
Dragonborn Ranger, Drakewarden, Outlander

"A lot of people be wishing to dote on me thinkin’ it’ll give ‘em favor with one Dragon or another."
Luyos is a dragonborn ranger of the early Fifth Age who appears in Azimuth Anthology: Luyos. He is played by M.B.    



Luyos is a large dragonborn standing six-and-a-half feet tall with a heavy, sturdy frame. He is heavily muscular and the scales on his body add significantly to his mass.   His scale color is an ashy gray, like burned charcoal. This leads into darker slate colors on the tips of his scales, horns, hands, legs, and tail. His maw is angled and tough, with a wide jawline and prominent cheek and eyebrow ridges.   He has two large side horns angled backwards, and a single, shorter forehead horn. The back of his head and neck lead to an array of spiked scales leading down his back to his wide and flat tail. His eyes are a vibrant green, and the irises are slitted like a reptile's.   Luyos wears scale armor. Over this is a thick, dwarven-style furred leather jacket of deep brown. The leather fades to lightened sections from wear at the joints, creases, and edges. The jacket is long, appearing like a skirt of furred leather.   The arms of the jacket are woven thick strips of leather, providing additional protection from the elements. The inside has a layer of ram’s wool, which makes a thick collar. His leather gloves, bracers, and dwarvish boots have metal plate reinforcements on and are also furred ram’s wool.   He is equipped with a double-bladed bearded axe, stylized in a dwarven geometric design. He is capable of shooting acid from his mouth.   His voice is a baritone, and he speaks with a dwarvish accent and vocal style.   Luyos’s magic pulls from his existence as a Dragonborn and the connection to the divine in his bloodline. His magic is understated in appearance, and it often requires him to close his eyes as he reaches for that energy.


Luyos moves with confidence and ease, despite his mass and the thick and heavy equipment he uses.   When in a town or around a large crowd of people, Luyos often stands tensely. He dislikes going into towns, as he's uncomfortable with the attention he receives as a dragonborn.   He prefers to be in the wilderness and shows an apptitude for mountainous terrain. He believes that outside the city, there's no expectations, and you can just be yourself in the wilds.   He has a dwarvish sensibility, and he routinely grumbles.



In Ocana 5A 143, the newborn Luyos was left on the steps of the Temple to Zenethia in Endor, the First Mountain. He would be raised by the temple's orphanage, becoming the city's first dragonborn citizen.   Growing up, he was greatly affected by the city and faith's expectations of him as a dragonborn. This developed into an aversion to being treated as an object of faith and a resistance to being told what to do.   At some point in his youth, Luyos met a luminary of the Zenethia faith, Rannyl Grimsunder. It was through Rannyl that Luyos was first able to leave the city and experience the wilderness.   From that time, Luyos would spend any time he could outside the city. After he was old enough to do so, he would begin spending days or weeks outside the city in the wilds, and he became very familiar with the Iron Range.   As an adult, Luyos lives mostly in the wild, taking small jobs that use his skills as a ranger to fund the few supplies he needs. Other times, he takes jobs for the coin to give back to the church that raised him.  

