Anthology NPCs

Throughout the five ages, many different peoples have influenced the fate and destiny of Azimuth. From the great kingdoms to the isolated lands, adventurers, heroes, politicians, thieves, priests, and warriors from races from all reaches of the world have made their mark, on their lands and those around the world. The vast tracks of land and the myriad dangers in Azimuth mean that such heroes will always be needed. For good or for ill, everyone can alter the trajectory of the world, however small in isolation it may seem to be.   However, this list is not complete. There are others that exist in cities and towns and the far flung places outside the known lands. What other stories must these unknown peoples hold, and what mark may they yet make on this world?  

Azimuth Anthology: Petra


An excitable young dwarf member of Petra D'Silva's crew on the Falcon. He was captured by the Tribe of the Golden Fur and later released during Petra's negotiations.  

Blink Dog Merchant

An orc merchant smuggling blink dogs. He was blamed by the gnome farmer for the destruction of his farmland, and the pair's argument in the Gilded Gnoll was interrupted by Petra D'Silva, Emissary of Beasts.

Gnome Farmer

A gnomish farmer and landowner from Lakanaba. His farm lands were damaged and he blamed the blink dog merchant for the damage. The pair's argument in the Gilded Gnoll was interrupted by Petra D'Silva, Emissary of Beasts.  

Ipoohw of the Golden Fur

The gnoll leader of the Tribe of the Golden Fur during the early Fifth Age. She led her band of followers from Parthenia to seek a new home. They settled in the Gorl Forest with the assistance of Petra D'Silva, Emissary of Beasts.

Azimuth Anthology: The Lost Vessel


Maalik hired the Lost Vessel Seekers to retrieve a lost item she was expecting from the transport vessel, the Harolaud. After their interactions with her and after the discovered more about the item she was seeking, the Lost Vessel Seekers decided to not return the Eight-Pronged Residuum Ring to her.

Sehakora, The Maelstrom

Sehakora, known by the title The Maelstrom, is the Dragon Diety of Thalassia, the Plane of Seas. She appeared before Durak Hamarhart in the Red Rocks Bay during the sinking of the Harolaud.

Andinir Brightdale

Andinir is the carriage driver that accompanied the Lost Vessel Seekers north from Endor, the First Mountain. He lost one of his horses in battle with owlbears.  

Bonnie Mereburr

Bonnie is a server at the Gilded Gnoll in Endor, the First Mountain. She served the Lost Vessel Seekers when they visited the establishment.  

Dulimund Dourwrek

Dulimund is a cleric of the Gromril Army, stationed at Fort Johanna. The Lost Vessel Seekers encountered him in a storm as he worked to heal Kurn, son of Vaka, who had been wounded from an owlbear attack.  

Jozor Wildfingers

Jozor is a member of the band Mithrilback. He met with the Lost Vessel Seekers before they departed the Gilded Gnoll and was also seen playing as Gertrude Oathenhammer and Arwin left Endor, the First Mountain.  

Kurn, son of Vaka

Kurn is an orc farmhand who works on a sheep farm near to Fort Johanna. The Lost Vessel Seekers encountered him in a storm as Dulimund Dourwrek worked to heal his wounds he had sustained from an owlbear attack.

Azimuth Anthology: Alarming Farming Festival

Releg Cirin

A human druid originally from Burland, the Kingdom of the North. He travelled to Tarteria seeking a powerful druid mentor. He was attacked by a Brain Hood which caused his magics to go haywire in Bridon Tillage and was saved by the Turnip Tillers.

Falamin Leabrace

The halfling leader of the Leabrace family in Bridon Tillage. After Releg Cirin's magic went haywire, he demanded the druid stay in town to repair the damage he inadvertently caused.

Azimuth Anthology: Tournament of Champions

Barduumus, The Battlelord

In response to the death of Zenthai, The Dragon King, Barduumus selected five warriors in Dynamia, the Plane of Strength, to battle for him in the Steel Soul Arena. The winner was promised a place in the Hall of Champions.

Azimuth Anthology: Luyos

Daelee Greenheel

An elven paladin who was in control of the kruthiks active in the Horukzul Caverns due to fiendish influence. Through her efforts, the Fane of the Fire Egg was collapsed into the kruthik's warren. She was later rescued by Luyos.

Krummer Flintforce

Krummer is the conniving and intimidating dwarf leader of The Copper Dozen, dedicated to eradicating “monstrosities and things that shouldn’t exist.” Though he was a threat to Luyos, they teamed up against the kruthiks to rescue Daelee.

Thelman Krestwall

A dwarvish member of the Ritivan Cartographers Guild who hired Luyos to map out the region of the Kings Towers. He was taken captive by The Copper Dozen and later rescued by Luyos.

Azimuth Anthology: Vikramadi

Grand Khan Drack

Drack was the Grand Khan of the Hobgoblin Khanate during the early years of the Fifth Age, when he said his fleet through the South Sea. After the Vikramadi was caught in a storm and crashed in the Ice Ways, he was captured by Hagillr, the Lone Hailstone.

Hagillr, the Lone Hailstone

The frost giant, Hagillr, controlled the Urskan Crevasse of Mösön Uul. Using Hagillr's Horn of Storms, he destroyed the fleet and the flagship of Grand Khan Drack. Trolls under his command then attacked the shupwrecked survivors.


Rendu was a Spear ranked member of the khanate military. He was on the Vikramadi when it sunk and survived the shipwreck. After repelling attacks from trolls, he began organizing shelter and defense, and sent Kholvek, Braavak, Ganbaatar, and Chotgorrin to silence Hagillr's Horn of Storms.