
Elves are one of the most common races on Azimuth. Elves are humanoids with fey ancestry, known for their pointed ears, lithe build, and exceedingly long lifespans.



With their unearthly grace and fine features, elves appear hauntingly beautiful to humans and members of many other races. Elves are similar to humans in many respects, though they are slightly shorter and slimmer than humans.   Most elves have skin tones akin to humans, and their hair typically matches those of humans as well. Drow often have dark gray skin, though it can also range from deep blue to dark purple. Their hair is typically white.


They are slightly shorter than humans on average, ranging from well under 5 feet tall to just over 6 feet. They are more slender than humans, weighing only 100 to 145 pounds. Drow are often shorter than other elves, averaging around only 5 feet tall.   Although elves reach physical maturity at about the same age as humans, the elven understanding of adulthood goes beyond physical growth to encompass worldly experience. An elf typically claims adulthood around the age of 100 and can live to be 750 years old.


Early history and supposed creation

The first races were formed from the ether by the gods. The lines of elves, dwarves, and humans were crafted, and these races were gifted places of holy significance. The elves were given the World Tree so that they might be tied to its energies and receive long life. Indeed, the World Tree is where all elves draw their longevity from, and without it, their race would wilt away.   However, the early ages of the world were ones of war and strife. When the ancient Primordials were defeated, the first gods turned on each other. The gods warred using their creations at the loss of many lives. It was during this time of strife that a dark god made the drow, either created or modified elves intended to be tools to bring war to the first elves. But when the Severance came, the drow lost this purpose and their god, and found few places they could safely occupy without coming into conflict with their cousins.

Additional History

In the world that followed after the Severance, the elves grew beyond the valley of the World Tree to occupy most of Haradren Gaer Arnad. Those that with the loss of the gods remained to attend to this holy place and those that would continue to live amongst the forests closest to the Padequia Mountains to the north and east would become the wood elves. Those elves that most seriously studied the magics of the arcane during this time would eventually become the high elves, largely occupying the western plains and coasts of the continent.   After the emergence of the Dragons, the elves began to explore the seas. Their long lives meant they were uniquely suited to long voyages and periods of exploration. The elves built many great colonies in the Third Age but when Esturk, The World's End, attacked and nearly destroyed the World Tree, all elves felt an instinct to return and protect this place. Many elves became isolationist as they felt an internal pull to return and defend the source of their extended life. Though the process was slow, elven colonies across Azimuth were left abandoned.   This would change in the Fourth Age, when the influence of the Zenethian Heroes and the sacrifice of the warrior Gruknock saved the world from the evils of Esturk, The World’s End, and Psaro, the Manslayer. The Aristocracy aided them in the final battles of the Manslayer War, and slowly, western Haradren would open once more to the world and its multitude races. Though, the eastern forests are still a dangerous place for those of non-elven descent.


Elves love nature and magic, art and artistry, music and poetry, and the good things of the world. They live in places of ethereal beauty, in the midst of ancient forests and in silvery spires glittering with light.   Elves are tied with the nature of the world and reverance for the World Tree, and so many worship Gaia, The Allmother. The High Elves are tied to the whims of the sea, and as such the reverence of Avianor, The Timefather, and of Sehakora, The Maelstrom, is widespread as well. Some Wood Elves hold reverence exclusively for the World Tree itself, for it is older than the Dragons are.   Elves take up adventuring out of wanderlust. Since they are so long-lived, they can enjoy centuries of exploration and discovery. They dislike the pace of human society, which is regimented from day to day but constantly changing over decades, so they find careers that let them travel freely and set their own pace. Elves also enjoy exercising their martial prowess or gaining greater magical power, and adventuring allows them to do so.   High elves can be seen in places near the sea, often feeling a draw to the ocean and to exploration. They are primarily in the western half of Haradren Gaer Arnad, though most ports will see elven ships from time to time. Wood elves reside in the forests closest to the World Tree, sworn to its protection and defense. If one comes across a wood elf farther afield, they are usually there for a dire purpose. Drow for many centuries have isolated themselves in dark forests in the corners of the world, surviving on the fringes of history the best they can in places like the Durnur Forest and the Baruun Forest.