Azimuth Anthology: Luyos

Azimuth Anthology: Luyos - Session 01

On 20 Sedaena 5A 178, Luyos met Thelman Krestwall at the Gilded Gnoll. They discussed the initial details of a job for the Ritivan Cartographers Guild, and Thelman asked several questions about Luyos.   They departed Endor. On their way, Luyos asked about Thelman. He was interrupted by a farmer offering Luyos the warmth of their hearth. Luyos recognized it as an attempt to curry favor and continued without addressing them.   In the foothills of the Iron Range, Luyos aided the inexperienced Thelman. Along the path, they found a large snare trap. Luyos looked around and investigated, but couldn’t recognize the monster tracks nearby.   Near the end of their day’s travel, they saw four people jabbing two bound young kruthiks. Luyos could tell they were trying to draw out an adult monster and felt uneasy about their tactics.   As they watched, in his head, Luyos heard a strange voice speaking in feelings. It conveyed a feeling of “woven duty”. The tactics of these hunters weighed heavily on Luyos, and he felt compelled to intervene.   As adult kruthiks arrived, Luyos shot a line of acid from his mouth and released the young kruthiks. Luyos called out to stop the attack and urged the kruthiks away.   Krummer, the leader of The Copper Dozen, threatened Luyos and demanded to know why he intervened. Luyos introduced himself and said he didn’t want any trouble.   The call was made to fall back. Krummer judged Luyos and said, “You’re coming with us.” The hunters brought Luyos and Thelman to a rough campsite. Luyos asked what they wanted. Krummer said as repayment for interrupting their hunt, he told Luyos to find them a new entry into the kruthiks’ caverns.   Luyos was unsure if the dwarf was telling the truth about their motivations. Krummer was very hard to read and was intimidating, and Luyos felt he didn’t have any choice but to accept.   Luyos and Thelman kept to themselves off to the side during the night. Luyos said, “Something about it makes me feel like they’re not necessarily going to let us off the hook that easily, aye?” Luyos wondered what the voice he’d heard meant and if he had made a mistake following that feeling.  

Azimuth Anthology: Luyos - Session 02

On 21 Sedaena 5A 178, Luyos awoke and prepared at The Copper Dozen’s camp.   He overheard more kruthik cavern entrances had been sealed. After trading barbs, he asked Krummer for more information about the creatures. During the conversation, Luyos noted the degraded equipment their group wore. Luyos asked how they knew about the kruthiks, and Krummer ended the conversation.   Starting from the waterfall gully, it didn’t take Luyos long to find another hidden entrance guarded by a kruthik. When Luyos said he considered their bargain fulfilled, Krummer said it was just the start of their work together.   Luyos suggested they wait for the kruthik to head into the cavern, but Krummer fired at the monster. At this time, the voice Luyos heard returned and conveyed he should not be burdened, as the freedom of choice had been taken from him.   To protect himself and Thelman, he jumped into combat and chased the kruthik inside. He struck it, and before it could bite back, it was killed by a bolt from Krummer.   Luyos recognized a buildup of noxious gases and they quickly moved away. Luyos cautioned that the whole cavern could be filled with it. However, Krummer forced Luyos further inside to determine how far it extended.   Luyos angrily said, “So, it’s going to be us just leading the way and triggering every natural obstacle for you, aye?” Luyos relented and asked to leave Thelman behind, and he went forward alone.   He crossed the gas and a buildup of water, taking damage from the poison. He reached the far side, which was clear, and he regained his breath.   He lit a torch and found a cavern with signs of kruthik tunnels and an old battle. Nearby he heard rumbling sounds and alerted Krummer to it after he crossed to him. Scouting ahead through a rubble-filled tunnel, Luyos encountered a tiny earth elemental that attacked him. It was swiftly killed by Krummer.   Luyos suggested Krummer gather his other Copper Dozen members, saying, “If you want me to be of use to you, sending me to my death like this is going to be no way to do it.”   Luyos knew Krummer already had what he needed and felt Krummer was intentionally trying to send him to die. He recognized the rusted weapons in the cavern as the same ones The Copper Dozen wielded and felt this was actually a play for revenge by Krummer.   Luyos knew he was trapped in this situation and would die if he tried facing Krummer directly. He carefully lied, saying he would scout ahead. After crossing through the rubble, he used his acid breath to collapse the tunnel, separating him from Krummer but leaving him trapped.  

