop around it.

Around 3A 1000

Alternative Name(s)
The Sunrise City
Large city