Elves in Gimora Major

Elves are a common sight in the coastal regions of Branca, the Kingdom of the South. There are many of mixed heritage in these regions as a result. Elven ships can also be seen in the ports of the Kingdom of Endor commonly as well.

Elves in Gimora Minor

The nation of Konenbur, the Theocracy of the Sea, is physically the closest region to the lands of the elves, and as such, interactions are common. However, tensions have been steadily rising in the region after the Invasion of Sinatold and the events of the Manslayer War affected the dynamic balance of influence here.   The Durnur Forest of the southern Ruined Coast is a known region of the drow. They can be seen often along this region, though the drow often try to remain on the fringes. However, the veracity of the Theocracy has started bringing conflict to the borders of the forest.

Elves in Haradren Gaer Arnad

The land of Haradren Gaer Arnad is the ancestral home of all elves. They are common across the continent, with high elves in the western half of plains, hills, and grasses, and with wood elves in the eastern half of trees, shade, and forests. In the center is the valley of the World Tree, a place that all elves defend and access for outside races is restricted.

Elves in Tarteria

High Elf traders frequent the many ports of the world. The elven colony of Calen Estel sits on the Serra Coast and has many elven settlers. Though there are no wood elf settlements in Tarteria, there is the drow settlement of Veldrinus is in the southern Baruun Forest.

Elves in Northwest Seas

In the Third Age, elven colonists came and built many great cities in places like Iluvitar. It was they who named the continent and surrounding seas in elvish. Eventually, most of these colonies were abandoned, and would be claimed by others, like the humans of Santeem.

Elves in Parthenia

The elves frequent all places on the maritime trade network, including the ports of the Parthenian Federation after its emergence in the Fifth Age. The changing of policies under the current Leader-Elect have opened the door for many such changes, though there is still some animosity felt for the bestial races, and elven settlers are very rare in Parthenia.


High Elf

High elves tend to be studiously minded. They rose to prominence during the Second and Third Ages, and many of them still train themselves in the arcane, learning some basic wizardly magic. High elven societies are more abundant in the western half of Haradren Gaer Arnad.  

Wood Elf

Wood elves tend to be some of the wisest of their kind. Elves of the wood are fleet of foot and train themselves to remain hidden in the natural environment. Wood elven societies are more abundant in the eastern half of Haradren Gaer Arnad.  


Drow are often charismatic. Due to living in the Underdark and places of shadow, drow have superior darkvision compared to other elves. However, they are unused to the light of the sun, and have difficulty seeing outside on sunny days. Drow have some natural magic ability, being able to create dancing orbs of dim light that fly under their control. More powerful dark elves are able to unleash a spray of these lights at their enemies to mark them as targets, and can also create pockets of magical darkness.

Notable Elves

Campaign One: Zenethian Heroes

Non-Player Characters

Azimuth Anthology: The Lost Vessel

Player Characters

Campaign Two: Lightbringers

Player Characters

Non-Player Characters

  • Al'phonas Muchaelas: High elf art collector and owner of the Galleria Magnifico at the Sapphire Palazzo.

Azimuth Anthology: Alarming Farming Festival

Player Characters

Azimuth Anthology: Tournament of Champions

Player Characters

Azimuth Anthology: Luyos

Non-Player Characters

Humanoid   Size
Medium   Age of Adulthood
Around 100   Lifespan
Around 750 years   Average Height
Between 5 to 6 feet   Average weight
Around 125 pounds   Skin color
Like that of either parent   Planes
Material Plane   Primary Locations
  • Soretta, the Undying Aristocracy
  • Durnur Forest
  • Veldrinus
Lunchmoney Snuggleshine Image.png
2022 Character Art by J Pleshe
2024 Character Art by Hero Forge, supplied by G.F.
2023 Character Art by K Bredain
2023 Character Art by Hero Forge, supplied by G.F.