Krummer Flintforce

Dwarf Monster Hunter and Second-in-Command of The Copper Dozen

"The next person that I see flees from this, I’ll gut myself!"
Krummer Flintforce is a dwarf monster hunter of the early Fifth Age who appears in Azimuth Anthology: Luyos. He is the second-in-command of The Copper Dozen, which operated in the Kingdom of Endor. He is an NPC played by M.B.   He was originally an antagonist to Luyos, however the two worked together to rescue Daelee Thárdál and end the kruthik threat to the Iron Range.



Krummer is a younger-middle-aged dwarf man with unkempt, greasy chestnut hair. He has a dour visage, and his eyes are deep set and bloodshot. He has a full, dwarvish beard pulled into a singular plait held by a dark copper ring.   He wears arms and armor common to The Copper Dozen, including the copper disk sigil on his pauldon. His equipment has much wear and tear due to a lack of funding for its maintenance.   He is eqiupped with studded leather armor. He dual weilds a scimitar and short sword, and he has a basic crossbow.


Krummer is conniving, aggressive, and very abrasive. He does not express gratitude. He is intimidating in conversation and very hard to read, making it difficult to determine his motivations.   He has been shown to be very intelligent. He has a mind for tactics and long-term planning. He does not waste resources or labor, if it can be helped.   While he has shown he can work with someone sharing a common goal, even despite any distaste he has for them, he usually quickly determines what leverage he can use against someone he needs something from.   Krummer is strong in his convictions and displays a great loyalty to The Copper Dozen and to Daelee. He was willing to go to any lengths to pursue Daelee and secure her freedom, even by threatening others outside of their group.



At some point, Krummer became a member of The Copper Dozen, where he was taken under the wing of the leader, Daelee Thárdál. He showed an apptitude for planning and combat under the mentorship.   During their years of working together, Krummer and Daelee developed a strong familiarity and friendship.   When kruthiks started infesting the Iron Range, The Copper Dozen began working to eliminate them. Daelee led a group of The Copper Dozen during an attack, however, they never returned. With Daelee missing, Krummer assumed the leadership role for the group.   During this time, The Copper Dozen would lose prominence, as Krummer focused solely on the return of Daelee and the elimination of the kruthiks. With a lack of funding, the group's equipment would begin to deteriorate. Despite this, Krummer continued to drive the group steadfastly towards their goals.   At some point before 20 Sedaena 5A 178, Krummer orchastrated the capture of a pair of young kruthiks to use as bait.  

Azimuth Anthology: Luyos

Azimuth Anthology: Luyos - Session 01

On 20 Sedaena 5A 178, Krummer and three of The Copper Dozen set a baited trap outside the waterfall gulley entrance to the Horukzul Caverns.   The battle that ensued was interrupted by Luyos and Thelman, which resulted in the kruthiks fleeing to the caverns.   Krummer threatened Luyos and demanded Luyos find them a new entry into the caverns so they could eliminate the kruthiks. He said their group worked to eliminate unnatural things and mentioned, “Dragonborn aren’t necessarily natural things either."   Luyos asked what he could provide they couldn’t already do themselves. Krummer wanted to complete their task quickly, and he gave a thinly veiled threat against Thelman if Luyos refused.  

Azimuth Anthology: Luyos - Session 02

In the morning of 21 Sedaena 5A 178, Krummer learned from a ranging group the entrances to the warrens were being sealed and blocked by the kruthiks. Luyos approached and said it would help if he knew more about them. Krummer was frustrated and they traded barbs, but he shared information with Luyos.   It took Luyos only a couple hours to find another entrance with a single kruthik. Luyos asked to let them go, but Krummer denied him. They attacked and killed the kruthik as it fled into the cave.   While exploring, Krummer sent Luyos ahead into dangerous threats, including natural gas and an earth elemental. Luyos was pissed, but carefully lied, saying he would scout ahead. On the other side of the next tunnel, he used his acid breath to collapse the rocks. Krummer glared at the dragonborn as the accessway was blocked with falling boulders.  

Azimuth Anthology: Luyos - Session 05

On 23 Sedaena 5A 178, Krummer and the rest of The Copper Dozen were marching northwards to make a new campsite higher into the mountains. They crossed a rise and reached the Immrinni Stream's source tarn.   Krummer saw the group of kruthiks and Luyos at the tarn. Krummer yelled an alert and they prepared to engage. Luyos called out to Krummer, saying he wasn't with the kruthiks and he knew where the den was.   Krummer saw Daelee and appeared flustered. He glared at Luyos, then yelled, “Shoot the monsters dead. Leave the elf and dragon alive!”   A hectic melee broke out, and Krummer killed a kruthik in the fight. Krummer saw a hunter start to flee, and he yelled, “The next person that I see flees from this, I’ll gut myself!” The fighters were bolstered and attacked harder. As kruthiks were killed, Daelee made the call to retreat.   In the aftermath, Krummer approached Luyos. He killed a twitching kruthik on the ground and said, “You better start talking, if what you saw is true.”  