Azimuth Anthology: Luyos - Session 03

Luyos rested, recovered, and counted his supplies. He looked into the exits from the chamber, and once ready, he followed the pathway he felt led in the direction of the waterfall gully entrance.   He found a large number of cave bats in the next area. He thought to use their droppings to find another exit, but the path seemed to no longer be used by them.   Following it, he found a rockfall with water coming in. As he went to investigate to see if there was an exit, he was attacked by a stirge. He had enough time to carefully place his torch and ready himself, killing the stirge with an axe swing. The rockfall didn’t lead to a path back out, so Luyos was forced to backtrack.   He reached a passage with more kruthik burrows, though these appeared abandoned. It seemed the kruthiks were already abandoning these warrens before The Copper Dozen’s attack. He found a set of stones arranged in a rune of some kind, but he felt it was just a trick of the light or happenstance, and he continued on.   The next chamber was a large opening with a massive sinkhole in the center, and more runic stones surrounded it. Giant rats and large spiders began to attack. As he moved to engage, the voice manifested again. It drew his attention to one of the runes that vibrated subtly.   Luyos defeated the beasts and went to the stones. The runes appeared to be holding something here, and Luyos worried about releasing something if he meddled with them.   He called out, “I don’t know quite about magic and runic circles, and the like, but is this what you have been drawing me towards?” There was no reply.   Luyos cast Detect Magic. The runes were divine and seemed to be from the earliest years of the Fifth Age. He said, “I don’t know what you want me to do here. Am I supposed to be targeting it? Am I supposed to be breaking this rune then?” There was no reply.   He thought back to the times he’d felt the voice. It didn’t strike him as something or someone trapped. Luyos felt he needed to act.   He took his axe and scattered the rune. The other rune stones blasted apart. A blinding wave of powerful divine energy filled the cavern. The sinkhole rumbled and shook, and Luyos jumped back.   The Fane of the Fire Egg emerged from the sinkhole and rose to the cavern floor. At first, it reminded Luyos of stories of the Heart of the Desert at Ruin's Temple. As his eyes recovered from the blinding divine energy, he saw a red egg floating gently at the center.   Cautiously, Luyos approached. The voice seemed to urge him towards it. He reached and touched the egg. From beneath his hand, the red shell cracked. In a matter of moments, a red-scaled drake hatched.   Luyos was speechless. Before he could begin to ask if this was the source of the voice he’d been hearing, other sounds caught his ears from something else drawn to the rumbling fane.  

Azimuth Anthology: Luyos - Session 04

A spectral Fifi was summoned and approached the fane. Luyos felt a new connection to the drake, which conveyed its name "Tha'theo". Luyos could tell that the dire wolverine was a defender of the fane, and he prepared to fight.   During the battle, though their connection was new, Luyos commanded Tha'theo in draconic. The fight initially went well, but Fifi severely hurt them both while damaging the fane.   Luyos commanded Tha'theo away and stepped between Fifi and the drake. He braced for an attack, but one never came. His act of self-sacrifice seemed to resonate with Fifi. He cautiously cast Cure Wounds on her and thanked her for not killing them before she faded and disappeared.   Luyos and Tha'theo rested at the fane. Their bond didn't yet allow steady communication, but Tha'theo showed comfort and connection to Luyos.   In the morning hours of 22 Sedaena 5A 178, the sinkhole reformed beneath the fane. Luyos tried to escape it but was swallowed in the collapse. They landed in an active kruthik warren, but were spared by Daelee calling off the creatures.   Daelee had been trying to claim the egg for herself, and recognized that her opportunity to hatch the egg and bond with the drake was missed. Luyos asked what that meant for them now.   In exchange for information about The Copper Dozen's location, Daelee agreed to lead Luyos out of the caverns and let them go. Luyos thought this grace might be because he had saved the two young kruthiks earlier.   Luyos said, “I have heard empty promises before.” He was very unsure of this elf, but Luyos sensed the elf was attempting to be open in her intentions and would be bound by her words. He tentatively agreed.  

