Azimuth Anthology: Luyos - Session 05

Azimuth Anthology Series

General Summary

Iron Range

Kruthik Warren
After their tense agreement in the kruthik warren of the Horukzul Caverns, Daelee stepped away from Luyos and the Fane of the Fire Egg. Luyos was still shocked he was being allowed to leave, even if it meant aiding Daelee against The Copper Dozen. He felt lucky he’d decided to aid those young kruthiks during his battle two days ago.   As Luyos was being led away, he looked around the wide chamber. Almost two dozen kruthiks were in the dens around them. Luyos didn’t see any hive queen as he expected. Instead, the monsters seemed fully dedicated to Daelee as their leader.   On the upper ridge around the cave were piles of gathered gold and precious metals. These were evenly spaced all around in a large circle. Luyos felt this was obviously intentional. It appeared to be for some arcane purpose, but he couldn’t tell why or what the purpose could be.   Daelee called many of the kruthiks to her. This wasn’t a number for scouting; this was for battle. Luyos felt naïve. This no longer struck him as creatures simply existing in Azimuth. These were dangerous creatures, commanded by Daelee for some arcane purpose. This was a danger to Endor, the First Mountain. He thought, “Even if I get out of this, I’m going to have to tell someone about this.”   Daelee didn’t appear quite all there, as if her goals and morals didn’t mesh together. It was as if something was shaping her goals or altered her faith in some way. The scar on her face was old, but Luyos couldn’t determine if it was from the same time as The Copper Dozen’s previous disastrous attack on the warren.  
Horukzul Caverns
They were lead out into the winding caverns by the group of kruthiks. They led the way, avoiding dangers, monsters, and obstacles as they traveled. Luyos put a hand on Tha’theo. The drake stayed close, positioning between Luyos and the kruthiks as they walked.   Luyos didn’t know Daelee or how she was controlling the kruthiks, but she appeared to be bound by her words. He said, “This is quite a number of these creatures that seem to be following your will and words. How does an elf] come to be the hive queen of such creatures?”   Daelee dismissively said, “The connection I have to these creatures is still new to me, as, I imagine, your connection to your drake is to you, dragonborn. These are things that must be explored personally.”   He pressed, “You had been trying to get a hold of this here drake egg for your own purposes. Was it an attempt to get some type of connection? To make sense of whatever is happening with you and these kruthiks?”   Dalee said, “I do not know how similar the connections that each of us have are to one another. But somehow, I know that the connection you have with this drake is special. There’s an energy to it, untapped potential…”   She became quiet, but Luyos needed more information from her. “And these Copper Dozen are preventing you from exploring this connection to the kruthiks? Seeming to… go about your business?” Daelee didn’t reply.  
Iron Range Foothills
Their path brought them far from the warren and entrances Luyos knew of. After a full day’s travel through the winding caves higher into the Iron Range. Daelee gave no moment for rest. Luyos was tired, but he trekked on.   Much later, Daelee seemed preoccupied with the upcoming attack against The Copper Dozen. Luyos overheard her quietly say, “Once we are done, The Copper Dozen will no longer be tied to us. Tied to me. Once they are gone, we will be separate. Entirely.”   He said, “You sound as if you are trying to exterminate them, instead of just driving them away from you and your warren.”   Daelee said, “It would not be enough for them to be sent away again. I tried to send them away once before, and it was not enough. Krummer has returned and will not stop until he or I are dead.” Luyos could tell there was a connection between Daelee and Krummer, but he didn’t press any further.   In the early morning of 23 Sedaena, they emerged to a hidden tunnel entrance high in the foothills of the Iron Range. The rain had broken, leaving an autumn overcast sky.   Daelee directed Luyos to lead them back to Krummer’s campsite. He oriented himself with the peaks of the Iron Range and the views of the horizon. He started travelling southwards, heading from the rising slopes towards the lower foothills.  
Immrinni Stream Tarn
In the late afternoon, they reached a meltwater tarn settled below a mountain ridge. This was the source of the Immrinni Stream, high in the foothills.   Their path brought them along the edge of the water. Here, Luyos notices a leather trap on the coast. It was the same style as the one he’d found with Thelman. He looked around and found signs of recent activity.   He debated alerting Daelee, but even if he had, this many kruthiks travelling overland could not be stealthy.   As Daelee and the kruthiks approached the tarn from the north, Luyos saw movement to the south. Krummer and the rest of The Copper Dozen crossed a rise. They carried travel packs and camping gear, seemingly relocating their entire camp.   The groups saw each other. Immediately, shouts of surprise and trilling cries sounded out, and they prepared for an unexpected fight.  
Surprise Engagement
Krummer yelled towards the ridge and the scouting group of The Copper Dozen that had placed the trap appeared. Seeing the monsters, they opened fire as Krummer and the others moved forward.   Crossbow bolts flew towards them, some landing near Luyos. He knew he was a target in Krummer’s eyes. He and Tha’theo moved away from the trap at an angle away from the encroaching battleline. He couldn’t see Thelman anywhere, though, and he knew Daelee was creating some arcane threat.   He called out to Krummer, “I’m not with them! But I know where the den is, and I know what they’re doing!” He pointed to Daelee among the monsters.   Krummer saw the elf. This was the first time he appeared flustered. Luyos knew there was a connection there. Krummer glared back, questions on his face, but he had no time to ask them.   He yelled to The Copper Dozen, “Shoot the monsters dead. Leave the elf and dragon alive!”  
Hectic Combat
Daelee heard Luyos and Krummer. Solemly, she called to the kruthiks, “Kill them all.”   The kruthiks charged towards The Copper Dozen, some climbing up the ridge towards the perched crossbows. The fastest monsters reached Krummer and Luyos. As another ran towards Luyos, it triggered the trap and was caught, saving him from being flanked. Daelee quickly moved to cut it free.   After Krummer’s call, Luyos and the hunters charged in. The hunters fired back and ran forward to bolster their lines by the tarn and up on the ridge. In the battle lines, the hunters and kruthiks traded heavy blows and ranged attacks.   While the kruthiks were savage beasts, The Copper Dozen were monster hunters. Even as they took damage, they coordinated their efforts and started wounding the kruthiks back. Their survival instincts kicked in, and several tried to flee.   Luyos and Krummer each killed a kruthik and the line moved forward. Daelee recognized the fight was going poorly. Despite their greater strength, they were being overcome by superior tactics.   But the fight was taxing on the hunters. One of The Copper Dozen started to flee. Krummer saw this and yelled, “The next person that I see flees from this, I’ll gut myself!” The fighters were bolstered and attacked harder, slaying two more kruthiks.  
Lost Cause
Daelee knew the tactics of The Copper Dozen and that they were losing the fight. This had not been the ambush she wanted, and the difference in tactics was too much to overcome.   She let out a clicking, trilling whistle, and the kruthiks disengaged and fled towards the northern hills. Luyos and Krummer saw Daelee for a moment, a solemn somberness on her face, before she was lost in the mass of moving chitinous bodies.   The hunters pursued, shooting down two more kruthiks, before they were outpaced, and the monsters fled to the hills. Others started treating the wounded and ensuring the fallen monsters were fully dead.   In the midst of this, Krummer approached Luyos. He drove his weapon into a twitching kruthik on the ground, ending it. He said, “You better start talking, if what you say is true.”   With weapon still drawn and breathing heavily, Luyos replied, “Aye, I’ll tell you what I know, but first things first. Where’s Thelman?”
Report Date
09 Jul 2024
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Related Time
22 Sedaena 5A 178 to 23 Sedaena 5A 178