Azimuth Anthology: Luyos - Session 06

Luyos asked where was Thelman was. Krummer replied, “If you’re worried about your companion, he’s alive. We’ve kept him somewhere else in the event that you showed back up, instead of turning tail and running.” Luyos asked for proof, and Krummer said it was just his word.   Krummer asked about the kruthiks and suggested they exchange information. Luyos said he'd seen the kruthiks up close and now recognized the threat posed to Endor.   They discussed the hidden entrance and the others that were blocked. Luyos asked if they could remove the stone from the collapsed tunnel, but Krummer wanted to pursue the fleeing kruthiks quickly instead.   Luyos asked what Daelee could be trying to accomplish. Krummer said he didn't know, but he could tell she was acting strangely. He felt they were running out of time to save her. Luyos asked about Krummer's connection to Daelee. Though Krummer said the question was overly personal, he relayed their history.   After a short rest, they pursued the kruthiks. Krummer drove them forward hard, and they caught them near a cave entrance. When Krummer called out for Daelee to surender, Daelee ordered the kruthiks to attack as she fled into the nearby cave. As the fight broke out, Krummer ran after Daelee with Luyos and Tha’theo following behind.  

Azimuth Anthology: Luyos - Session 07

They caught up with Daelee at the Fane of Black Hematite. Daelee was visibly possessed and her voice attempted to intimidate Krummer. As she spoke, Krummer dodged as shadow folded around him. He taunted, saying, “If you want me to believe those words, whoever you are, you’re going to need to speak a bit more convincingly like the Daelee I know.”   Luyos called out the shadowy gem at the fane's center to Krummer. Krummer paid no mind and rushed forward. The shadow left Daelee and engulfed Krummer, possessing him, and he attacked Daelee as she stumbled.   Luyos ran forward, shoved Krummer away, and pulled Daelee away from the fane. Krummer pursued and attacked savagely.   Daelee slammed Krummer’s helmet, and the shadow faltered and scattered. Daelee caught his weapon with her greatsword, and they tensed against each other. As the entity faded, they looked at each other, really, for the first time in a long time and traded words.   The karakura surged with rage and extended a part of itself into the chamber. At Daelee’s order, they attacked. Despite the building damage, they weren’t forcing the karakura back, and the karakura wracked Krummer and Daelee, knowing their minds and anticipating their movements.   With a familiarity with hunting monsters and fighting side by side, Krummer and Daelee didn’t back down. A final hit from Luyos shunted the shadow to its body. Daelee touched the central gem and shattered the hematite prison. The karakura was forced out before them. Together, they attacked the fiend and sundered it, and the chamber fell silent.   In the aftermath, Daelee explained several things to Luyos and Krummer. While possessed, Daelee sought to sacrifice the connection she had with Krummer. The attack on The Copper Dozen’s camp was meant to enrage and draw Krummer forward. She knew he would have stopped at nothing to come find her. Krummer said, “Aye, that’s true. And I would have been walking right into this damn thing’s trap.”   With the monster defeated, they returned to the surface. The hunters displayed a range of emotions as Daelee and Krummer emerged. They seemed happy to have their leaders come through this alive.   Krummer told Luyos that Thelman at their previous campsite near the Immrinni Stream waterfall. If Luyos hadn’t returned, their plan was to ransom him back to the Ritivan Cartographers Guild for the funding they desperately needed.   Daelee retrieved an old and worn sigil of The Copper Dozen that Krummer held, and gifted it to Luyos for aiding them. Luyos thanked her and wished them well. Before Luyos left, he met eyes with Krummer for a moment, each acknowledging the aid they had no reason to give.


Daelee Thárdál

Krummer spent years mentoring with Daelee, and they developed a strong familiarity and friendship. Krummer showed strong loyalty to Daelee and seemed willing to risk much in his attempt to recover her.   He was familiar enough with Daelee to quickly recognize she was acting strangely, and he knew enough of her tactics to know that something was off, even before seeing her in person.


Krummer was very antagonistic and aggressive to Luyos. He displayed no care for his safety or for his status as a dragonborn.   Despite this, he seemed to quickly recognize Luyos's skills and abilities in order to leverage them in his quest to eliminate the kruthiks and rescue Daelee.


  • "Dragonborn aren’t necessarily natural things either, from my understanding. But they’re aligned on the divine, right?" - AA 05.01
  • "Dragonborn, if I wanted you dead, you’d be dead already." - AA 05.02
  • "The next person that I see flees from this, I’ll gut myself!" - AA 05.05
  • "I was never not going to come for you." - AA 05.07
Character Type
Non-Player Character   Actor

Current Status
Alive (5A 178)
Aligned Organization