Azimuth Anthology: Luyos - Session 05

As Luyos was being led away, he noticed the number of kruthiks in the warren and the gathered gold, which was set in an arcane circle. Luyos felt naïve, seeing that the kruthiks were a danger to Endor.   They were lead out into the winding caverns. As they went, Luyos put a hand on Tha’theo. The drake stayed close, positioning between Luyos and the kruthiks as they walked.   Luyos tried to talk with Daelee to learn more information. She was dismissive, though she did say Luyos's connection to Tha'theo was special. When Luyos asked if that was why she had sought the drake egg, she didn't reply.   Later, Luyos heard Daelee talking quietly about The Copper Dozen. Luyos could tell there was some connection between Daelee and Krummer.   Daelee gave no moment for rest. Luyos was tired, but he trekked on. In the early morning of 23 Sedaena, they emerged and Daelee directed Luyos to lead them back to Krummer’s campsite.   At a meltwater tarn, Luyos noticed a trap similar to the one he'd found earlier. There were signs of recent activity. He debated telling Daelee, but knew this many kruthiks would not be stealthy either way.   Luyos then saw movement to the south as Krummer and the rest of The Copper Dozen crossed a rise. The groups saw each other and immediately prepared for an unexpected fight.   Crossbow bolts flew towards them, and he and Tha’theo moved away from the encroaching battleline. He couldn’t see Thelman anywhere. He called out to Krummer, “I’m not with them! But I know where the den is, and I know what they’re doing!” He pointed to Daelee among the monsters.   As the kruthiks charged forward, Luyos turned to aid Krummer and The Copper Dozen. A kruthik battled Luyos and Tha'theo, which Luyos killed when it was wounded and tried to retreat.   The tactics used by the hunters were effective, and Daelee called for a retreat. Luyos and Krummer saw a solemn somberness on her face as they fled.   As they recovered, Krummer approached Luyos and said, “You better start talking, if what you saw is true.”   With weapon still drawn and breathing heavily, Luyos replied, “Aye, I’ll tell you what I know, but first things first. Where’s Thelman?”  

Azimuth Anthology: Luyos - Session 06

Luyos asked, “Are you going to tell me where Thelman is, or are you going to be using that weapon of yours?” Krummer said they kept Thelman alive incase Luyos returned. He asked for proof, and Krummer said it was just his word.   Luyos now recognized the threat the kruthiks could pose to Endor and admitted he had been naïve. Luyos said, “I don’t exactly view you as an ally, with the way that you’ve been treating me, but these kruthiks are a danger. So, I hope that you and I might be able to set aside whatever differences we have and work together. At least, that’s what I’m assuming you set aside Thelman for, aye?”   They agreed to exchange information. Luyos asked questions about Daelee and The Copper Dozen, and he provided information about the kruthik warren, the blocked entrances, and the gathering of gold in a spell circle.   Thinking of the connections Daelee was seeking, Luyos asked about Daelee and Krummer’s relationship. Though Krummer said the question was overly personal, he agreed that Luyos being informed was the tactical choice and relayed their history.   They took a short rest in the foothills. Luyos tended his and Tha’theo’s wounds. He saw members of The Copper Dozen looking towards them, but they keep their reactions to themselves. During this time, Luyos briefly explained the caverns and dangers he’d encountered.   Using shortcuts and pathways Luyos knew, they followed the trail of kruthik tracks, and they overtook the kruthiks in the high foothills. As a fight broke out, Krummer ran after Daelee with Luyos and Tha’theo following behind.   They tried to force their way by an attacking kruthik. It reeled and struck Tha’theo harshly before they could rush past it into the cave. Following Daelee’s trail led them to a dark cavern.   As they entered, Luyos felt a sapping of his energy. Ahead, a dark aura weighed on Daelee. She turned towards them and they felt the aura’s pressure. Suddenly, the walls all around them ignited in dark fire and they realized they were cut off from the exit.  

Azimuth Anthology: Luyos - Session 07

Luyos saw a shadow held inside the central gem of the Fane of Black Hematite and realized the creature within had possessed Daelee somehow.   There was an eagerness from Tha'theo to destroy the entity. He felt it had somehow previously tried to claim Tha’theo’s egg and became trapped as a result.   Luyos called out the gem to Krummer while keeping his distance. Krummer paid no mind and rushed forward. As a result, the possession aura switched from Daelee to Krummer as they fought.   He ran forward and shoved Krummer away. He grabbed Daelee’s shoulder and pulled her back out of the circle. A possessed Krummer said he had stolen his "prize" and attacked Luyos.   After Daelee banished the aura from Krummer, a shadowy form stepped forward from the gem. Luyos fired his bow, but the arrow went through the shadow harmlessly.   The group attacked the karakura, but they weren’t forcing it back. It severely attacked Tha’theo and Luyos felt their connection break for a moment before Daelee healed him.   Luyos recognized the fane's stones as black hematite, and with a Detect Magic spell, he learned abjuration magics had trapped the shadow creature. Luyos reached out with the divine energy of his own essence to empower the fane, and the karakura was severely wounded by the fane's spell.   Luyos and Tha’theo joined Krummer and Daelee, pushing the karakura back. Luyos attacked a final time with Tha ’theo’s fire. In a surge of grey light, tendrils pulled the shadow back into the gem.   Luyos said to charge the gemstones. Daelee disagreed, saying they should release the fiend and kill it. Luyos asked if she was certain, but at Daelee's touch, the hematite shattered. They slew the karakura and it was scattered away.   Luyos asked if they’d won. Daelee said it was gone and would trouble them no more. In the aftermath, Daelee explained how she was possessed and what the karakura was working towards with the fane, the drake egg, and The Copper Dozen. Luyos asked how the karakura knew about the fane and egg at all. Daelee said she didn't know.   They returned to the surface and rejoined The Copper Dozen. Krummer told Luyos where he could find Thelman. Luyos asked about the remaining kruthiks and the spell circle. He said it should be undone and offered to help them. Daelee said they had troubled him enough.   She gave him her previous sigil and said, “This, from my understanding, still carries some weight in the First Mountain. I know it is not the reward that you deserve for having helped save my life and Krummer’s life, but take this with the promise that we will deal with these kruthiks.” She continued, “This sigil is the thanks that I can give you, and as long as you carry it, you are a friend to The Copper Dozen.”   Luyos thanked her and wished them well. He bowed to Daelee and shared a look with Krummer before tracking towards the campsite.   On the way, Luyos pondered questions about Tha’theo and their growing connection. He said, “I think you and I are going to have to do something that I don’t necessarily want to do, and that’s head back to the First Mountain. That place had some connections to the divine. Certainly, there’s something on the edge of my memory about drakes such as you. I think it’s time we go and talk to a friend of mine and maybe get some answers about you, your egg, and that fane, aye?”   He reached the camp, where Luyos showed Daelee’s sigil and quickly explained what had happened. With questions answered, the hunter departed to rejoin the others, and Luyos released a grateful Thelman.   Luyos said they would have plenty of time to talk on the path back to Endor. In the morning, Thelman annoyed Luyos with many questions about the caverns, the kruthiks, and Tha’theo. Luyos grumbled as they departed eastward towards the city.

Character Information


On 20 Sedaena 5A 178, Luyos took a job with Thelman Krestwall, mapping the region of the Kings Towers for the Ritivan Cartographers Guild. Their journey was later interrupted by an encounter with The Copper Dozen.

Notable Items

  • Tha'theo, the Rage Drake: Luyos uncovered a rage drake egg hidden at the Fane of the Fire Egg. At his touch, the egg hatched, and Tha'theo joined him. They share a connection and can communicate telepathically in a limited fashion.


  • "Aye, I’ve got an axe, and I know how to use it, too, for people who cross me. But, you want ranging, I can range. You want hunting, I can hunt. Hopefully, anything we come across is going to be scared off by this here axe." - AA 05.01
  • "A lot of people be wishing to dote on me thinkin’ it’ll give ‘em favor with one Dragon or another." - AA 05.01
  • "Let us hope that whatever fate I find down here, I can find my way out." - AA 05.02
  • "Normally, I stay away from the divine, but it seems that the divine continues to find me." - AA 05.04
  • "That is quite a gamble to be playing with the will of the divine domains!" - AA 05.07
  • "I don’t want to be running from something that I don’t understand." - AA 05.07
2024 Character Art by Hero Forge, supplied by M.B.
Character Type
Player Character   Actor

Current Status
Alive (5A 178)
34 (5A 178)
Date of Birth
Ocana 5A 143
Circumstances of Birth
Endor's First Dragonborn
2024 Character Art by Hero Forge, supplied by M.B.